My Strength Is Useless

With Yun Tian giving it his all, he made it to where the roar came from in only a few seconds.

It was him and his killing intent the bear felt that made it stop its intentions to charge at Bolin. Before he arrived, the bear looked at where he was coming from as its instincts screamed at it to run. It felt whatever was coming could easily kill it.

Unfortunately, there was no time for it to do so.

Lighting died out on his fluttering black robes as Yun Tian arrived with a crash near Bolin. The bear didn't even dare to move at the sight of him.

As for Yun Tian, he ignored it as he quickly and carefully made his way over to Bolin before kneeling in front of him to check his injuries. As he saw the grievous state the wolf was in his anger flared and he stood up before turning to face the bear.

The bear's earlier anger had disappeared now. All it felt was fear. A fear that came from its very bones. A feeling of danger, inferiority. Even with its massive frame that was multiple times larger than Yun Tian, the bear felt that it was an ant standing in front of a giant. No, not a giant, a gigantic demonic with all kinds of ferocious and killing intent filled auras emanating from it.

It felt that it couldn't run, but it also felt that it had no chance of winning as it stared at the seemingly small human that had appeared out of nowhere. It wanted to attack or run but felt it was all useless against this opponent.

In the end, the bear braved its instincts as it released a roar and charged at him while spitting out a large breath of fire and channeling all its strength to swing its claw right behind the breath of fire.

As for Yun Tian, he channeled all his killing intent, ferocity, and massive amounts of qi into the sword he took out from his waistband and leapt forward as he swung with great speed and strength.

His sword swing outright eliminated the breath of flames with minimal delay. He did not stop and went right past its claw with extremely fluid movements as he continued on and cut off the back leg Bolin had injured before.

Even with the bear's great defensive abilities and strong muscles and bone he went right through it with ease. He even used the wound Bolin left as a guide or marker for him to aim at. The bear fell down wailing in agony with one less leg now.

While the injury made it easier for him to cut through the leg, that wasn't his main reason for why he cut off the leg there. He saw the injured leg and figured the wolves must have done that causing his already turbulent emotions to flare even more which was why he had immediately locked onto the injury. He wanted to avenge the wolves.

The other reason why was soon shown as the ferocity in his eyes seemed to consume his reason. He immediately dashed forward again and ignored the bear's roars and fire as he cut off another one of its limbs. He continued to cut off the third and then the fourth as well.

By now the only thing the bear felt was great fear and pain with its anger being completely replaced by only these two emotions. It only wanted to live and was afraid of death, it had forgotten everything else as it knew there was no possibility for it to kill the monster who was doing this to it.

It wailed and roared as it struggled on the ground with no limbs left to do anything. It could only move its head and torso around while spitting out fire and roaring.

Even after doing all that, Yun Tian wasn't done yet. His reason appeared to be completely gone as he used his great speed to flash back and forth cutting off pieces of flesh and making slashes across the bear repeatedly.

The bear kept on roaring and trying to roll around doing whatever it could as it felt great pain and the fear of imminent death.

Yun Tian made many cuts but his mind was still on Bolin's injuries so he did it all very quickly, wasting only a little time before his emotions calmed down. Afterwards, Yun Tian immediately cut off its head before storing away the large body in full and rushing to Bolin's side.

The wolf's injuries were very severe and he felt the wolf was hanging on only by a tiny thread.

At this moment, Qing came towards them carrying Zan.

Yun Tian inspected them and was relieved to see Zan wasn't as badly injured as Bolin while Qing was pretty much unharmed. She put Zan down and then ran off. She returned with Zhi this time. Yun Tian inspected him too and was relieved once again. Zan and Zhi were both injured pretty badly, but he was sure they could recover even without any help if given enough time.

As for Bolin…

The wolf was hanging on by a thread and his condition was rapidly deteriorating. His great recovery abilities as a demonic beast didn't appear to be helping his situation at all either.

Yun Tian's expression was as low as it could get, basically the same as when he learned his parents were dead. Qing next to him also looked mournful as she stood in front of Bolin. She could also tell that Bolin probably wouldn't be able to recover. A grief filled howl rang out.

In Yun Tian's mind, rage and sadness seethed.

'Why was I so slow!? Why did they go so far for me!? Why does everyone I love die!? What's the point of getting stronger if I still can't stop my family from being harmed!?'

'Why am I so useless!? Should I have just taken everyone and hid away somewhere and lived somewhere peacefully for the rest of our lives? We didn't need to take any risks!'

'No! No! Focus! What can I do!? What can I do!?'

'Give him a demonic core? No he is in no shape to absorb energy or heal himself; it might just make matters worse.'