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After hearing Yun Tian's words, the sole peak stage expert in the room thought, 'He has a peak stage demonic core! Even with my decades and decades of cultivation I am not strong enough to get one while this kid who looks younger than my grandson says he has one. It is hard enough even for me to even get a late stage core. No way he has… Wait!'

His thoughts were cut off as he felt a dangerous feeling from Yun Tian causing him to not know what to think.

Similar disbelieving thoughts ran through Elder Li's mind, except he was not able to feel a dangerous sensation from Yun Tian, but the late stage core made him respectful nonetheless as he took out a pill which was familiar to Yun Tian and held it out.

It appeared to be the same high grade rejuvenation pill Yun Tian had seen before. Instantly, excitement bloomed in Yun Tian's eyes as he snatched the pill while throwing the late stage core at the old man before he could even say anything.

Elder Li was shocked at his speed and quick actions that happened before he could even open his mouth to speak. He could barely react to Yun Tian's actions, but he didn't say anything as Yun Tian had thrown over the late stage core as payment. He only quietly mulled over the possibility of him defending himself against such great speed and the answer he found left him in shock.

Yun Tian turned around immediately after grabbing the pill, no longer paying attention to those around. He put Bolin down and his full focus went on the wolf.

He stuffed the pill into Bolin's mouth before doing what he had done twice already. He poured his qi into the wolf helping his body diffuse the pill's effects.

Bolin's wounds that had once again started to worsen recovered slightly, but he could tell it still wasn't enough. These pills were meant for humans, who had much weaker bodies than demonic beasts to begin with and Bolin injuries were just far too great.

A single pill probably wouldn't even be enough for the average late stage dantian building expert if they were injured this badly, let alone Bolin whose body was much stronger. He needed way more pills.

Everyone else in the room watched on in curiosity and were once again shocked as they saw the qi flooding out of him and into Bolin. Their first thoughts were that he should be in the late stage dantian building realm, but the qi he was pouring out was so strong and pure that they weren't sure whether he actually was a late stage expert or not.

Elder Li at the side had the same thoughts. Though, he also noticed that one pill wasn't enough for the wolf and as he saw Yun Tian stand back up and turn around, he said, "How about four late stage cores for five high grade rejuvenation pills?"

Yun Tian didn't say anything and took out four more cores before laying them on the counter. The old man also took out five pills after he saw the cores and held them out with a smile.

After what just happened everyone was questioning just how wealthy and strong Yun Tian must be. Even the peak stage expert there felt a great sense of danger from Yun Tian the moment he appeared and his thoughts of not offending Yun Tian only increased with each act he performed.

As for Yun Tian, he only turned back around and started to help Bolin absorb the pills one by one. His expression soon fell though as he realized it still wasn't enough. A lot of the exterior wounds, including the burns and deep scratches, were healing, but he felt with his qi that the wolf's organs were still injured.

He turned around and threw out eight more late stage cores while still not saying a word. At this point Elder Li's smile was as bright as it could be and everyone around, including the Elder Xiao who led Yun Tian and the peak stage dantian building expert, were dumbstruck. Most of them had never seen so much wealth in one spot. They were especially envious of Elder Li as they knew he was overcharging Yun Tian a good amount since he was in such a hurry.

Still, they all were just blinded by how easily Yun Tian threw around such wealth. Most if not all of them would have attempted to attack Yun Tian right away if it weren't for them being in the Spirit Market.

After Yun Tian threw out the eight cores, Elder Li took out a bottle containing eleven pills and handed them over with a smile while saying: "That's all I've got left to sell you. So, I will just give you them all."

Yun Tian took them with a nod as his face turned more solemn. If these pills weren't enough, then he might be in trouble.

He turned back around and helped Bolin absorb the pill's effects one by one once again. After a while, the Wolf's exterior wounds healed almost completely and his organs recovered a good amount too.

At this point Yun Tian thought the wolf would probably be fine but it would still take a long time for the wolf to recover completely. After all, his muscles and bones were still injured quite gravely along with his organs still being slightly injured. He had focused his efforts and the pills' effects on stabilizing his condition, as long as Bolin lived the rest could come afterwards.

Even if Bolin was crippled Yun Tian could heal him further later. However, if he died, he would not be able to do anything later.

Still, this situation didn't satisfy him. Bolin risked his life to save him and almost died, before ultimately ending up like this. He had to heal him back to his perfect condition as fast as he could.

He turned around and asked, "Do you have any more healing items?"