Too Cute

No one in the Yun clan dared to come near Yun Tian and his group. They also had no intention of speaking to anyone from the Yun clan either. So, their group just left the clan without anyone even noticing.

Yun Tian also wanted to move quickly so he held Shen Yu in a princess carry as the wolves followed behind him. They travelled quickly across rooftops and no one noticed them except for a few dantian building experts.

They were only noticed because Yun Tian was forced to lower his speed to accommodate the wolves and they were not trying to be stealthy. They did not need to be.

He was using the crane flight skill and it was like he was flying over the streets and buildings. Still he had managed to learn the wolves speed the day before and went at a speed appropriate for them now.

As for the experts who noticed them, they obviously did not dare to bother them after what happened yesterday at the Yun clan. This was exactly why he did not care about being spotted

They quickly made it to the Mao clan without anyone bothering them.

When they reached the gates, they stopped in front of them.

Their imposing group suddenly landed in front of the gates causing a gust of wind and scared the gatekeepers so much they fell backwards.

Yun Tian naturally did not care about these weak gatekeepers. He also didn't yell or anything to call for the clan leader to come out though.

Instead, he just looked at a point a little down the clan's walls. There someone was moving towards them.

The person arrived in front of them in a few seconds and performed a bow. Then, he said, "I apologise for the sorry welcome. Would you like to come in? I'm sure we could put together some entertainment for you."

The gatekeepers behind him stood up, but stayed rooted to the spot looking at Yun Tian and the wolves as if they had seen a ghost.

While they may not have seen the incident yesterday, news had travelled all around town already along with his loud voice the day before. Even if that was not being taken into account, Yun Tian's imposing aura and the wolves behind him were enough to scare them.

Right now they were worried Yun Tian was here to destroy their clan.

He obviously had no plans on destroying the Mao clan though and was not here just to scare them for no reason. He also did not want to go inside and be entertained or anything like that.

Instead, he just said, "Just give me something to make up for what happened yesterday and then we will leave."

His imposing bearing along with the menacing wolves really portrayed a threatening image. That was exactly his purpose for being here though. The scarier he appeared the more the clan leader would try to satisfy his demands.

The Mao clan leader was indeed scared, but still did not lose his bearing. Instead, he asked, "May I ask what you want?"

Yun Tian was actually stumped for a second at that. He knew that the pills in this town were of lower quality and it was not worth it for him to take any of them. Besides that, he doubted the clan had any swords better than low spirit grade ones. He also had taken the Mao clan leader's spatial bag which probably contained any rare item the clan had.

The only other thing the clan would have would be skills, but those could also be considered as the foundation of a clan.

Still, he spared this man's life when he should have killed him. This was already a great mercy.

So, he said, "Any skills or techniques."

Hearing that, the clan leader's face went sheet white. He could not compromise the clan's future generations, but he could also not let the clan be destroyed right now.

Thus, he said, "Please, how about I give you all our pills instead."

To his dismay, Yun Tian merely said, "Don't want them."

He tried again saying: "How about our swords?"

He once again got the same response, "Don't want them."

He even offered all of their spatial bags, pills, and swords together. Yun Tian still only said the same response.

At this, the Mao clan leader was about to give up and go get the skills when he looked at the wolves and suddenly thought of something.

He questioned once more, with renewed hope, "How about demonic beast cores?"

At this Yun Tian finally raised his brow and said, "Let me see how many you have."

The clan leader smiled and immediately took off into the clan saying, "Right away" after hearing that.

Yun Tian and the group waited while he went to go fetch the demonic beast cores. He didn't hope for much, but if there were enough, he didn't mind letting this clan off the hook. After all, he did have a good amount of skills already and getting these demonic beast cores would save him time on hunting down more.

Yun Tian told what he was thinking to Shen Yu who stood next him while they waited. She agreed with his thinking and they continued waiting.

The gatekeepers continued to stand in front of the gates almost petrified, but they weren't as scared anymore since they heard everything Yun Tian had spoken about with the clan leader. Still, being alone with Yun Tian's group was very taxing on their minds.

Especially when Yun Zan, the youngest wolf, played a trick on them. He suddenly dashed in front of them and then snapped his jaws right in front of their faces. Then, he immediately went back to the group.

Still, it terrified the gatekeeper so much that he passed out. Shen Yu laughed at this while Yun Tian gave them weird looks. Since they were having fun, he didn't bother with them though. Bolin still gave the wolf a death stare which made him stop messing around.

Shen Yu petted it to cheer it up again though.

It didn't take very long after that for the clan leader to reappear in front of them again. When he arrived, he saw the passed out gatekeeper and was about to ask what happened when Shen Yu said in her cute voice, "He must have thought I was too cute and passed out cause he couldn't take it."