Your Strength Is Mine As Well

At Shen Yu's words, the Mao clan leader wanted to curse, but he held it in and just checked on the gatekeeper. While this happened Yun Tian was embarrassed, but didn't say anything.

The Mao clan leader looked at the gatekeeper and was relieved to see that he indeed was just passed out. He also knew that he probably had passed out from fear.

He couldn't say anything to Yun Tian though and instead just walked over to their group. Then, he held out a spatial bag and said, "These are all the demonic beast cores my clan has at the moment. We actually have a lot as we have been gathering them for a while."

Yun Tian took the bag and when he looked inside, he was surprised. He found there was actually a late stage demonic beast core. In addition to that there were three mid stage ones and twenty five early stage ones.

He thought inside, 'It would have been no easy feat even for a late stage dantian building expert to take down a late stage demonic beast. He probably isolated it and took it down with the help of the entire clan's experts.'

Just as he had thought, it was very hard for the Mao clan to get that core. The Mao clan Leader's heart bled seeing it leave, but he gave it up nonetheless since he had no use for it besides trading for pills with it. It was better to use it now to save the clan.

Seeing this, Yun Tian was more than satisfied and kept the spatial bag.

After that, he said to the Mao clan leader, "Make sure the Yun clan is not destroyed while I'm gone or your clan will be the first I go after."

Hearing this, the Mao clan leader breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Yun Tian did not want more from him. All he was hoping for was that Yun Tian would be satisfied with what he gave. As for what Yun Tian said, had already planned on protecting the Yun clan. So, he said, "Yes, I will make sure no harm befalls the Yun clan even if I have to die."

Hearing this Yun Tian did not even say goodbye and just said, "Let's go."

Then he picked up Shen Yu and left with the wolves.

When they left the Mao clan leader felt the weight finally lift off his shoulders and breathed a sigh of relief.

Yun Tian and the wolves left town then left town without any pause. Along the way Yun Tian said, "Let's go to where you guys were before or do you have a better place to stay in mind?"

Behind him Bolin shook his head no, so he just continued on towards the place the wolves stayed previously.

They quickly got there with their speed since it was not far from town in the first place.

Once there, Yun Tian put down Shen Yu and said, "My plan was to cultivate for a while first, before we do anything else. We have accumulated a lot of resources and I still haven't even checked what is in all the spatial bags I have gotten."

Shen Yu agreed with him and said, "Sure, let's stay here for a while then."

Yun Tian looked at the wolves and asked, "Is that fine with you guys?"

Bolin shook his head in agreement and the rest also followed suit.

Yun Tian then continued, "I have plenty of demonic beast cores now and have some to give to you guys then. After that, I am going to start a long session of cultivation."

He had a lot of demonic beast cores now. Giving some of them to the wolves would be fine since they would help him in the future anyway.

To his surprise though, Bolin vehemently shook his head no.

Yun Tian didn't understand why he was saying no, so he asked, "Why are you saying no?"

Not seeing a way to explain, Bolin fumbled about for a moment and then thought of something.

He ran into the woods while Yun Tian and Shen Yu stayed there confused.

He soon returned in less than a minute though and he was holding the dead body of a wild beast.

He threw it down and stepped on it while howling. Then the wolves proceeded to eat it.

Yun Tian thought for a while and thought he understood, so he said, "You don't want to take my spoils away from me?"

Bolin nodded his head and looked at Yun Tian in all seriousness.

First Yun Tian saved the wolves and then he gave Bolin a demonic beast core which allowed him to become demonic beast himself. Yun Tian had done this though in exchange for the wolves helping him.

Bolin did not want to be a dead weight to Yun Tian and get things without helping. Also, he knew Yun Tian could use those demonic beast cores just the same as them.

Yun Tian's next words stunned Bolin though.

"Bolin, you know I am already quite strong right? Just like you shared that wild beast since it would barely help you, early stage demonic beast cores don't help me much. So, I can give you guys some of those."

What he was saying was true as he needed a lot of qi to advance in cultivation and he knew this requirement would only rise. Still a demonic beast core was a demonic beast core. Even if an early stage didn't provide as much as a mid stage one, it would still help him. Especially with the number he had.

He continued on though saying: "Also, me giving you guys demonic beast cores and helping you grow stronger is the same as helping myself, since you guys are going to help me in the future anyway right? Just as I am helping you now, I hope for you to be able to help me later. We are in this together."

Bolin looked deeply into Yun Tian's eyes. He saw that Yun Tian had deep trust and hope within his eyes as he said this to the wolves.

Bolin felt he truly meant what he was saying. The wolf howled and all the rest howled as well. The wolves were happy at this outcome and their determination grew stronger. After all, while Bolin may have denied before, who wouldn't want a chance to grow stronger at a faster pace.