


" what's with the crowd?". Jonakyn asks her cousin who suddenly occurs in the crowd but instead of answering the latter drag them inside.

After dragging them to a table Jonakyn looked around and was awed didn't think that the cafeteria could be crowded like this. "What's up Anna?". She heard Babylyn asked.

" well..well you have to thank me for being lucky hmm". Her cousin replied she looked at their table and saw foods set up already.

"What the fudge did you win in a lottery?". She asked her cousin amaze by the thought of her buying them food for lunch.

" Ouch what the!". She hissed touching her forehead her cousin flicked.

"It's not me". Her cousin shortly replied before she could ask Babylyn already did.

" then who? And what is this feast?".

Both of them looked at her cousin waiting for her to explain but be she could people around the place starts to murmur and gasped.

"Hey.. So what is this all about?". Jonakyn continued asking while looking around later on she notice that their table is the only table with foods set up already and it's not just for the three of them but there's more for more people.

" Oh my gosh did you just drag us here to fetch food that is not even for us?". She asked her cousin even Babylyn stops and looked at her cousin shocked.

"Oh, shit is that the reason why they've been murmuring around us I just notice it". She hissed.

Babylyn and Jonakyn slowly get their things to leave but Her cousin just laughed at them.

" Idiots listen to me first". Her cousin sighed before gesturing them to sit back hesitantly both of them sit back still not sure if this person is pranking them or not.

" Now explain ". Babylyn replied.

Jonakyn looked at her cousin and listened carefully but before she could fully focus the door of the cafeteria opened them soon came in the student council members heading towards their table she looked at them and smile later on her eyes reflexively roamed around the group looking for him.

It's been a week since that day and they haven't been seeing each other because the latter started his classes and she was busy with hers too.

After that day she can't deny the fact that she'd been hoping to bump to him again and ask if he's serious about that friendship his offering hoping she could have a talk and time to be with him again.

She wants to feel that warmth and comfort the man gives, she wants to see that eyes who calms her senses and that smiles who makes her happy this feeling all of a sudden bursting out of her every time that man appears.

"So that's what this is all about". Jonakyn snapped out and looked at her cousin again she can see babylyn nodding while her cousin greeting their co-members slowly filling in the table.

" what?". She asked confusedly she must be too focused on finding him she didn't even notice her cousin already finish explaining

"What..what are you looking at? You seem to be preoccupied". Her cousin asked but she just said she's fine and continued looking around hoping she could see him.

" So the President did all these as a welcome party?". One member speaks after hearing the other nods agreeing.

"Why in the cafeteria? Why not in a private place or something?". The other member questioned.

" it's not that I'm complaining but don't you think it's kinda odd for a socialite like our President to treat us in a place like this hmm like it's not you know.. it is odd". The latter added.

Jonakyn looked down at her food and start munching she's disappointed not because of what the members were talking but because he didn't show up she would not deny the fact that after hearing that the President was the one who organizes it all she hoped that he would probably show up.

"You look down what's up?". She heard her cousin Anna asked she smiled and said she's fine but her cousin didn't buy that excuse.

" You don't like the food or You don't like the place?". Babylyn also asked so even her notice her disappointment the two looked at her suspiciously.

"See it's not just us even Miss Secretary is disappointed".

Jonakyn looked at the member who mentioned her void with emotions the latter paled looking at her.

" I mean aren't you? I heard them ask you and you had that sad expression a minute ago". The man keeps blabbering she can tell he's nervous.

She didn't like this part of her it's like her face suddenly was void of any emotions almost all students talk back at her looking so arrogant even if she's not doing anything but looked at them.

" I'm not and you should be thankful we have these foods for free and not blabber again". She said calmly the latter just nod and sigh deeply it's like he's been through a tough fight, she didn't even do anything to him.

"You sure you are". She heard her cousin mumbled she just rolled her eyes as if she would admit that she was not disappointed about the place or the food but to the person who paid and prepares for this.

" So the President isn't coming?". Babylyn asked the VP who's sitting across her the VP shrug and says he not sure but the President did say he would rush back here...

Jonakyn continued eating not minding the crowd and the council talking happily around her slowly she felt suffocated and uncomfortable she'd been like this every time she's in a crowded place for a long period.

" Hey! You okay?". Anna asked her she just nod and calm herself by saying things in her mind and that works all the time she thinks of something like don't mind the people just look at those who make you comfortable and think that it's just you and them.

"Ughh..uhh..shit". Jonakyn drank the water immediately she was shocked at the image popping in her mind while she thinks of staying calm it's him causing her sudden shortness of breath while eating later on she felt a hand caressing her back.

" You sure you're okay?". She heard her cousin asked.

"I'm fine it's just that something weird pops in my head haha". She replied forcing a smile at her cousin the latter look at her seriously making her tense but after a minute Anna just shrugs and continued eating.

After that Jonakyn sighed quietly and cursed at herself for thinking about him again the image of just keep on popping on her head, Jonakyn continued eating but after a minute she can't help looking at the entrance hoping to see him walking in heading towards their table.

The others continued chit-chatting even Babylyn and Anna were enjoying too unlike those who's been stealing glances at the entrance secretly slowly the people around the place lessens and the people at their table are almost done eating.

"you're not gonna finish that?". Babylyn asked her she just nodded and start cleaning her plates and fixing her things.

"I will just pack this and eat it later". She replied smiling at Babylyn.

After some minute all of them are already done and was heading out to their classes.

" I thought that President would show up".

"Maybe he's too busy".

"Yeah, didn't he told Glenn that he might come if he finishes all his stuff to do".

" But he didn't maybe he's too busy to do so". Jonakyn murmured only for her ears to hear but one member notices him.

"Miss Secretary did you say something?". The latter questioned.

Jonakyn smiled and laugh awkwardly.

" Oh.. I mean I just want to say that I need to head down to the council first since I don't have any classes this afternoon hehe". She replied the members just nod and even teased her of being lucky cause she had the chance to sleep in the council room.

"Same place ill be waiting". She said to Babylyn and Anna before bidding goodbye because the two still have classes to attend to.

Jonakyn headed to the council room and as she walks across the cover pathway soft and warm airbrushed her skin and the dimming of the place starts slowly cold breeze starts lingering and she can even hear the faint sounds of droplets on the roof of the pathway.

" It's raining". She murmured and stops at her way to find a place to sit.

After sitting the heavy rain starts to fall slowly a smile creeps her pale lips

she didn't do anything just sit and looked at the rain falling.

" you seemed to be a bit late for the rain season hmm". She whispered talking to the rain she'd been waiting for it since the day that the news announces its rain season she always does this since she was a child thou rainy days brings the sad memories she still wants to see to play in it and to dwell with it every time it comes.

"But I can't play with you now I'm at school and even if I don't care about getting wet". She whispered only letting her hands get drench by it.

" You seem to be making me lucky these days in every time you come why not do it now I want to see him so badly hmm". She said remembering meeting him on a rainy day she smiled at the thought, later on, thinks that she look like a fool wishing on the rain as if it would come through.

" stupid". She whispered to herself.

"Stupid who?". Jonakyn flinched when someone suddenly talks near her.