We Are The Strong Ones Not You

For a moment, Yun Tian became worried, but he also trusted his strength and knew this was the only thing he could do anyway. If he lost the use of his leg, this battle could go horribly wrong, even after dealing with one of them. Basically all the demonic qi in his body concentrated in his leg strengthening it the best he could and qi pooled around it forming barrier after barrier, while also enhancing the kick. He had managed to get some techniques related to kicking after all and somewhat learned them although he didn't go too in depth with them.

Finally his foot made contact with the tip of her blade. Just moments before Mu Wen was gloating that her only competitor in town and this new threat were both about to die, but now she was scared out of her wits.

Her sword style didn't emphasize its deadliness in a brute force attack in the first place. In fact it didn't need to. If she was able to get in a strike against any other normal dantian building experts even with the slightly weaker deadly force she possessed it would be fine. She just needed to get past their blade defending them and the rest would be easy. This was why she was so happy that she was about to injure him.

Her sword went through the qi and qi barriers around the attack with some difficulty as his qi blazed with his ferocity and warrior's intent. Her smile brightened considerably after this happened as there was still a large amount of force and qi within her blade.

The part that scared her witless though was when the tip of her blade collided with his foot. It almost sounded like metal colliding. She could see that she managed to make a small cut, but then her blade was diverted by his foot as he turned revealing his smiling face which terrified her.

Yun Tian couldn't be happier to see the new resilience of his body, Mu Wen however took that smile though as him being happy to be able to kill her now. She knew she no longer stood any chance against him with Gu Jie's death. As her complexion paled and countless thoughts ran through her head, she immediately tried to pull back and run trying to think of any possible way to get out of here alive. She didn't think she would be able to run with the speed he displayed.

She looked towards their clansmen to see if she could get their help only to see the two late stage experts struggling against Bolin and Zan while the other three wolves were finishing off the other last few remaining early and mid stage experts.

Seeing she couldn't go there for help, she just sped on her heels and ran. Even if she knew it would probably not work, it was her only choice. She was light in her steps and went fast. She leapt over a building going as fast as she could.

Yun Tian was right behind her though and had her pinned down as he swung his blade. She managed to block, but was still launched back down to the ground from mid air at great speeds.

Mu Wen smashed on the ground creating a crater without any control of her momentum. She was sprawled on the ground and vomited blood from the impact of her back smashing into the ground.

As for Yun Tian, he came right after her and landed hard with his leg landing on her arm holding her sword to pin it down. He did not slow for a second and continued his swift actions with his sword going through her throat.

Mu Wen had been greatly shocked from the impact and him landing on her rendering her unable to put up any real form of resistance. Now, her free hand moved upward to grasp at her throat, but her head was completely detached from her body causing her hand to fall midway and grow limp like the rest of her body.

Seeing this, Yun Tian sighed in relief that the big battle was over without any big complications and stored away her whole body and sword before turning back to the wolves. He hadn't gone too far as he caught up with her quickly, but he heard several other people joining in with the people still alive after he left.

He sped back ready to support the wolves in finishing their opponents quickly, but was enraged upon seeing several more experts having joined the fray and ganging up on the wolves. Bolin took on the largest burden and was currently trying his best against two late stage experts along with several other experts.

The wolf was injured even with the short time he had been gone.

His killing intent that had cooled down immediately rose up even higher than it had been even against Mu Wen or Gu Jie. Merely wanting to kill them or attacking him was one thing, but actually injuring his family was another and he could tell the injuries weren't light. This was an unforgivable crime.

Rage instantly filled his mind. He sped up as lightning covered his legs and blasted the roof he was on destroying it in the process.

With a boom, the ground caved in and blasted apart in the middle of the big melee of experts and wolves, while the head of one of the late stage experts fighting Bolin fell to the ground. When they saw him arriving, the wolves were instantly relieved.

The experts around though, they saw Yun Tian arrive completely unharmed except for some scratches and were surprised. When they felt the killing intent, ferocity, and great pressure exploding out of him, they almost pissed themselves.

These people had come back after hearing the big commotion and when they saw the wolves killing the experts of the two clan's along with the dead Gu Jie, they rationalized that Mu Wen must be chasing after the gravely injured Yun Tian and that was the reason she wasn't here. Even if this wasn't the case they felt forced to help the experts from their town against an outside threat no matter what.