Zhenmen’s Spirit Market

Finally getting the directions he was looking for, Yun Tian threw away the guard he was previously holding. The guard landed on the ground with a thud, but was relatively unharmed. He didn't scream or become angry or anything as he was fully focused on grasping at his throat and gasping for air.

Right after, Yun Tian disappeared as he ran into the town, only leaving behind the words, "That's all I wanted."

Everyone there breathed sighs of relief while those who were part of strong forces immediately left to report about Yun Tian's arrival to their superiors.

The guard who told Yun Tian the information went to help his companion, but his thoughts were entirely on Yun Tian, 'That was quite scary, but it seems he really just wanted directions.'

As for Yun Tian, after entering he followed along the road that went into town. He didn't travel directly on the road but he went along with it, staying basically just above it as he went over buildings. The road he was following appeared to be the 'main road' the guard spoke of as it was the biggest one with others branching off from it all around town.

From his previous vantage point, he saw that the town seemed to be built with two main roads. One from north to south and the other from east to west with many other roads branched off from, however these two roads were the biggest roads that all the rest seemed to be built off from. The roads inside the town were all made from stone, but the stone the two main roads were made up of seemed to be much older and more grandiose looking than the other roads. Although there were also several spots that looked new as though they had been replaced. This went to show once more just how old these roads were.

He wanted to go as fast as possible, but he also didn't want to cause trouble and attract more attention that might possibly slow him down. So, as he followed the road he used Fleeting Steps with its great stealth abilities and went over the heads of everyone.

He used buildings, signs, and anything else he found to go right over everyone. He went over the roofs and climbed the sides of many buildings with great dexterity as well as quickly improving as he went. He was greatly skilled with the fleeting steps skill, but this was the first time he had done something like this. Still, he got used to it quickly.

With extreme speed and agility he managed to go over everyone with most not noticing him at all, even as he was carrying Bolin.

He was slower than before but this was unavoidable with all the people and obstacles in his way. Even if he used the Wolf's Lightning skill, if he wanted to avoid destroying things he would go even slower than he was going now and he would still cause a great commotion with his lightning. So, he was forced to travel with the Fleeting Steps skill, that was unless he used the Wolf's Lightning skill and went right through all the people and obstacles, which he couldn't quite do.

Well, he probably could, but he didn't want to for many reasons including not wanting to attract trouble.

He stayed vigilant the entire time he was travelling and witnessed the many cultivator's around. Most of the people within the town were at least in the meridian opening realm. Besides that, he even saw many dantian building experts.

It seemed you either needed wealth or strength to be inside the town's walls as even the people with low cultivation were well dressed and looked somewhat wealthy. He also saw people who appeared to be servants or workers, but even their clothing was much better than the farmers he saw outside the walls.

He didn't care about any of this though, instead his excitement only grew when he reached the twenty first turn as the guard had said. He wasn't worried the guard had lied as he could just as easily ask anyone again now that he was inside the town.

If the guard told the truth then that was great. If he lied, he would get the right directions and heal Bolin before going back to kill that guard.

As he saw the road branching off at the twenty first turn, he stopped momentarily on top of the first building on the side of the road that the twenty first turn branched off into.

Then, he looked down the road to find the Spirit Market building or its sign. He didn't have to look for long though as he turned and saw the building opposite him. It was extremely large and the sign in front of it was in clear view of the main road with it also being larger than any other sign he had seen so far. It read, "Spirit Market".

He wanted to face palm as he thought, 'I was too busy looking at the people and counting the turns.'

He calmed himself down and retracted his aura as he wasted no more time and jumped down. He landed almost weightlessly in front of the doors to the building.

He had landed quietly and didn't break anything, but his abrupt appearance still caused a great disturbance to everyone around, especially the two people guarding the doors. They were early stage dantian building experts and the sudden appearance of Yun Tian, who was holding Bolin, startled them.

Yun Tian didn't want to offend those inside if necessary or let these guards spout any nonsense so he just took out a late stage demonic core and said, "I need to buy all the healing pills and items there are inside. I am in a hurry."

They were startled, but when they saw the late stage demonic core Yun Tian took out while also saying he wanted to buy things they didn't become hostile. They could also tell he was quite strong from the fact that he appeared so abruptly and was carrying a strong looking demonic beast. They could tell he seemed to be a little agitated from his tone.