Benefits and Bodies

After Shen Yu spoke her thoughts, Yun Tian explained the full reason he let him go.

"My plan was to go to his clan and extort them for more stuff later. After all, we get no benefit from killing him since I already took everything he had that was of value to us.."

It was at this moment though that he was refuted again. It was not by Shen Yu either, but by Bolin this time.

He made a noise to attract his attention and went over to Yun Chen's body.

Once there, he went over to Yun Chen's hand and opened his mouth making a biting gesture. Then, he looked at Yun Tian and it seemed like he was asking permission for something.

Yun Tian was confused for a moment and then realized something.

'If demonic beasts can consume other demonic beasts and even absorb the qi contained in their demonic cores, they should be able to do the same for human cultivators right?'

As for the part about Bolin asking for his permission, Yun Tian had defeated Yun Chen and Bolin noticed that he had special feelings of hatred toward him.

Yun Tian did not care about the dead body of someone he had already killed so he gave Bolin the go ahead. He nodded his head and said, "Go ahead."

With that, while the Yun clan members watched on in fear, Bolin bit off his hand and swallowed it. Yun Tian and Shen Yu were used to such gore and blood so they showed very little reaction.

However, the Yun clan members had rarely seen such gore living a life of luxury in their clan. Seeing this not only scared and grossed them out, but some suddenly thought this might happen to them and became terrified once again.

Yun Tian watched on and saw that Bolin absorbed some qi and seemed to grow a little stronger. It was not by much though and this confused Yun Tian for a moment.

Yun Chen was a late dantian building Elder. If it was a late stage demonic beast, Bolin would have a significant boost to his cultivation even if it was just part of their body.

He thought a little more and immediately realised why.

'Demonic beasts cultivate and strengthen their bodies along with storing large amounts of qi in their demonic cores, whereas humans store all of their qi in their dantians with their bodies not being strengthened greatly. Thus, the amount of qi gained from eating their body parts is minimal compared to a demonic beast's body parts. Besides that, the qi also has to be refined into demonic qi ultimately lowering the value of eating human cultivators.'

Human cultivators do have their bodies strengthened, but it was nowhere near as much as a demonic beast's body, even a late dantian building expert's body.

Yun Tian judged that it was still not worth it to kill late dantian building experts just for their bodies so the wolves could eat it. It did not even help them much if it was just that.

Though, he knew that there was much more to a human cultivator than just their bodies so he walked over and cut open Yun Chen's abdomen with his sword. Yun Tian looked inside and inspected the dantian that appeared in his view.

Demonic beast cores looked just like their names suggested. Their appearance was of orbs of various sizes filled with red nefarious energy.

Yun Chen's dantian in front of him was filled with qi that looked like a very light blue color. It was also quite large and was only slightly smaller than a normal organ in the body. Overall, its image contrasted greatly with demonic cores.

As he looked at it, he thought of two different things.

'It appears less sturdy and developed than my own dantian even though he was in a higher stage of cultivation.'

He also thought, 'It should contain a large amount of qi. I wonder if I can absorb it just like with demonic cores.'

His first thought was to ask Bolin as Yun Tian was still figuring out his own body. Right now he only knew he had abilities similar to demonic beasts. If that held true, his best plan was to ask a demonic beast his questions.

Thus, he pointed at the exposed dantian and asked Bolin, "Can you eat and absorb the qi inside this."

At first Bolin shook his head yes and then he shook his head saying no.

Yun Tian immediately realized what he meant, but he still wanted to make sure he understood so he asked, "You could, but there is too much qi for you to absorb all at once as you are night now?"

At that Bolin shook his head to say he was right.

Yun Tian thought he could try to absorb it then since he should be able to handle it, but he knew that it was not the right place or time. So, he just stored away the body in his spatial bag and turned to look at the Elders of the Yun clan who were now looking at them with terrified gazes.

To them it appeared as if Yun Tian had just realized a new reason to kill the Elders. While this was indeed true, he still had no plans on killing the Elders.

Instead, he just said, "I am going to the clan's skills and techniques pavilion before leaving."

While the clan was quite poor as even the clan leader did not have a mid grade skill, there should still be some more low grade skills stored in the clan. He wanted to amass as many as he could. He had already realized just how important it was to learn from skills. Even if he did not use them actively in battle he could reference them for learning better skills.

Hearing his words, the Elders immediately looked like they had been spared from death and just vigorously shook their heads saying: "Go ahead" and many flattering other words. They had completely lost their backbones and only hoped to survive this ordeal.