Patience To Exchange

The guard leading Yun Tian walked over to the old man sitting on the stool and respectfully saluted while saying: "Elder Xiao, this young man wants to trade for healing pills and the like. He brought out a late stage demonic core too."

The old man was about to yell at the guard for bothering him about such a small matter, that was until he heard the part about the late stage demonic core. With that, his anger and arrogance was completely wiped away as surprise was plastered all over his face as he looked at Yun Tian behind the guard.

All the other experts there also shot curious or surprised glances over. They naturally heard what the guard said as well. Some had nefarious thoughts when they heard his words as they looked at Yun Tian's young appearance while the others were doubtful, impressed, or something similar. None of them cared for his appearance except for that he seemed young after hearing about him having a late stage demonic core.

As for Elder Xiao, a smile bloomed on his face as he quickly said, "Greetings young man. Just call me Xiao, may I ask what you are looking for in specific?"

While Xiao's patience bloomed at the guard's words, Yun Tian's patience was instead running out as he felt Bolin's injuries were still worsening even at this moment.

Thus, he only said, "The best healing items you have. I will pay very well. I am in a hurry. I hate to say this, but my patience is wearing thin."

The man was surprised someone took an irritated tone with him, but as he saw the wolf in the man's arms he suddenly realized something. It wasn't dead. Although covered in blood, injuries, and burns, it was still breathing albeit very, very weakly.

He could tell the beast wouldn't live for long and immediately realized why Yun Tian was in a hurry. That along with the guard saying Yun Tian had a late stage demonic core made him tolerate Yun Tian's tone.

So, similar to the guard's attitude he immediately became very accommodating and said, "Follow me quickly then, the best stuff is upstairs."

After saying that, as if to prove that he really wanted to hurry as per Yun Tian's request, he wasted no time and immediately stood up, leaving to the stairs that lead upwards.

Yun Tian followed along while already knowing why they were going up and what the old man meant by the better stuff being upstairs. Yun Tian already knew the structure Spirt Market buildings seemed to use. The first floor was for the cheapest items and weakest experts. Then the item's value and the strengths of the expert's buying and selling went up as you went up the floors.

This floor only consisted of early and mid stage experts while he could feel the presence of stronger experts above him. This floor would only have stuff for early and mid stage dantian building experts. The better stuff was higher up and that was what he wanted.

The old man had realized his urgency, that along with Yun Tian apparently having a late stage demonic core made him quickly rush up the stairs as Yun Tian followed right behind. He truly rushed quite fast causing a gust of wind.

Once they got up the steps, everyone in the room looked over to see who was rushing so much and causing a commotion. They were immediately curious as they saw the supervisor of the second floor leading up a youth carrying a beast. They wondered why the supervisor was rushing so much just for that youth.

Although not many people were there, there were seven late stage dantian building experts and one peak stage expert on the floor. Besides them there were several attendants and people behind the counters including a few early and mid stage dantian building experts from Spirit Market. Two of them even had bronze colored cauldron emblems.

Ignoring all of them, Elder Xiao quickly walked over to the last counter to his right. That counter currently had no one in front of it, but behind this counter an old man in an alchemist's robe lazily sat there. Upon reaching him Elder Xiao cupped his fists and said, "Elder Li, this young man is urgently looking for some good healing pills and other good stuff for healing," before retreating off to the side to watch what would happen next with great curiosity.

Yun Tian instantly found the Elder to be a late stage dantian building expert and the only reason he was not was not disappointed was because he knew there were two more floors than the one he was on. This Elder Li was definitely not the strongest person from this Spirit Market.

He had tried to sense what was above him, but he felt a faint aura or some kind of energy that suppressed his senses from going further up to the next floor. He didn't feel or even hear anything from up above him. He had no idea what kind of experts might be up there.

As for Elder Li, he inspected Yun Tian and Bolin and instantly realized the reason why he needed stuff for healing.

They weren't a charity though. So, he asked with mild suspicion, "What do you have to exchange, young man?"

Yun Tian took out a late stage demonic core causing those around to gasp and said, "There's more and better stuff where this came from. I want whatever good stuff for healing you have. All of it."

While the core along with his last words about wanting to buy all they had shocked those around. The attentive ones paid more attention to his words about having better stuff than a late stage demonic core.

After all there was only one thing they could think of that was better than a late stage core. They thought he had to be lying though as disbelief ran through their minds, 'There's no way he has peak stage demonic cores.'