
Yun Tian and Shen Yu walked hand in hand in the front of the group.

While the people who saw the group saluted towards Feng Mei and Feng Shi, they couldn't help but wonder who Yun Tian and Shen Yu were.

They walked relatively fast through the paths and went past many courtyards and dwellings eventually reaching the area in the center of the clan. Here Yun Tian saw several buildings that he could guess what they were used for.

One of the buildings he could tell housed the hall where they gathered to discuss things and he saw another building with multiple floors which he guessed was their place for storing manuals of skills and other things.

They walked past those buildings and eventually stopped in front of a large house that had the words 'clan leader's residence' engraved above the door.

Upon reaching it Feng Mei said "My father asked me to let him thank you in person before anything else if you were to show up again."

Yun Tian nodded in understanding and Feng Mei opened the door.

At this a voice came from inside saying "Daughter your home. Did you have fun going out?"

Shen Yu quickly stifled him saying "Dad, we have guests. Stop embarrassing me."

With that laughter was heard from inside and Feng Mei walked out of the house again. Behind her followed the Feng clan's leader, Feng Bao.

His heroic aura and the impressive feeling he gave off made Yun Tian have a good impression of him. Also the way he spoiled his daughter made Yun Tian think he was at least kind to those close to him.

Upon coming out Feng Mei introduced them to each other "Father this is the young hero who saved me and his sister. Their names are Li Hao and Li Yu."

She still remembered the names they gave her. Yun Tian didn't correct her to their real names since he planned on using those names still.

She continued and introduced her father to them.

"This is my father Feng Bao. He is the clan leader of the Feng clan."

Feng Bao said after that. "It is good to meet you two. I have been looking forward to being able to thank you two for saving my daughter. Please call me uncle Bao."

With that he bowed to show his sincerity in thanking them.

Yun Tian admired the fact that he could bow to juniors and said "Uncle Bao there is no need to bow at all. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time."

Feng Bao then stood straight and then said "My daughter has told me many times how strong you are. Would you mind a little test, so I could see your strength for myself?"

He said this with a little skepticism in his eye, but Yun Tian thought this was completely normal since he was so young. He was not intimidated though.

Before he broke through he defeated the Grand Elder from his clan who was a late dantian building expert and from what he was told this Clan Leader was also a late dantian building expert.

The Grand Elder from his clan may have been old and his strength was very weak compared to others in the same stage, but he fought with his life on the line taking a special pill to increase his strength.

Thus, he was not worried about anything. In fact, he welcomed this challenge to see just how much stronger he had grown.

So he said "Sure I don't mind. I have grown stronger recently and I was looking for a way to measure my new strength in fact."

With that he started to give off an aura of great strength that did not lose out to the clan leader's momentum at all and pressured those around. This shocked Feng Mei since she could tell that Yun Tian had grown even stronger.

Feng Bao laughed at this and said "Ha Ha Ha! Good spirit young man. How about this? I will go easy on you. Just throw a punch with all your strength and I will block it."

Yun Tian gave him a weird look at that. He wasn't sure what to say.

He could only say "Are you sure? I don't want to hurt you. How about we change roles? You punch and I block."

While he may not be that well trained with fist arts as he is with the sword, his physical strength had grown immeasurably and he wasn't sure if he would have enough control over it to not hurt him.

Not counting that, he was much more confident in his defence too. He had his strengthened body along with his qi shields that were much stronger than other cultivators, that he gained from his higher quality qi and training the qi materialization technique.

At his phrase though everyone except Shen Yu made weird expressions. They had seen his strength previously, but that was the Clan Leader and they didn't see how he could be stronger.

Feng Bao in specific made an expression like he was holding in a fart. This made Shen Yu laugh and Yun Tian had to pinch her hand since she was being slightly disrespectful.

She thought inwardly 'I couldn't help it. His face looked too funny.' She didn't say this out loud though.

Hearing her cute laughter made Feng Bao smile and let go of his annoyed thoughts.

'Alright they are still too young to understand my strength. I will go easy on him.'

"Okay then we will do it your way. I won't make you lose out either. I already planned to give you some rewards for saving my daughter, but if you can defend my punches without stepping back, I will give you a small gift of a low spirit grade sword."

He already learned from his daughter that Yun Tian already had two. He was only giving him another so that Yun Tian could use it for other things. Also, his plan was to start easy and hold back when Yun Tian couldn't handle it anymore. He truly held nothing but gratitude towards Yun TIan. The test was purely from his curiosity.

Yun Tian didn't notice this and took it as a real challenge which made him excited. He said "Sure. If I lose I will give you the same thing."

Feng Bao smiled once more, admiring Yun TIan even more.

Feng Bao then said "Alright you heard our bet, now give us some space everyone."

Everyone except Shen Yu backed off as she stood next to Yun Tian's side. She looked at Yun Tian and he said in response "You trust me right?"

With that she nodded and backed off too. She had seen Yun Tian's strength before and he had only grown stronger. Even though this was the case she would always worry for him. Yun Tian knew this too so he didn't mind. It would be the same for him about her after all.