I Can Go Faster

Yun Tian's thoughts were all over the place as he simultaneously blamed himself and tried to think of any way to save Bolin.

He brought up all his knowledge including his knowledge from Earth and what he learned here, but nothing could help him. Suddenly, he thought of something, 'Ah! That pill! I can only gamble on it.'

With that thought, he wasted no more time and took out the green pill he had found previously before shoving it into the wolf's mouth. Bolin would soon die if he didn't do something. He had to try even if he wasn't sure the pill would help or not.

The alternative was that Bolin would die for sure. At least this way there was a chance for the pill to save him.

After putting the pill in the wolf's mouth, he put his hands on the wolf as he manipulated his qi and infused both his qi and demonic qi into the wolf's body hoping to help activate the pill's effects and try to help heal the wolf's body. He also used his qi to expel the sticks embedded in Bolin's body.

As he did this though, joy suddenly exploded in his mind. It turned out that he was right. It seemed the pill was meant for healing the physical body.

It quickly melted down inside the wolf's mouth and spread its effects throughout his whole body with the help of Yun Tian's qi guiding the pill's energy. The pill was quickly absorbed by the various parts of the wolf's body and his condition stopped deteriorating as much, but Yun Tian's initial excitement quickly died down.

It seemed the pill wasn't enough and neither was his energies. Bolin was not getting better or anything of the sort. The wolf's condition was still slowly deteriorating. The pill only slowed it down.

The pill was completely absorbed by the wolf and he stood up immediately afterwards. At this moment, he turned as his eyes filled with determination.

Jin was coming over with Shen Yu on the wolf's back. Both their expressions grim and full of worry as they realized the situation.

Without wasting any time, Yun Tian said to her, "I am going on ahead. Wait for us near here. Bolin needs some pills to help with his healing. And he can't wait."

As Shen Yu saw the wolve's states, tears built up within her eyes, especially when she thought about how they had ended up like this trying to defend the two of them. She felt many things, but the most prevalent emotions in her mind were extreme feelings of gratitude, sadness, and feelings of helplessness.

She screamed in her mind, 'Why am I so useless! No matter how hard I train it is impossible for me to be of any help with my meagre strength and talent.'

She trained extremely hard, basically just as hard as Yun Tian, cultivating even when he went out hunting, but she just couldn't keep up. She still had good ways to go to even reach dantian building. While the wolves were better than her, compared to Yun Tian they still didn't amount to much, but they still gave their all to protect Yun Tian. Even if she felt the same as them, even giving her life to protect him would mean little with her meagre strength.

Even with all these thoughts within her mind she wasted no time and immediately responded to Yun Tian by nodding her head and saying: "Don't worry about us. Just go save Bolin!"

Yun Tian nodded with his eyes filled with determination. Then, he said to Qing and Jin "Move some distance from here just in case. Take care of them," as they were the only wolves in good shape and they would have to take care of the rest.

Qing's expression had slightly lifted seeing that Yun TIan was able to slightly heal Bolin and it was in fact possible for him to be saved. Together with Jin they both wore stern expressions and did their best to give him reassuring looks as if they were saying: "Don't worry we will take care of them."

Yun Tian didn't say anything even after seeing their expressions as he didn't want to waste any more time. Instead, he lifted Bolin's big body off the ground with both his arms and sped off faster than he ever had before, even faster than when he first ran here.

He ran to the path and then sprinted down it, not in the direction of the nearby town they just left, but in the direction of Zhenmen town. He could go back to the town they were just at, but he wasn't sure if the alchemist there would even give him anything after what he did or if he even had any good healing pills in the first place.

So, he felt Zhenmen town was the best choice to not waste any time and get better pills. He went by himself and Bolin so he could cut down the time of the journey to as low as possible. The others would just slow him down.

Lightning covered his entire body as he ran down the path. He went faster than even a peak stage demonic beast would be able to follow as he kept on accelerating. He slowly got used to his strength after his breakthrough with even more qi continuously rushing out of him as he pushed his limits even farther trying to see what he could now handle.

He roared, "I won't let you die! No one else I love will die!"

At the same time, he held Bolin, supporting his body while attempting to do his best to cover the wounds and stop the blood loss with his qi.

Besides this, he just moved at his fastest pace, but the condition of the wolf in his arms was still slowly deteriorating. He felt Bolin's breath become shallower and shallower along with the demonic qi in the wolf becoming less and less.

He thought, 'I don't know how long it will take to get there! At this rate he might not make it! No! Bolin will be just fine! I just have to go faster. I must be even faster!'