Clearing The Crowds

Those who were feeling excitement a moment ago at the Yun clan's downfall immediately had a bucket of cold water poured over their heads.

Yun Tian did not stop though as he continued after turning to the Yun clan saying: "Don't think you've gained a new backer though Yun clan. I just don't want the clan destroyed and that is it. I am not helping you grow stronger or to actively harm others."

The same happened to those in the Yun clan who started to get excited after Yun Tian expressed his desire to protect them. They immediately became downcast again.

Still they were no longer frightened that they were about to die or that the clan would be destroyed. In a way, they had gained a new backer and although Yun Tian would not actively help them, his strength was proven to be much stronger than Yun Chen's. Yun Tian's strength would deter others from harming the Yun clan even more than Yun Chen's strength did before.

After he finished speaking, Yun Tian realized that he did not have much left to do here. After he finished with everything here, he could soon go and get revenge for his parents.

Thus, he wanted to get everything done quickly. He quickly took the spatial bags of everyone they defeated, but left the Elder's their low spirit grade swords. He did not need them as he would just try and trade them for other things later even if he had them.

He decided to leave the swords so that the Elders could better defend the clan.

The Elders were all conscious now and watching this happen, but they couldn't keep up with his speed at all. Even if they could, they had no more plans to resist anymore. They were at least happy they got to keep their weapons.

After this was done, he turned to the crowd behind him and said for everyone to hear, "All right, everyone not from the Yun clan can leave now."

No one dared to go against him after he had shown his great strength. Everyone standing around had left except for some people in the crowd who were from the Yun clan. There was even the man guarding the gate to town standing in the crowd.

He was woken up by his companions after Yun Tian left, but now he wished that he stayed unconscious and was not here to witness Yun Chen die.

While these few seemed to be the only ones to stay behind, Yun Tian knew that was not the case. Almost all of the cultivators hiding around and waiting to see if they could get some benefits had left. There was only one who had stayed though as he seemed to think Yun Tian did not know he was there.

He was crouching on top of the roof of a building where he peered at the events before. He had gotten there extremely stealthily using his techniques. Along with the fact that he was making next to no noise and his late dantian building cultivation base, he thought Yun Tian would not know he was there.

He was sorely mistaken though as Yun Tian knew he was there the whole time. He had learned from his mistakes and was always making sure to pay great attention to his surroundings. He immediately noticed the man when he hid there.

He just did not go after him yet as he did not try to harm Yun Tian. The man's stance was made clear though when he stayed hidden when he stayed hidden instead of leaving.

Upon seeing that he did not leave, Yun Tian turned to look in his direction. At that exact moment, the man he was looking at felt the threat of death looming down on him when he felt Yun Tian's killing intent as he did not hide it and his gaze basically oozed it.

There was no time for him to do anything though as before he could run away, Yun Tian disappeared from his spot. With his extreme speed he appeared behind the man who had just gotten up to run away. He was forced to stop though as Yun Tian's sword was currently in front of his throat.

He did not try to resist at all as it was obvious how far apart their strengths were. Instead he said, "Please young friend, I only wanted to talk to you."

Yun Tian did not believe him at all as he had watched him looking for opportunities to attack as soon as showed the ability to fight Yun Chen. Also, if he wanted to talk, why would he hide even after the fight was over.

So, Yun Tian took his spatial bag and said, "I will come to your clan soon. You better prepare some good stuff for me."

He had recognized the old man with his yellow robe bearing a goose symbol as part of the Mao clan in town. With his strength he had to be their clan leader. He decided not to kill him as he had already taken his spatial bag and he could go to his clan later to see if he had anything else to hand over.

Then, he sped away and reappeared next to the wolves and Shen Yu once again. Shen Yu was bewildered by him disappearing and immediately asked, "What happened?!"

The wolves could barely follow the direction he went and saw him so they knew what happened and were not confused.

Yun Tian explained what had happened and he was bewildered by what Shen Yu said next. He was expecting her to say something like "It's good you let him go."

What he got instead was, "Since he was planning on harming you, he deserved to die. You let him off easy."

He was stunned for a moment and didn't know what to say.

He didn't know, but Shen Yu thought anyone who wanted to hurt Yun Tian should all die horrible deaths. In fact, she would like to be able to be the one to kill them. She was at least a little happy that Yun Tian didn't have to kill another person though.