Chapter Nine: Skirmish

Exodus had awoken in the morning next to a blazing fire, sending the shadows on the wall dancing against some invisible music. As the shadows jumped and twirled on the walls and ceiling, Exodus sat up, looking around the empty cave. "Of course, he's gone," he sighed, feeling exasperated as he climbed to his feet, stretched and then made his way to where he imagined the great wall of vines to be. He found them, using his hands to part the thick growth and then stepping out into the daylight. The sun must have risen a short time ago, for the air was still clouded with fog, the light barely puncturing it as the morning dew clung to the grass and leaves. Exodus searched the surrounding trees and rocks with his eyes, and then he turned to where he heard the loud grunting and panting.

He stepped forward, guessing that Nathaniel was training as he made his way to a clearing. The sound was not coming from Nathaniel. In fact, Nathaniel was nowhere in sight. Exodus hid behind a tree as he saw the two slowly approaching. They were both from Hardening, Tough and his brother, Protection. They also seemed to be arguing, loudly. "I don't care what you're views on Power are!" Tough half-shouted, the anger and bitterness in his voice clear. "You want to be with Catastrophe for his Power, so that you can be protected. He will kill you when it is just you two left. No one gets in his way, I know that!" Tough sighed and, Exodus shifted his weight to get a better view. Snap. Exodus looked down, seeing his foot snapping onto a large stick. It caught the attention of the two brothers.

"Show yourself!" Tough shouted, and Exodus, knowing the gig was up, stepped into view. The brothers stared, and Exodus grinned slightly. "Out for a walk on this fine day?" he called, hearing a snarl in return from Tough. He stepped forward, and Protection grabbed his arm warningly. "No…He could be an ally!" Tough shrugged his arm away, clenching his fists and spitting at his brother, "The only way we can win is together. Are you with me, or against me?" Exodus watched; eyebrows raised as Protection sighed and released his brother's arm. "Good," Tough murmured, satisfied, and then he and Protection charged at Exodus. Exodus readied himself, and then ducked under Tough's leg, rolling along the ground before spinning and striking his foot. Tough blocked the blow and pushed Exodus back, Protection now circling in from behind. Exodus raised his fists, and then heard the run from behind.

He jumped up, twisted through the air and landed behind Protection, quickly spinning and kicking out again. It was like striking rock. Exodus stumbled away, his foot aching slightly as Protection and Tough both faced him, the skin under their clothes looking hard and jagged. "We have you," whispered Tough, and he charged again. Exodus felt the rush of adrenaline course through him as his legs powered up, and he thrust his right foot forward. It hit Tough in the chest, and Tough skidded backward as Protection advanced and took a swing at Exodus. It hit him across the face, and Exodus stumbled to the side, his cheek feeling bruised. Protection took another swing, and this time it hit Exodus in the chest, sending him flying back and into the dirt. "He is mine to finish!" shouted Tough as he appeared above Exodus, raising a hardened leg to strike down.

"This isn't right," whispered Protection, and Tough sighed, his foot hovering over Exodus' face. "Later," he demanded, looking down at Exodus again. It was seconds away. The killing blow. Protection turned, grasped his brother by the shoulder and hauled him back. Tough tumbled, rolling in the dirt before scrambling to his feet. "You know full well I was taught karate, dear brother," he murmured, raising both fists, and so did Protection. "You know full well I learnt beside you." Tough ran forward and swung his fists through the air, the white armor blurring as Protection blocked and parried the blows, swiftly moving backwards, before spinning and landing a kick to Tough's side. Tough stumbled, regained his footing, turned and jabbed his brother in the visored helmet. Protection now drifted backwards, holding the side of his helmet in apparent pain, and Tough charged.

He leapt up, landing a strong blow to Protection's helmet, spun and kicked him in the chest. Protection, however, caught the foot and kicked at Tough's other leg. Tough was once again thrown into the dirt. Tough got to his feet, raised his fists, leaned back and kicked high through the air. All Protection did was duck, the kick ailing over his head, and then he struck his left fist forward. It hit Tough in the crotch, and Tough fell backwards, sprawling into the ground and groaning in pain. "II told you to stand down, brother," Protection sighed, turning once again and this time outstretching his hand towards Exodus. Exodus took it uncertainly, and Protection hauled him to his feet. "Thank you," Exodus murmured, staring down at Tough who slowly and shakily got to his feet. "Having trouble?" a voice asked, and someone dressed in complete black stepped forward.

Exodus recognised him. It was Rachel's brother. He did not know what he went by, but at this point, what did it matter? "I see you have arrived, Paradox," whispered Tough as he once again stood before his brother and Exodus. "Ready for another fight?" Protection asked quietly, and Exodus nodded, wiping the smear of blood from his chin and raises his fists. Paradox grinned, and then he was gone in a black blur. Time slowed. Or at least, it did for Exodus. He saw something from the corner of his eye. Something black, streaking through the air. He pivoted, seeing a black fist hurtling towards him. He raised a fist, and the hand bounced away. He felt the burning in his legs as Hope propelled him forward. He tackled Paradox to the ground, but in a blur of motion he was suddenly on his back with Paradox crouched above him.

SMASH. Exodus looked to his left, and saw a shadow emerging from the dust cloud that had appeared. The figure stepped through, and his face was revealed. It was Nathaniel. Chuckling, Exodus rested his head back against the dirt, feeling a sense of relief wash over him. "Aren't you looking a little far from home?" Nathaniel asked, and Paradox shrank back, hissing in both fear and fury as Nathaniel reached over and helped Exodus to his feet. There was a sudden thud and Paradox sprawled into the grass, Protection towering over him with his fists raised. Without thinking, Exodus climbed to his feet, turned and charged towards Protection. Protection ducked, and Exodus sailed over his head, throwing his glowing right fist forward and striking the advancing Tough in the chest. Tough flew away and sprawled, moving no more. "He's just unconscious," Exodus said, turning back to Nathaniel and panting. "They both are," Protection agreed.

"Who are you?" Nathaniel growled, stepping forward to be directly before Protection. "I'm the one who saved your brothers life," he said in reply, and Nathaniel clenched his fists. "You're an enemy," he whispered, but then Exodus placed a firm hand onto his brother's shoulder, and he felt Nathaniel instantly relax. "Brother, he is on our side. Treat him like it," Exodus said wearily, and Nathaniel slowly nodded, the shadow of his famous smile returning to his face. "I apologise," he said, thrusting his hand forward and roughly shaking hands with the surprised Protection. "Welcome to the team!"