Final Night In The Yun Clan

Yun Tian had never been up to the third floor of the pavilion as it was usually restricted to only the higher echelons of the clan. He had a hunch about what might or might have been up there now though.

'It is probably that.'

His guess turned out to be right as when he went to the third floor, the first thing noticed was a pedestal with a note lying on it.

He went up to it and picked up the note. He already had his guesses so he was not surprised when he read the content on it.

If you are reading this Yun Tian, it means I have died. My only hope is that you have done little harm to the Yun clan and allowed it to continue on.

If you haven't guessed by now, that skill I had on me was previously stored here. None of our ancestors could practice it, but I believe you could.

Since I am dead and you are reading this, it means you are already quite strong. There is nothing that I can do except wish you well and hope you get revenge from beyond the grave where I beg your parents' forgiveness along with that of our ancestors.

I, the Grand Elder of the Yun Clan, have failed in my duties.

Yun Tian sighed after reading it and burned the note in a torch on the wall. While this note came from the Grand Elder soon before his death, Yun Tian did not want to remember him like this, nor would he let anyone else. Others would only remember the Grand Elder as someone devoted to the clan.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and looked around the rest of the floor.

There was nothing else there except for murals on the walls and short descriptions below them. He quickly looked at some of the descriptions and they turned out to be the history of the previous clan leaders.

Upon realizing this, he lost interest and left the pavilion as this was the last floor. Then, he returned to the courtyard where he left Shen Yu and the wolves to get some rest.

He had not slept at all the night before and while he did not especially need sleep, he felt the need to give his mind some rest after everything that had happened. He only did this now so that they could leave the clan straight away in the morning.

He returned to find Shen Yu awake and waiting for him.

Seeing him she said, "I woke up right after you left. Where did you go?"

She was not worried about him with his strength so she had just stayed here to wait for him.

He replied, "I just went to get the skills from the pavilion so that we could leave right away in the morning."

He did not tell her anything about the note so as to not lower her spirits at all. Also, he did not care about the clan's history on the murals at all so he didn't bother mentioning them either.

Instead, he continued on saying: "Lets get some rest so that we can head out in the morning."

He had no plans to stay here for very long.

Shen Yu nodded and motioned for him to come over.

Yun Tian did as she wanted and came over. When he did, Shen Yu pulled him down so he would lie against Bolin just like her. The wolves were much larger than normal wolves so the two of them could lay on them just fine.

Bolin was fine with it it seemed, so Yun Tian laid against him. Then, Shen Yu came closer and held onto him.

Shen Yu said to him, "Good night Tian. Same to the rest of you guys."

The wolves made little sounds as their responses and Yun Tian smiled with everyone around him.

He caressed Shen Yu's head and said, "Good night Shen Yu. Thank you and good night Bolin, Jin, Qing, Zan, and Zhi."

They responded to him too and then all was quiet. Shen Yu soon fell asleep as did the wolves around. They had to be alert out in the forest, but they felt safe here as Yun Tian was with them. They slept soundly knowing that they were finally in a completely safe environment.

The only one still awake was Yun Tian. He looked at the sky as if searching for something. No matter how hard he looked though, he could only see stars. He let his mind wander and soon drifted off to sleep.

Even while asleep he would awaken the moment anyone came near them with his powerful senses. Thus, he felt no need to stay constantly alert. There was also the fact that no one here posed any real threat to him.

While it was already the middle of the night he did not need to sleep for very long. So, when he awoke the sun had just risen and Shen Yu was still sleeping on him. The wolves had continued to lay around them even though they were awake for a while already.

He waited for a little while and Shen Yu soon woke up as well.

She had just woken up when she heard Yun Tian say: "Good morning Xiao Yu."

It had been a while since Yun Tian had called her any nicknames. So, in her groggy state, she said "Morning Tian'er" in a sweet voice. Then she actually moved upward and gave him a kiss on his cheek.

Yun Tian was stunned for a second. His face reddened and he coughed. Immediately after, he said, "let's get going if you are up Shen Yu."

He decided to ignore the peck on his cheek and just act like normal. Shen Yu also awoke from her grogginess and became alert. She reddened as well and said, "Yes, let's get going. That Mao clan probably has some good stuff for us. That is, if they didn't just run away in fear."