Yun Tian’s Entrance

Above all, Yun Tian said he wanted to do business and that was what the Spirit Market did. They would never turn away potential profit.

Also, the two guards were even a little happy to see him so agitated and in a hurry to get in like this since it meant he would probably either buy a lot or try to attack the people in the building and get taken down. Either way the Spirit Market would make huge gains.

So, one of the two guards stepped forward as he wondered just how much Yun Tian would give the Spirit Market and said cordially, "Sir, please follow me inside then."

Yun Tian nodded with a serious expression and the man walked inside the doors and said loudly, "Ming, Que, get the doors for our guest."

Hearing his words two female attendants hurried over and held open the elegant green doors of the building. As they did, they were surprised to see Yun Tian, who was carrying Bolin, walk inside.

He still had his eye-catching appearance with deep black eyes and hair that matched his dark black robes and contrasted his almost glowing skin tone that made him quite captivating to the eye and stand out. While his physique didn't look bulky in any way, it instead looked perfectly sculpted with only slight muscle and zero fat while he was also quite tall. Besides this, he was also holding a strong looking demonic beast that would put fear in people's hearts.

All this together with the fact that just the demeanor Yun Tian gave off as he walked in made it seem like he was in a different world than the rest and that he was just announced by the guard and given special treatment showed he was no ordinary character and was probably quite strong.

But at the same time, he was also quite young and this was evident to anyone who looked at him. Furthermore, on his handsome face his expression was currently fluctuating greatly between many emotions including worry, anger, care, and many more with a deep frown on his face. His eyes also reflected this as their black depths were not still and calm like they usually were but instead could be seen wavering.

Although he didn't have any tears on his face, as the two twenty something year old attendants looked at him, they felt like they wanted to go forward and hug and comfort him despite the rest of his image displaying his strength and abnormalities.

His young appearance and his expression filled with worry would make any kind hearted soul want to comfort him. His handsome and out of the ordinary appearance only added to this.

Still, their brains didn't let their emotions take over their actions as they resisted their thoughts and just held open the doors as they looked at him with eyes filled with compassion.

Yun Tian noticed none of this. His only thoughts were, 'It's a good thing these doors are quite large otherwise I would have had to make a hole. I guess other people bring in big things too or it's for it to look better. Probably for the looks since we all have spatial bags.'

The inside of the building was familiar to Yun Tian as it looked similar to the last Spirit Market he went into back in his hometown, except that it was much larger and there were many more counters and many more people. It also looked better decorated and overall just more pleasing to the eye.

Everyone inside the building had looked over when they heard the guard's shout and all their eyes opened wide when they saw the young man carrying, what appeared to be, a large and powerful looking wolf that was dead and full of terrifying injuries all over its body. They all thought, 'How could that kid cause such horrific wounds and kill such a strong beast?'

Only some of them shared similar thoughts to the two attendants when they saw Yun Tian's face with some ignoring the rest of his abnormalities blinded by his appearance.

Yun Tian paid them all no heed and kept his attention on the guard who said, "This way," and led him to the stairs at the side leading to the next floor. Once again, it was a good thing everything was built big to be grand or else he would have had to make a path for himself.

Those left on the first floor started gossiping and questioning others about Yun Tian's identity, but obviously no one knew. Some, including the two attendants, prayed in their hearts that whatever was troubling Yun Tian would be fixed quickly so that his handsome face would instead carry a smile.

The second floor was much less crowded than the first as the only ones there were dantian building experts and those from the Spirit Market, however there were still at least thirty people there besides the attendants. Each of the attendants were extremely respectful to the experts and carried out their duties well, with the experts also acting cordial as they were in Spirit Market's building.

Everyone on this floor was respectful to each other and was either talking to each other or buying things, that is except for one old man sitting in the lotus position on a stool in the corner near the stairs that led up to the next floor.

Yun Tian could tell the man was in the mid dantian building realm and the robes he wore indicated he was an alchemist by the iron colored cauldron emblem on it.

Yun Tian had learned that the various people of Spirit Market wore emblems to denote their profession and grade in the profession, but he didn't know anything like what each emblem represented. He only realized by now that alchemists wore cauldron emblems from his experiences so far and what he knew from Earth. He had also only seen gold and iron colored cauldron emblems in the past.

The old man immediately noticed Yun Tian and the guard but didn't do anything and instead waited for them to come over. It seemed he was a little arrogant even to those from his own organization. He was after all a mid dantian building alchemist. He didn't recognize Yun Tian, but from his young appearance he thought Yun Tian wouldn't be anyone important and as for the guard, well he was just a guard.