Relaxing Walk

So the two of them laughed and had fun while making food together. During this time, Shen Yu showed him how to do some things which he didn't know how to do.

He wasn't a complete failure however as Yun Tian also surprised her with his skill in cooking.

He may have onely roasted some animals over a fire in this world, but the Yun Tian on Earth lived by himself for a long time. He was just not used to using primitive things and not having advanced technology.

He just had to get used to things and he did in fact learn quickly so it was no problem for him. After they had their fun cooking the food was finally done and they called out to Ming Yu that the food was ready.

They then all sat together to eat.

Ming Yu complimented their food and they started to talk together.

At one point, Yun Tian said "I am sorry if I scared you earlier this morning Auntie Yu."

Hearing this Ming Yu smiled and thought 'I knew he was a good kid. He must have his reasons. I shouldn't bother too much about them though if he won't say.'

She said basically the same thing to him as what she thought "It's fine. Just you apologizing here is more than enough. I know you must have your reasons. I can tell that you're a good person though and that is all I care about."

"Thank you Auntie Yu. About my reasons, there is actually no reason for me to hide them anymore. I am already fully healed."

With that he took off his bandages showing his completely unscathed body.

Ming Yu said "Oh! That's great!"

She had been worrying about this the whole time since Yun Tian seemed to really have no idea about why his wounds were healing so fast at first.

Seeing her genuine happiness at this made Yun Tian like this family even more. He thought 'Why can't everyone just be like them?'

Then he sighed in his head, but he did not show any of his pessimistic thoughts especially since he was so happy today and these thoughts didn't bother him that much.

"Anyway Auntie Yu I will tell you and Uncle Chen something later that I bet will surely surprise you guys."

Hearing this she became even more interested since she now knew he would tell her his secret and said "Why don't you just tell me now?"

Yun Tian said "I want to surprise you both at once."

She relented hearing that and they continued talking.

By now they were finishing eating. Ming Yu said "I will go bring Wu Chen his lunch then. Are you two going back to your room for the rest of the day then?"

Shen Yu said right away "No we were planning on spending today with you and cute little Hau."

She was surprised hearing that, but asked "Do you want to come with me then?"

Shen Yu answered first again saying "Sure let's go."

Yun Tian smiled wryly since his opinion was obviously being ignored, but he didn't really care since he had already planned on relaxing and doing whatever Shen Yu wanted for the rest of the day.

With that they put the food for Wu Chen in the container Ming Yu already prepared and then left to walk to the gate where Wu Chen was.

They chatted along the way and the little girl even asked Yun Tian "Carry me like Daddy always does!"

Hearing that Yun Tian was gentle with her like he had been during his entire stay and asked her "How does your Daddy carry you?"

"Daddy carries me high on his shoulders."

Hearing that Yun Tian thought about how ironic it was that he would princess carry Shen Yu and he would give this little girl a piggyback ride.

Shen Yu saw the smirk on his face as he looked at her and from their conversation she could infer what he was thinking of. The situation was funny so the only thing she could do was blush and make a little huff noise like she was mad.

This only made Yun Tian laugh, but he didn't forget about the little girl. Instead of picking her up immediately though he looked at Ming Yu and asked "Is it fine if I carry her Auntie Yu?"

Ming Yu said back "It's fine if you want to. Otherwise you don't have to."

"Okay little Hua since your mom said it was fine, hop on then."

After that he squatted down so it was easier for the little girl to get on his shoulders.

Then they continued walking to Wu Chen.

The little girl was happy being carried and being high up. She looked around and had fun on his shoulders talking to Yun TIan.

Yun Tian walked with a smile the entire time which also made Shen Yu smile.

Ming Yu smiled and talked with them. She also thought though 'I kind of feel like a third wheel right now.'

The entire scene just radiated happy family vibes and made people smile when they saw them.

Even the people they passed by would comment "What a cute family." or "That little girl is so cute."

There were also people calling Yun Tian a good brother and there were also the girls they passed by giving Yun Tian more than one look. He was after all quite handsome and gave off the aura of a heroic noble.

This along with him playing so nice with a little girl made even older and young women look at him and want to snatch him up.

Besides the girls looking at Yun Tian, people would look at Shen Yu too and have thoughts about her. When Yun Tian noticed any of these people he would give them a death stare while no one was paying attention.

Yun Tian has been hunting for a long time in his life so the killing intent he gave off was quite scary to these random citizens in town who immediately broke into cold sweats and looked away.

Yun Tian didn't know this, but Shen Yu did the same for the women looking at him. She may have hunted like he did, but not for as long as him. This did not make her killing intent any less scary to these people as her's was somehow even scarier than Yun Tian's.

Many people talked along the way with Ming Yu and asked who Yun Tian and Shen Yu were.

She however only told them that Yun Tian and Shen Yu were staying for a few days and nothing more.

This did not go on for long however as they soon reached the gate where Wu Chen was. It did not take them longer than fifteen minutes.