Hidden And Locked Away Secrets

"Well, let me show you through my illusions." Saying Katsuke as he raises his hands to manipulate light and show them everything that was on those scrubby pieces of paper. It took him a second to make the process all that had happened, tales of dark eras, tragedy and forbidden magic.

The top stories would be.

Once upon a time, in a land, near near towards, was a princess. The princess could buy the world no matter what the price may be. If there wasn't money for the tirant left to spend, she'd take it from her loyal subjects to no end. Anyone opposing her was punished for their crimes, all those who defy her were to die. But good thing she never ran out of money and no one defied her because our story was not about her. At that time of this princess, an evil man rose above all the aurfixes through selling his soul to the demon. Even if hellfire consumed him, he would take the light of the fire to shine himself brighter than even the sun. The story is about the past of the ritual stone circle at the peak of the highest southern mountain. The place where once the most corrupt man stood. He was fascinated with magic power, he was a brilliant protege, but soon his fascination turned into an obsession. Madness took hold of him as he turned insane. His research brought him a sinister knowledge, something dark, something ... He invented a way to obtain all sorts of magic. If he did not have it, he'd pluck it from the hand of those who are bound to die. He would sacrifice aurfixes and steal their magic, he called it the process of becoming a 'perfect being'. A young Salvator was a victim of his evil deeds which made him immensely powerful. Knowing that no one would be able to stop him, he showed off the extent of his power by unnecessarily extinguish the life out of innocent people (well not really innocent because almost everyone is corrupt in this world). He wreaked havoc on the land and demanded the land from the Aurfix Queen. The Aurfix Queen knowing the full extent of his power gave in as fighting would be nothing but futile. The queen made a deal with the lunatic psychopath, in exchange for the land, he would no longer kill anyone. He objected knowing that he could just forcefully take the country without any deal at all. The clever queen full wittedly was able to convince the Aurfix. Instead of no killing, he suggested a sacrifice every half year, the queen with left with no other choice had to agree to it. The first sacrifice for him was the queen herself. it was unknown whether it was voluntary, forced or a part of the deal.

He was nicknamed Theonatos, the god of tragic deaths. He was proud of his wretched nickname and believed he was god, and to be the god he had to be immortal. Immortality was also one of the things he wanted as, despite being the god of death, he was afraid of death.

Word rose that a true beauty with tremendous magic power had emerged. Her looks were angelic, her powers rivalled that of a devil (or god) but this gift brought her a great curse. She was deemed the next sacrifice for the 'king'. Life had taken a lot from her, life had given a lot to her but this tipped the balance of things she got from and gave to life. The only person close to her, her lover was filled with dread. None of them wanted for the next sacrifice to happen. Soon a plan arose to kill the dreaded king. It was simple and seemed to be effective. His food would be poisoned, one of the oldest trick in the book. They could not beat him in any battle, so cheap tricks were their only resort. Her power brought her death, her beauty brought her 10 days of being with the king before her death. Her beauty was like none other, with long hair as blond as gold, clear blue jewel eyes, skin with the slightest touch of peach (the colour) and her body was desirable by every man (aaahh finally, a blondie with blue eyes!!!).

back to the plan. Her lover would work as one of the cooks at the royal palace before the day of her execution came. The dreadful day came closer with no hope for them. It was now the 3rd day of her with the king and luck finally gave in to them, her lover got the job. He immediately wanted to poison his food but that day, the king was going to have dinner with her. Her lover decided to put it in breakfast instead, notifying her beforehand. Night soon fell, they had their dinner which followed a night of intimacy afterwards. Her lover could not bear the thought of her being with another man. Breakfast was then served. The king took a bite as she was closely paying attention, I bit too much, to be honest. The king noticed it... after he took the bite...

"What a cheap trick to pull. Poisoning my food? That's the best you could come up with? All that beauty must have left you with no brains. Did you know? Poison does not work on me!"

Her face froze, the king figured it out... She was not counting of the king being poisoned, she had a secret backup plan but him figuring out it was her who did it was the end to everything. The king found out about her lover and sacrificed him instead, leaving her with half a year to live. Her spirit was destroyed, it did not matter to her anymore, nothing did. She wanted to be lied to, she wanted to hear everything was fine because reality was as good as a lie to her.

The king then found out how to be immortal... by using world trees!!!

(thank you guys for reading!!! I shall publish the next chapter tomorrow!!! probably. byee)