Start Of The Breakthrough

The wolves had one big worry. What if his breakthrough caused a big commotion and attracted a strong demonic beast or expert? While it hadn't happened in the past, who could say it wouldn't happen now or in the future. After all, Yun Tian's situation was just too special and they were in the middle of the forest right now.

None of them knew what might happen. It would be extremely dangerous for Yun Tian to be disturbed during his breakthrough.

Since it was possible for something to appear, the wolves would give their all to make sure nothing happened to Yun Tian.

Seeing them circle him with great vigilance made Yun Tian smile with happiness that he had such a good family now.

Shen Yu, who sat near him, had her bright blue eyes filled with trust, expectation, happiness, and a little worry. She couldn't wait to see the results of his successful breakthrough as she knew how happy Yun Tian was when he became stronger. Still she was somewhat worried as she knew she wouldn't be able to help him at all.

In the past, while she still wasn't the strongest one around, neither was Yun Tian. They had their parents and some people in the clan to look out for them. He had people stronger than him to rely on. Now though, Yun Tian was the strongest in their group and he now cultivated with the demonic core in his chest too. He could rely on no one for teachings and he had to rely on the wolves who were weaker than him to protect him.

This was one of the things that made Shen Yu feel the worst. He had to do everything on his own with no one to help or guide him. While his special abilities like the demonic core in his chest made him stronger, it also only made worse the fact that he was going down his path without any guidance from others. He couldn't even rely on general knowledge of the world and cultivation as he was different from everyone else.

As for Yun Tian, he wasn't thinking about anything other than his expectations for his breakthrough. He sat down and took out everything he might use for his breakthrough, putting it all out in front of him and around him, even the peak stage dantians. He did take out a spatial bag full of mid and low grade pills but he only put the whole bag in front of him as he doubted he would need them.

He finished his preparations, but then hesitated before taking out a spatial bag full of late and peak stage demonic cores thinking, 'Just in case.'

After this, he didn't start immediately though and instead spent a few minutes sitting there and meditating. He cleared his mind of all other thoughts and focused completely on the task at hand.

His mental state was in perfect condition with no fatigue and he was completely focused on bringing every benefit he could out of this breakthrough. With past experience, he was extremely confident in this endeavour.

After making sure all his energies were at their peaks, he began.

He started with the pills as he wasn't exactly sure how it would go with the dantians, but he thought it should be easier to absorb the qi within the pills allowing him to better take advantage of the breakthrough process. The pills were specifically made for cultivators to absorb after all which led him to think this way.

He swallowed a pill and diverted all of the qi that exploded from it to his dantian. As the streams of extremely dense and pure qi were absorbed by his dantian, the organ that already felt like it could burst at any moment was pushed over the edge as he felt the qi within become extremely active. He stopped suppressing the feeling of his breakthrough and the process began the next second.

The qi within started rushing around his dantian pushing the walls further away while also being absorbed into them. At the same time, the qi within his dantian started to condense, becoming stronger and purer.

At the same time, the qi from the pill was drawn in extremely quickly and completely absorbed. He immediately tossed in another pill and then tossed in another when that one was completely absorbed. After the third he started swallowing more and more at once too.

That wasn't the only thing that happened after he swallowed his third pill. His demonic core in his chest also became active. He was already drawing in the qi around him to supplement the whole process, but as his demonic core burst with energy, the qi around him was drawn into him with an even greater suction force than before. It was basically flooding into him.

The qi around rushed into him being absorbed by his body and dantian. It was not as pure or strong as the qi within his dantian at first, but it was quickly absorbed by his dantian and then refined at amazing speed becoming denser and purer joining the qi already within his dantian. The process of the qi around being sucked into his body never stopped and only increased in intensity.

Each singular strand of qi wasn't especially helpful since it barely amounted to anything compared to the massive amount he already had and was absorbing from pills, but right now there was an amazing amount gushing into him.

As Yun Tian felt this whole process he was amazed and startled. While he always absorbed the qi around during his breakthroughs and cultivation sessions, it was never anywhere near as impressive as the scene happening right now.

He wasn't the only one who felt this process though. The wolves also marvelled at the rapid rate he was drawing in qi.

However, they weren't the only demonic beasts who felt this. The other demonic beasts a close distance away also felt it. However they were only in the early and mid stage and were instead frightened by the great fluctuation of qi before immediately running away. They were too close to the path and the town after all. No strong demonic beasts should appear here.