Killing The Late Stage Demonic Alligator

Yun Tian felt pain after the clash and from crashing into the ground, but he ignored that and quickly monitored his surroundings once again.

He had some minor injuries, but he could still fight just fine. This was due to the strengthening of his body and his strong qi barriers protecting him.

As for the late stage alligator, it once again roared in anger upon it's companion's death. Still, it felt great fear at this point. It couldn't help but wonder if Yun Tian might be able to kill it.

Still it didn't give up as it thought that Yun Tian might be injured and exhausted. It called for the remaining three early stage alligators and had them follow it.

They swam through the water at great speed toward Yun Tian hoping to finish him off. Yun Tian sensed them coming toward him and got ready to defend once more.

But, he felt the ground underneath his feet and smiled.

'I won't have to play the next exchange defensively again it seems.'

He could once again launch off of something to gain momentum.

And, that is exactly what he did. Before they could come close to him, he used both of his legs to launch off the ground and propel himself towards them. Caught by surprise the late stage alligator desperately used its tail to defend itself once more. The other alligators were too slow to help it and it was forced to face Yun Tian on its own.

Suddenly, Yun Tian had another idea. At first he was planning on trying to cut off its tail just like the others. Then, he realized that if it just ran away after that it would be difficult to finish it off.

So, instead of that he changed the slashing motion of his sword and poured all his strength and speed into a piercing attack.

The alligator saw this, but it couldn't figure out his plans. No matter what, it was still forced to defend itself. Thus, it could only continue to use all its body's strength and try to use its tail to defend itself.

Last time, Yun Tian was not able to use his full strength in attacking its tail. This time he put in his all and upon impact his sword went right into its tail leaving a hole in its wake.

It tried to swim away after this and it breathed a sigh of relief after it successfully started to run. The alligator was worried when Yun Tian came charging after it. The beast thought its tail would be chopped off just like the others.

It's tail was only pierced with a hole though. That was much better.

It did not want to deal with Yun Tian anymore though after seeing he was just fine and still ran immediately.

It was still celebrating its escape but suddenly it felt something and turned its head to look towards its tail. It immediately noticed that Yun Tian was still on it.

He used his sword as a handhold and stayed stuck on it. Then, he used its scales to climb towards its head.

It immediately tried swaying its body all around, but Yun Tian dug his sword into its body once more to stabilize himself.

It screamed in pain once more and started to shake its body around even more crazily like it was having a seizure. Yun Tian paid no mind to its actions and took out a second sword which he once again stabbed into it to get a better anchor on the beast.

With its movements, it would be too hard to just use its scales. He grabbed onto the new sword and took out a third sword to repeat his actions.

Seeing that what it was doing wasn't working, the alligator roared and swam using all the speed it could muster back towards the early stage alligators while crying for help.

The three were completely unnerved seeing their leader in this condition, but still went after Yun Tian who was now on his fourth sword slowly climbing towards its head, while leaving swords stabbed into its back.

He noticed the three coming after him, but using a sword as handhold, he swung himself around dodging their attacks and knocking them back. He also advanced forward when he could.

Seeing that Yun Tian was still coming closer to its head like the grim reaper coming to claim its life, the alligator couldn't take it anymore and swam towards the nearby shore. Yun Tian realized its intentions, but still just continued doing what he was doing in case it changed his mind.

Soon the alligator came charging out of the water, greatly surprising the wolves lurking around the swamp. They sensed the threat it gave off though. So, while they did move closer they did not try to attack immediately.

The next moment they noticed Yun Tian on its back. At this moment he had a broad smile on his face.

After getting on land, the alligator immediately tried to roll onto its back and use its weight to crush Yun Tian.

Yun Tian saw no more reason to stay on its back at this point and launched off it towards the ground.

It didn't manage to crush Yun Tian, but it did manage to shove the swords deeper into its back and aggravate its injuries.

Yun Tian wasted no time. As soon as he hit the ground, he used fleeting steps to chase after the alligator who continued to roll around.

Now that they were on land, he could use his speed to kill it without even giving it a chance to retreat.

Especially, now that it was distracted by the great pain and fear it felt.

Using his great speed, he dodged its tail that erratically swung around and went for its head. With one more full powered swing he managed to use his blade to cut its head clean off.

Its eyes were a mixture of surprise, fear, and regret as it died.