Preparations To Break Through

After he sat down, Yun Tian started to prepare for his breakthrough. He took out the resources he had already prepared for his dantian's breakthrough and combined them with all he just got before counting it all.

He thought, 'I now have sixty-one high grade qi gathering pills and ten late stage dantians. Besides that, I have the two peak stage dantians from Mu Wen and Gu Jie.'

As he thought about this he realized with a wry smile, 'I probably have more than enough. After all, my dantian doesn't need as much qi as my demonic core. I was worried about not having enough but now it seems like I have way more than enough.'

He thought about the possible outcome of his breakthrough as the smile on his face grew even brighter, 'My breakthrough should go great with how many resources I have. And it's always great to have a surplus. As for the two peak stage dantians, I probably shouldn't use them tomorrow unless I run out of the other stuff which I doubt will happen.'

After putting everything all together in one spatial bag to get ready for his breakthrough, he then started to cultivate his demonic core with a peak stage core like he usually did. He was hoping to reach the breakthrough with his demonic core soon too. If that happened his confidence for facing an expert above dantian building would increase even more.

They each did their own things for a while until a howl burst out of Bolin's mouth as the wolf announced its recovery, making the others stop what they were doing.

Looking over Yun Tian smiled as he saw the wolf bursting with energy and looking even more formidable than ever before. He hadn't broken through to the late stage as he was still a decent distance away, but the wolf's strength and body had greatly grown after the last battle and recovering from his serious injuries.

The wolf's injuries had been much worse than what they seemed to be on the surface. His internal organs were damaged from taking on so many attacks. After all, he was fighting two late stage experts along with several others. The only reason Bolin was able to hold on was because of the wolf's strong body and great perseverance during the fight. This was why Yun Tian was so mad.

But now, after successfully recovering the wolf made a serious leap in strength. The great leap in strength wasn't only due what the wolf just went through. It was also made possible by the many resources the wolf constantly used.

A great battle could help him grow past his limits and pull out the energy stored within him. As he recovered his body became stronger than ever. But this energy still had to come from somewhere and the wolf had been absorbing a great amount of resources.

Shen Yu saw all his wounds were gone and his increased momentum and cheered, "Great, you're fully healed!" as she hugged him. The other wolves also crowded around, happy that Bolin had recovered and grown stronger.

Yun Tian came over too and said, "Okay, now that you're recovered, let's all take a rest for the night. I plan on breaking through in the morning after getting some rest and recovering to my peak condition."

"Yes, let's do that," Shen Yu agreed. She always hoped he wouldn't rush through things and would instead take safe steady paths. Preparation was a very important component no matter what.

The wolves calmed down after a while and their group gathered together to lay down like they usually did.

Bolin was their pillow as Shen Yu and Yun Tian laid next to each other. The other wolves were around them. They were out in the forest without any shelter, but the wolves provided them all the comfort and warmth they needed.

Shen Yu wished him a good night like always and he responded in kind. She fell asleep first and so did the wolves. Especially Bolin, he was dead tired even though he seemed to be bursting with energy before. Now that he sat down to rest, the accumulated fatigue hit him all at once and he was the first to fall asleep.

Yun Tian was also extremely weary after the high stress he went through today, but he was too excited thinking about his breakthrough tomorrow.

He ran his hand through Shen Yu's long and silky black hair as he looked at her cute face and thought, 'Tomorrow I will gain the strength to protect you even better. As long as I am here nothing will happen to you.'

After fantasizing about his breakthrough while watching her for a while, he fell into a deep sleep.

His dreams that night were about Shen Yu clinging onto him in battles. On one side he thought it was funny to look at and on the other hand he was embarrassed.

He woke up the next morning to see Shen Yu's cute face above him saying, "What's so funny?"

"You," he said as he pinched her cheeks.

Shen Yu struggled and cried out, "Why?!" causing Yun Tian to break out into laughter.

The wolves who were just resting got excited too at his laughter and their antics. Zan in specific came right next to Shen Yu acting as if he would protect her.

Seeing his cute, worried appearance Shen Yu comforted, "I'm fine, he's just bullying me since I'm so adorable."

Yun Tian laughed and said, "Okay, okay. That's enough fun for now. It's time to be serious now."

"I am going to break through now."

Shen Yu replied as her expression became serious too, "Okay, go ahead. Guys, please make a circle."

With that, the wolves became serious and spread out around him to make sure nothing interfered with his breakthrough process.

As Yun Tian was the strongest one among them, whenever one of the wolves broke through they didn't have to worry about anything as they knew he would be there to defend them.

But when Yun Tian broke through, everyone else dropped what they were doing and protected him at all costs. This could be seen from the shining vigilant light within the wolves' eyes as they stayed wary and stood around him facing outward with him in the center.