Bravery, Strength, Speed

Even though Bolin endured all the pain and was ready to receive great harm to his own body, no matter how brave he may be, bravery alone wouldn't allow you to defeat your opponent.

Bravery and plans and everything else in between is only able to increase your odds of survival in this world. However, bravery can also lead you to your death, when being cowardly would have meant you survived.

Bolin's bravery may have increased the chance for Bolin to overturn the difference in their power and injure the bear, but in this case it still wasn't enough. The difference in their base strengths was just far too far apart.

He was enduring the flames with great power as his fur burned away and his flesh was seared. He was right about to reach the flesh on the bear's leg, when out of nowhere another claw came at him.

With a loud boom that reverberated through the forest, the wolf's great efforts went to waste. He was launched away, breaking through many trees and travelling a great distance before falling to the ground and rolling a good distance further, where he ultimately hit a tree and came to a stop with a thud.

Even then, the wolf didn't lose his vigour. After he stopped rolling and a few seconds passed, Bolin still struggled to get up again even while his body was charred all over and blood continued flowing out of several deep claw marks. He had pieces of wood embedded throughout his body with a small stick embedded in his side. Several of his bones were broken and he felt his organs were severely injured.

Even with that Bolin still struggled to get up and continue his mission of distracting the bear. He would do whatever and endure whatever if it meant he could protect Yun Tian, the one who saved the wolves and gave them a new home, while also caring for and giving them the strength to survive in this world.

Though, it seemed he no longer had to intentionally do anything to distract the bear.

It was completely enraged now and it seemed to have forgotten its original purpose. Now, it only wanted to kill Bolin as it charged at him before swinging its claw once again.

The wolf was launched once more, crashing through many trees and powerlessly landing on the ground even more injured than before. Fire still burned on him and he was greatly injured and in great pain, but he still did not stop. He kept struggling to get up.

The wolf's struggles enraged the Bear even more as it roared and prepared to charge over to deliver the final killing blow.

However, it was unable to do that as it suddenly felt something and stopped abruptly while turning its head.

The qi in the air had stopped gathering in the direction it was looking, the direction it was going originally, the direction the wolves were stopping it from going towards, the direction Yun Tian was in.

He was no longer absorbing the qi around him as he had completed his breakthrough. He finished after having absorbed eight of the late stage dantians, two more than he had expected, he was amazed as he felt the extremely strong and pure qi within his dantian. It was much denser than it was before, even a single strand of it contained more energy than his entire dantian did when he was in the early dantian building stage.

His dantian had greatly enlarged during the process and he felt his dantian's sturdiness had increased to unbelievable degree. He knew this was attributed to both the breakthrough process itself and the dantians he absorbed.

This was because, on the third dantian he absorbed during the breakthrough process, the force at which he was absorbing qi from the dantians had drastically increased and he not only absorbed the q inside them, but also all the qi inside the dantian's walls and structure. It was to the point where when he dropped it, it just cracked apart.

He knew this was the part that enhanced his dantian's sturdiness as this qi was slightly different from the rest and was completely absorbed by his dantian's walls and structure.

Those weren't the only things that happened though. His meridians within his body had also greatly enlarged. Still, none of that was the most shocking part to Yun Tian. The most shocking part to him was that his dantian, even after the whole breakthrough process, was already four-tenths full.

This was extremely fantastical to him since his dantian had grown much larger than before, almost twice as large. Besides this, so much qi was absorbed into the dantian's structure and also condensed and purified to such a great degree, causing the quantity of qi and the space it took up greatly decreasing as a result.

The reason why his dantian was so full even after all this, was that he had absorbed an incredible amount of qi during the process allowing his dantian to still be a good amount filled.

The many pills he and dantians he absorbed contained an extremely shocking amount of qi. To anyone else at mid dantian building, even if they could absorb the energy from a late stage dantian, their dantian would struggle to even contain it and not explode, that is if the qi could even make it through their meridians. Besides this he had absorbed an extremely large amount of qi from the world around him, although it couldn't quite compare with what he got from the dantians and pills, it was still at least a quarter as much after being proofed and condensed.

A quarter normally wouldn't seem like a lot, but it was a quarter of the enormous amount of qi he got from the dantians and pills. No one in the dantian building or demonic beast realm could absorb that amount of qi from just the world around them even given a few months or even years time.

The main point of all this is that Yun Tian's strength had greatly increased and he was revelling in all of it as he opened his eyes. His mind was exploding with joy ready to shout in excitement and go celebrate and test out his new strength.

But, his happiness quickly dwindled as he opened his eyes to see the worried gaze of Shen Yu.

After she saw him open his eyes, she immediately yelled, "Quick, go help! That Way!" and pointed in the direction the wolves went to stop the bear.

Immediately after her words, the bear's roar resounded. Yun Tian quickly made sense of the situation as he estimated the strength of the beast that made that roar with his expression quickly becoming full of worry and anger. He disappeared from his spot, even before Shen Yu could see his change of expression.

He ran with all his might with his entire body covered in lightning from the Wolf's Lighting skill. Instead of going around obstacles, he went in a straight path destroying everything in his way whether it was a tree or a rock or anything else. Nothing could stop him.

He ran at his full speed as emotions billowed out from him. Worry. Killing intent. Ferocity. And many more.

His new strength and speed with his latest breakthrough were completely on display, but he wasn't happy about any of it at the moment.

He only did all he could to speed up even a second quicker as he quickly got used to his new strength. More qi than ever before poured out from him and his ability to use it was greatly enhanced too. He moved faster than he ever thought was possible while fueled by his worry and new strength.