Breaking Standards

After that it was only Yun Tian and the clan leader standing together in the open space in front of his house. Some members of the Feng clan stood in the surroundings when they noticed a commotion happening.

Feng Mei watching couldn't help but secretly wish Yun Tian would win, however she still thought it was impossible.

Feng Shi was genuinely curious about the outcome, but he had a feeling that Yun Tian would show them something amazing again at the very least.

Shen Yu was the only one in the crowd who was completely confident in Yun Tian. She may worry about him, but in the end she knew Yun Tian would always be the best.

As for Yun Tian and Feng Bao, they standing in front of each other evaluating their opponents. Feng Bao said to Yun Tian "Alright, I will start off light then. Tell me when you are ready."

Since he would start off light, so would Yun Tian. He didn't deploy the demonic energy to strengthen his body nor did he project a large amount of qi to protect himself.

He only stuck his hand out in front of him and said "Alright then. Go ahead."

He thought that the clan leader would probably start off with an attack for early dantian building experts and he assumed that since he was only using one hand to block, the clan leader would underestimate him even more. Even without all of that though, he trusted the strength of his enhanced body. Otherwise, he wouldn't be confident enough to do this.

Seeing him do this the clan leader's thoughts were indeed similar to his expectations. He knew that Yun Tian had killed a mid dantian expert, but he didn't know how it was done.

Thus, he wasn't sure of his strength or defensive capabilities. Along with how casual Yun Tian was being, he prepared to throw out a punch that would be easy for normal early dantian building experts to block.

Seeing Yun Tian's casual method of preparation, the Feng clan members in the surroundings wondered who this arrogant young man could be. Their gossip became silent as they saw their clan leader preparing to make a move.

Feng Bao said "Alright, here I come" and then threw out his punch.

Yun Tian still did nothing extra and only held out his hand. While the strength of the punch Feng Bao wasn't terribly strong, it would still require you to be in the dantian building realm to block it. Even so, a normal early dantian building expert would not be able to block it as casually Yun Tian was trying to.

When Feng Bao's punch hit Yun Tian's hand it made a loud thud almost like something heavy crashing into the ground or a wall at high speed.

Just hearing the noise made everyone aware of the strength of the punch. Still, even after that punch hit Yun Tian's fist, he did not move at all and was firm in his stance.

While looking at the result of the punch no one said anything, but you could tell what they were thinking just from their eyes and open mouths.

They were absolutely stunned that Yun Tian was so strong that he could take that punch while being so casual.

Shen Yu though had a different look and different thoughts. Her eyes were basically making hearts at this point and she couldn't stop thinking 'He is so cool. He acts so casual even when facing strong opponents.'

She wasn't the only one as Feng Mei was thinking similar thoughts.

Feng Bao himself couldn't help but laugh and say "Hahaha, so you do possess some right to be arrogant. Let's see if you can keep this casual appearance up though."

Yun Tian smiled and said "Bring it on."

He saw that the force of the next punch would be equivalent to a mid dantian expert's strike.

Even with that being the case he still only held out his one hand.

Feng Bao said "Here I come" and punched again.

This time the thud was as loud as an explosion and the Feng clan members had started to think they were dreaming. He was still standing there unharmed and unmoved, even after that last punch.

Feng Shi couldn't help but sigh thinking 'I train so hard and can barely grow stronger. This young man however was stronger than me before and is even stronger now.'

Everyone watching had similar thoughts.

Shen Yu however grew worried instead. She knew the clan leader would start to use his real strength now.

Just like she thought Feng Bao sighed and said "Ha, to think you would make me use late dantian building realm strength."

At this, Yun Tian became more serious too since he didn't know exactly how much stronger he had gotten along with not knowing Feng Bao's strength. There was also the fact that Feng Bao had only been throwing normal punches so far without using any additional skills or qi accompanying them.

Yun Tian said "I will get more serious too then."

After that he crossed his arms in front of him and deployed a basic layer of qi to protect himself. He didn't use a lot or apply more using what he learned from the qi materialization skill.

Even though that was the case, when he deployed his qi barrier the dantian building experts there gasped at the density and purity of his qi. This included Feng Bao.

'This kid is quite mysterious huh. No matter what though I owe him, so I don't have to worry too much and shouldn't care too much about this.'

Feng Bao once more announced his attack and delivered a punch with strength in the late dantian building realm.

His punch made everyone around hold their breath and feel as if they would die for certain if it was coming at them. The sound was even louder and travelled way past the surrounding buildings.

Yun Tian though held strong and stood in his spot unmoved. The punch managed to dent his qi barrier, but with the strength of his body behind it too he still did not move an inch.

Feng Bao said "What great strength for only being in the mid dantian building realm, but I think this is the most you can handle if you have nothing else to show. How about we stop here? You can have the sword even if we stop here. You have more than earned it with what you have shown."

Yun Tian was not surprised he saw through his cultivation. He also knew what he meant. Most experts would not have more to use to defend themselves in a head on collision like this. Feng Bao though still had yet to show his skills or his full strength while using his qi.

This was all based on the standards Feng Bao had in mind though.