Returning, But Not Resting

The three remaining early stage demonic alligators had just poked their heads out of the water to inspect the situation and the first thing they saw was this scene. They were terrified and immediately retreated back into the swamp without any second thoughts.

With the late stage demonic alligator dead in front of him, Yun Tian relaxed and opened his mouth to breathe air in once again.

The wolves came over at this point while Yun Tian climbed onto the alligators back. He retrieved the swords out of its back and stored them away once more. At the same time, he thought, 'I'll have to clean these later.'

Once that was done, he dropped onto the ground again and stored away its body. Then, he turned to look at the wolves who had now gathered around him looking at him in awe.

He traded glances with Bolin and the wolf howled to celebrate Yun Tian's victory with the rest echoing him.

"Alright, alright. You guys wait here, I'm going to see if I can get the rest of them."

He wanted to try and get the three early stage alligators that were left.

He dived into the water once more and started to swim around. He wasn't that slow using fluid steps to traverse the water, but the alligators were much faster than him and they hid from him well. He sighed in his mind and thought, 'Oh well, it's just three early stage demonic beasts.'

Instead he went to collect the bodies of the alligators he killed in the water. With that done, he left the water and once more appeared in front of the wolves.

He said to them, "I wasn't able to get the remaining three. They are quite good at hiding and running away in the water."

Bolin nodded in understanding and didn't try to offer their help at all. If Yun Tian couldn't do it, how could they help. They were weaker than him and were wolves, not fish.

Since they could do nothing more here, Yun Tian said, "How about we go back now. We have already gotten plenty of new cultivation resources."

The minor injuries he had were already healing so he wasn't worried about that. Besides that though, the last battle was a little taxing and he decided it was enough for today. They were deep into the forest and dangerous beasts like the alligators were becoming more common

Bolin nodded and took the lead to head back to where Shen Yu and Yun Qing were. They took a different way back and conveniently took down whatever demonic beast they found on the way.

They returned to find Shen Yu and Yun Qing still cultivating. Though, the two of them stopped when they noticed the group's return and welcomed them back.

Shen Yu asked how things went. At this, Yun Tian hid nothing and told her about all the spoils they got, along with describing the fight against the alligators to her.

When he told her about that she got upset and asked, "Did you really need to do that? What if something happened to you?"

Her question was more of a complaint than a real question as she knew that she couldn't change his mind.

Just like she thought, Yun Tian only said, "I knew I could handle it. Plus, getting experience in dangerous fights helps me grow."

Shen Yu rolled her eyes, but didn't say anymore. Yun Tian also didn't blame her for nagging him since he knew she was just worried.

After that, each of them settled down and got ready to start cultivating again.

By now it was already night.

They spent the morning leaving town and then cultivated for hours. After that Yun Tian and the wolves went out to hunt. Although it was now night, Yun Tian had no plans to sleep anytime soon.

As his strength increased, Yun Tian felt the need to sleep less and less. Especially, as his body strengthened. He only needed to give his mind some time to rest every now and then.

So, he said to Shen Yu, "I am going to continue to cultivate for a while. Don't wait up for me to go to sleep. Also, with all of us here we don't need to worry about being attacked. So, don't worry about our safety and rest easy."

Shen Yu looked into his eyes and sighed in her mind.

Then, she lamented in her thoughts, 'He is going to put his all into cultivating without resting once again.'

Although she thought that, she only said, with a determined look, "I am going to sleep next to you still, even if you aren't going to sleep."

She knew nothing she said would make him take it slower and easier. Therefore, If she couldn't stop him and make him take a break, the only thing she could do was to stay near him and support him with all she had.

Yun Tian laughed at this and said, "Sure. I would like that."

'Shen Yu knows me best after all.'

This made Shen Yu smile and the two of them then sat down to cultivate once more. Of course Yun Tian threw the wolves some corpses and cores once more before they began cultivating.

All of them once again started to cultivate, trying their hardest to grow stronger.

Yun Tian chose to cultivate his dantian first. His progress with his dantian was faster than his demonic core and he had less resources for it.

He once again started to swallow low grade qi gathering pills like they were nothing.

That description truly became more apt as he gained speed. His strength was growing so high as he went along that, the pills were having less and less of an effect on him.

He was worried about this previously, but he had thought the thousand pills would take him around seventeen hours to go through at the rate he was going before, while also drastically increasing his cultivation.

'With the rate I am going at now, it seems like it will take me much less time to go through them all and my strength will not grow as much as I had hoped. Actually, that's not quite true. My strength is indeed growing fast. It's just my cultivation that will take much more than I had thought. That has to be good though.'