Prepared To Die

It seemed the bear was indeed ready for them, as when they got close, the bear turned its head and body sharply to its right. The wolves were alarmed as they saw the mouth and throat that were bright red turning towards them.

They knew what came next after having almost died to a similar bear when they were only wild beasts and due to the fact that Zhi had similar abilities.

They knew what would happen, but Zan was too close and its actions were too quick for him to dodge. A breath of fire came out of the bear's mouth as the wolves became anxious seeing Zan right in its path.

Zan pulled out all the strength of his body, demonic qi, and the wind he could. He did his best to control all the wind he could as he swung his claw forward to try and defend against the fire. The claw with wind following it quickly met the fire, but the outcome was clear as the wind quickly dissipated and Zan was launched backward with burns all over him.

Bolin wanted to run after him immediately, but he knew he couldn't do that. If he went after him, the bear would either go after Zan to finish him off or once again ignore them to continue towards Yun Tian.

So, after releasing a bark he continued on and bit down on the same leg he did before. He slashed with his claws and ripped with his teeth. The bear roared in pain as it stopped and attempted to fall on him. Bolin quickly dodged, but did not stop his attacks.

He jumped on its back and attempted to go for the back of its neck. He was stopped as the bear turned and tried to use its claws to hit him. Bolin jumped off and went for the leg once again. He was successful and managed to tear off a good amount of flesh.

The bear was angered and in extreme pain as it tried to release another breath of flames at Bolin who was by its back legs, but Zhi showed up at this moment and released his own flames at the side of its face. The wolf's fire breath managed to make the bear release its flames in the wrong direction, burning down several trees and scorching the ground.

Zhi wasn't done yet as he continued his charge and tried to go for the bear's neck.

Unfortunately, while they may have great abilities and be very strong for their realm, they were still mid stage demonic beasts and their opponent was in the peak demonic beast realm.

Zhi's attack forced the bear's face away for a moment and made it release its flames in a different direction, but they also enraged the bear who quickly turned and swung its claw while it was readying another breath of flames.

Zhi reacted immediately though as he saw its quick recovery and tried to hurriedly get out of the way. However, he was just too close at that point and its large claw successfully landed on the wolf, launching him away as he howled in great pain crashing through several trees before finally falling to the ground and not getting back up.

At the same time, Yun Tian continued his breakthrough process. As he absorbed the qi from the dantians he felt his meridians, already greatly strengthened by both his dantian and dantian core, widening and becoming even sturdier as qi rushed into him even faster both from the dantians and the world around him. His speed of absorbing qi quickened even more.

He was already on his fourth dantian and he felt the breakthrough process would end soon. He figured it should end around the sixth one.

Shen Yu and Zan worried nonstop. While Shen Yu didn't have as great senses as Zan, she saw the wolf become more anxious and even she could hear the extremely loud sounds and see the smoke rising up.

She momentarily even thought about trying to interrupt Yun Tian's breakthrough process. But when she thought about what could happen to him she decided against it. She would just have to hope the wolves could hold on.

'Nothing can happen to Tian.'

After the bear knocked away Zhi it had no chance to pursue him as Bolin immediately launched himself at the beast's other less injured back leg and tore off more flesh, hoping to hinder its mobility in any way possible.

Its speed had already slowed down with the damage he did to the other leg. If he could damage this one enough he might have hope to distract or at least slow it down for long enough.

But the Bear had obviously had enough by now. It roared, releasing fire towards Bolin and fire flared up all over its body.

However, Bolin's courage would not waver so easily and he knew this was his only chance left.

The wolf's head was full of thoughts about its past pack dying. About how it could only watch as his previous pack was torn apart and burned alive, killed by a very similar bear.

He wouldn't let that happen. Even if he was too weak, he would still try. At the very least… he would be the first to die before anyone else.

Bolin unleashed all the strength he could muster and with his greatest speed, he narrowly dodged the breath of fire and continued towards its leg. There was now fire burning all over its body including the leg he was going for, but he didn't care.

He would endure it by force. He was ready to brave the fire and trade injury for injury.

Even if he died, he would at least succeed in slowing it down.

He rushed right into the fire with his jaws open and ready to bite down. The fire on the bear's leg was hot and full of energy though. It hit him hard, including in his open mouth causing him to feel as if his mouth was on fire, which it was. Still, he didn't stop or even think about turning back and only endured it as he kept going forward. So close to its leg already.