Many Skills Together

Yun Tian's speed had greatly increased after reaching this stage with the technique, but he still couldn't help but wonder about something.

He had one more question that needed answering, 'Which is better, this skill or fleeting steps?'

So, he tried them both out for a while and made some comparisons.

When he used fleeting steps, as the name implied he was fleeting and moved with the wind. It took him little qi or physical effort while he moved.

With Wolf's Lightning, he had greater bursts of speed in short durations, but it took greater qi and caused strain on his body. Wolf's Lightning also put more emphasis on using your body's strength when moving which allowed him to use his strengthened body to his advantage.

However, it was also quite flashy, whereas he could easily hide his presence as he came and went with Fleeting Steps.

In the end, he just decided to use them as the situation arose. That was what he always did after all.

He returned to their resting area and for the next few days he trained his movement techniques together, besides the usual cultivating and hunting.

At this moment, he just finished fighting against a late stage demonic beast. He fought it head on instead of using a sneak attack. While fighting, he did not try to kill it immediately and instead practiced his movement techniques.

He did not stick to one and instead switched between them as the situation arose. At one second he would be fluid like water, while at another he was fast and unpredictable, like a beast made of lightning.

This alone made it difficult for the beast to predict and handle him. He was also able to use the best movement technique for each situation which helped immeasurable. It was like how you could either use water to put out fire or a large amount of wind.

Eventually he decided it was enough and went in for the kill while using Wolf's Lightning. He sliced off its head with a fully powered swing of his sword and thought, 'That should be enough for now.'

He had gotten good at switching between his movement techniques in battle. Now it was time to train the other mid spirit grade skill, Warrior's Sword.

As for the other low grade skills, he had already trained each of them to mastering form and was slowly progressing through grasping spirit with them. It was not very hard for him to train them with his knowledge from other skills.

He now had a plethora of skills in his arsenal. Still, they did not interest him much and just reinforced his base for learning more skills.

After he finished hunting with the wolves and made it back to the resting area, he immediately took out the warrior's sword skill and began to read through it.

He found that each sword form in the manual was actually very simple, but it went very in depth to describe the warrior's intent that should be displayed while using the skill.

It said that a warrior must be like a brute. To overcome all things through the strength of your sword and to endure it all with your sword. Never stopping until your enemy dies.

After reading this, Yun Tian thought, 'It should be like the ferocity or killing intent I can display when using deadly flash. While it is similar to the ferocity I display, it is also different as it is completely based on the sword and is more focused on enduring attacks, but causing greater harm to your enemy.'

'It is very different from any of my primary skills right now. Perfect!'

While deadly flash is great, it does not allow him to use his body to the greatest extent he could. It is more about speed than strength. Although, this is slightly fixed when he combines his ferocity into the mix.

Still, this skill will help shore up some of his flaws when fighting and help him hone his sword techniques.

First he would have to learn the skill though and he knew it would be harder to do since he did not have any examples to reference from.

Though, he could somewhat think about the features of the ferocity he displayed.

He did get some comprehension just from reading the manual too. Apart from that, it also detailed that the best way to learn a warrior's intent was through battles.

So, he did exactly that. The next day, Yun Tian went off with the wolves to hunt again, but this time he fought some mid stage wild beasts by himself.

That was not all though as he limited himself and didn't doge their attacks. He also held back his strength so as to not kill them immediately. He just let them attack and kept on swinging his sword to block.

In the end he killed each one of them after feeling it just wasn't enough. Mid stage demonic beasts were not enough.

So, he found another late stage demonic beast to fight. This time it was a group of gorillas travelling through the forest. The strongest one was a late stage demonic beast with two others in the mid stage.

Yun Tian turned to ask the wolves, "You guys get one of the mid stage ones?"

Bolin nodded at him and Yun Tian wasted no more time. He immediately sped off towards the gorillas swinging through the trees.

They were big, but not extremely larger than normal gorillas. Though, their bodies looked extremely tough and packed with muscle.

Yun Tian was happy when he saw them as he should be able to have a good battle of pure strength, without worrying about speed, against them.

Still, he sped near them stealthily using Fleeting Steps and then once he got near he dashed forward with Wolf's Lightning and lunged at one of the mid stage ones.

The late stage one managed to react in time and cried out to alert his companion, while rushing to help. It was too slow though and could not help in time.