Fighting Like A Warrior

Yun Tian cut the gorilla's head off and landed back on the ground. The remaining gorillas also landed on the ground with an audible thud from their weight.

They both bared their teeth and studied their opponent.

They were about to charge at him together. At this moment though, Bolin came charging at the mid stage one and managed to crash into its side launching it away from its companion.

The late stage one tried to turn and go after Bolin, but Yun Tian quickly got in between them.

It bared its fangs and roared at him. Then, it charged at him, furious and anxious to help its companion as it noticed the other wolves around.

Yun Tian ignored its emotions and instead smiled. He was ready to fight in a battle of pure strength and endurance, while the wolves took care of the other one. He put away his sword and readied his fists.

He stayed in his spot and the gorilla came crashing towards him. It swung its fists at him and in response, he swung his own fist right back at it instead of using his sword.

If he were to fight it seriously with his sword, it would do little to help him train. He would either take it seriously and cut off its hands immediately or not be able to do any damage to it.

So, he used a fist skill he had learned before, called Earth Shattering Strike, and punched straight at it. He empowered his fist with qi and demonic qi though. While he wasn't using his sword or cloud palm, he was giving it his all.

Their fists collided and Yun Tian was on the losing side, although it wasn't by much. And, with his defence he took little damage.

Still, he was knocked backwards around thirty steps. Whereas, the gorilla was only knocked backwards five steps.

Still, the gorilla felt a little shaken up after that strike and it was evident based on the surprise it showed on its face.

Yun Tian quickly recovered and so did it.

They both charged at each other once again and swung their fists at each other.

This repeated multiple times with no evident changes.

With each strike, Yun Tian was using up more qi from his dantian and demonic core to defend himself and attack. At the same time though, he was gaining a better comprehension of both Earth shattering Strike and Warrior intent.

The gorilla did not have qi to defend itself with and was taking the full force of each strike with its body alone. Its fists started to bleed.

As Yun Tian was gaining comprehension the force behind his fists increased and it was evident that the gorilla was getting internal injuries.

But, neither stopped and they just continued to swing their fists at each other. Yun Tian even started to ignore the other party's fist letting it land on him while he braced himself and kept his balance. He also landed one punch on the gorilla at the same time.

They both stayed in place just punching at each other's bodies repeatedly without backing down. They were really trading strike for strike now.

At this point it devolved to who had a higher endurance.

It was either Yun Tian's qi ran out first or the gorilla's injuries got so severe it could not take it anymore.

It soon became evident who had the upper hand when the gorilla's strikes started to lose power. As it got injured it became harder for it to exert its full strength, while Yun Tian was basically at peak condition except for using his qi. Besides that, he had gained much comprehension and was instead striking harder now.

The gorilla started to show fear at this point as it knew it would not be able to defeat its opponent. Though, It also knew it couldn't run.

It tried its best in its battered shape with its entire body covered in blood. Even while spitting blood it continued to swing at Yun Tian hoping he would wear out first.

Eventually, Yun Tian's fist struck one more time on its chest with an audible crack and the gorilla coughed out blood one more time. It moved no more after that and it fell over with dull eyes.

Yun Tian had crushed its ribcage and shattered its heart.

Yun Tian showed no happiness at this point. His mind was instead full of thoughts about how a warrior fights. He was slowly comprehending his own warrior's intent.

It still wasn't enough though.

The wolves brought over the body of the other gorilla and he stored them both away.

Then he sat down on the ground to recover while the wolves waited for him. He had only used a little over half of his qi while suffering some minor injuries.

This was thanks to his body that was ever growing stronger. Along with his reserves of qi that were increasing dramatically with all of his cultivation. The same went for his ability to use qi and its increasing purity and strength.

After he recovered all of his qi, along with his body fully healing, he said to the wolves, "Find a large group of mid stage demonic beasts."

Bolin raised its eyes at that and looked at him.

Seeing Bolin's question gaze, Yun Tian said, "Yes, it's fine if there is a late stage one among them."

He would just take care of it first before he did what he wanted.

Bolin nodded and they left into the forest to find what he wanted.

It was actually quite easy for them to find such a group as they had been hunting far out into the forest where they even found peak stage demonic beasts sometimes. They stealthily avoided them though, as Yun Tian didn't know if he was ready to handle them.

Soon, they found exactly what he was looking for and he couldn't be happier. It was another group of demonic gorillas. Except this time it was much larger. There was one late stage, eight mid stage and six early stage gorillas. Besides them, there were a handful of wild beast realm ones.

They were in the trees or on the ground and this appeared to be where they rested. They were all either lazing around or cultivating.

Seeing this, Yun Tian turned to the wolves and said, "Same as with the alligators. Handle any that escape."