Chapter Ten: New Addition

As it turned out, Protection was more useful in the team than Exodus has expected. Every couple of hours he would leave the safety and protection of the cave to venture out into the forest with Nathaniel, where they used their abilities to knock down trees, collect firewood and then return to the cave. The next morning, Exodus had his broken finger fully healed, which Nathaniel had explained was due to the Power of Hope giving him a faster-than-usual healing ability. "Right, Protection I need you to stay here while I teach Exodus," Nathaniel suggested, and Protection agreed, although he did not seem to enjoy the idea of being left alone too much. Exodus hurried to catch up with Nathaniel after they left the cave, who was already several strides ahead of him and did not look keen on slowing down anytime soon. "What is it I'm learning?" Exodus asked curiously when they reached a large plain.

Nathaniel turned to his brother, grinning before saying, "I am going to teach you a skill that I haven't fully mastered yet." Exodus cocked his head to the side curiously, and Nathaniel pointed at a nearby tree. "Hit it from here," he said, and Exodus stared at his older brother, confused. "You need to use the Hope to knock it over. If you punch through the air with the maximum power of hope, the shockwave will head in the direction you are aiming for with maximum power," Nathaniel quickly explained, his eyes twinkling with excitement. Exodus clenched his right fist, took a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders. He felt the already familiar feeling of adrenaline shooting through his body, and he channelled that feeling into his right arm, watching as the yellow flared up along it. "That's it," Nathaniel whispered encouragingly.

Exodus nodded, threw his arm back, and then plunged it forward. Instead of the shockwave shooting forward, quite the opposite happened. It was like, even with his power, punching a solid wall of metal. Exodus flew back and crashed along the ground, groaning in pain as his right arm ached slightly at the shoulder. "It's alright, I haven't mastered it yet either," Nathaniel said as he helped his younger brother to his feet. "What happened? Why didn't it work?" Exodus asked, trying to regain his breath as Nathaniel sighed. "To do this, it requires a strong will-power. The power of will is incredible when it wants to be, and in this case, you have to will your fist to part the air as you punch instead of hitting it head-on." Exodus understood what his older brother was saying, but he did not see how it was possible.

"Want to give it another shot?" Exodus nodded, focusing his mind as the yellow sparks ignited along his right arm again. "Concentrate," murmured Nathaniel, his eyes locked onto his younger brother, who clenched his fist tightly and raised it behind him. Nathaniel held his breath, and then Exodus smashed his fist forward. It was slightly different from the last time. For instance, the air brushed past Exodus' outstretched fist for a split second, but then it once again collided with an invisible force and sent Exodus hurtling back again. Nathaniel sighed and once again helped Exodus to his feet, dust and dirt brushing up the side of his leather suit. "I thought I had it," he muttered angrily, and Nathaniel nodded, patting his brother on the shoulder. "You have done better than I would have expected you to," Nathaniel said kindly, yet Exodus rolled his eyes.

Nathaniel thought for a few seconds, and then his face lit up once more. "I have a better idea," he said excitedly, "Let us go get food!" Twenty minutes later, they were standing on the rocky edge of a waterfall, the water spilling out into the lake below, which in turn ran out in several small rivers. "How is this getting us food?" Exodus asked, staring down as the water at the bottom churned in the current. "Simple. You get the fish from the water," Nathaniel answered, and Exodus' mouth dropped open. "That water is going to be freezing!" he hissed, yet Nathaniel chuckled. "That won't matter. You'll see." He turned to Exodus and grabbed him by the arm, and before Exodus knew what was happening, he was tossed into the rushing low river that led to the waterfall. "Grab a fish, that's your goal!"

Exodus knew he could easily stand in the water, which came up to his shoulders, but the strength of the rushing water made him skid forwards, closer to the waterfall and closer to death's cruel embrace. "Concentrate! Before it is too late!" shouted Nathaniel, and Exodus dug his heels into the water, feeling the water beneath him bubble sightly as he used his Power in his legs. He still skidded slightly, but he looked down, seeing the scales of fish glimmering in the water as they darted to and thro. He reached in, and his fingers enclosed around only more water, which clung to his green suit like tape. He plunged his hand in again, desperately trying to grab anything, but everything slipped away at ease. Exodus looked up and felt a sickening jolt in his stomach. The edge was almost upon him, the tips of his boots just barely pushing over

He turned and scrambled against the water, but to little effect. He was only delaying the inevitable. "Here!" a voice shouted, and he saw Nathaniel's hand outstretched towards him. Exodus made a frantic grab, and he gripped onto Nathaniel's hand, only to slip away again and skid to the very edge. He saw Nathaniel making a frantic grab towards him, but his feet slipped, and he fell back, hurtling down to his death. The wind rushed past his body as he tumbled through the air, and then something slammed into him. Exodus looked around and saw Nathaniel staring back, his fist outstretched towards the water. Exodus watched as his brother flicked a single finger to the water as it rushed to greet them, and they suddenly halted before rocketing back up, flying over the edge and landing on the hard, smooth rocks.

Exodus coughed in pain and rolled onto his feet, wiping blood from the corner of his mouth and looking up to see Nathaniel already standing over him. "T-that one was my fault," he panted, and Exodus gently pulled something from where it had been clenched under his arm and dropped it onto the rock. It jumped repeatedly, trying to wiggle back to the water, but Nathaniel reached down, firmly grasped it by its scaly tail and then lifted it. It was half the size of Nathaniel's body, with muscle running underneath the firm skin as it shook violently. "Pretty big one you got," Nathaniel said, excitement sparkling in his eyes like sunlight sparkling on water. They headed back to the cave, where they discovered Protection sitting beside a roaring fire. He looked up when they entered and removed the visor from his head to examine the fish.

Exodus was shocked to discover he was black, had short black hair, brown eyes and a sharp jaw. He also looked the same age as Exodus. "Shocked to see my real face?" he asked, his voice much warmer yet deep than his visor had allowed. Exodus stuttered, unsure of what to say, and then Nathaniel's voice filled the cave, "Just surprised to see the face of an ally." Slowly, Protection nodded before looking right at the two of them, "My real name is Henry, and I would prefer it if that were what you knew me as." Nathaniel and Exodus both nodded sharply, and Henry went back to the examining of the caught fish. "From my estimates it will take two hours at most for us to cut the scales off, the head, the tail and to fry it. I suggest you both get comfortable."

Nathaniel glanced at Exodus, shrugged and then sat back down against the rocks, resting his back against the wall and his eyes already drifting shut. "No sleeping," Exodus warned as he settled down next to his brother. "Just resting my eyes," Nathaniel yawned tiredly, "It's been a long day." Exodus chuckled and he too leaned his head back. "It's only lunch time," Henry said as he prodded the flames with a large stick, stroking the fire. "We still have a long day to come." Exodus looked at his brother, then Henry, then stood, stretching and popping the joints in his back and knuckles loudly. "I'm going to go keep watch outside, make sure no one is closing in onto our position," he declared, and then he stepped out into the daylight. He found shade under the cover of a large rock, where he sat and observed his surroundings.

The trees stood tall, the tip swaying in a light, cooling breeze as the sunlight cast the shadows of the trees onto the mountain where Nathaniel, Exodus and Henry hid out. He lay his head on the stone, feeling the tiredness wash over him as though he were lying in the ocean and a wave crashed over his head. He felt sleep deprived and stiff, yet he fought to keep his eyes open. He had to stay awake. He had to stay alert. Rustle, rustle, rustle. The sound snapped Exodus to attention, and he stood, leaning against the boulder and his eyes darting from right to left. Nothing. Exodus sighed and rubbed his eyes. Perhaps he had imagined the sound. The rustling sound continued, and from a bush ahead of Exodus, a figure emerged, her pale face covered in scratches and her brown hair tangled with sticks and leaves.

"Rachel?" Exodus said before he could halt himself, and Rachel spun, disappearing in a flash of movement. She was only gone for a millisecond before she was upon Exodus, roughly wrapping a hand around his throat and pinning him to the boulder. Her eyes were wild, scared, her teeth bared. "It's me," Exodus managed to gasp out, and Rachel's eyes slowly widened, although this time in surprise, and she immediately released Exodus. Exodus leaned against the rock, panting and coughing while Rachel held a hand to her mouth. "I'm so sorry," she murmured, crouching next to Exodus and holding his shoulders. Exodus nodded, trying to say he was fine without using the little of his voice he possessed. Exodus stood, rubbing his neck in pain but staring at her curiously, "What on earth are you doing here?"

Rachel looked down guiltily, took a deep breath and then looked up, her eyes sparkling. "I left my brother," she murmured, "He and the group that was led by Catastrophe. Everyone else is with them, all working together to end you and your brother before turning on one another." Exodus' eyes widened, yet he remained silent, his mind racing. "Are you alright," Rachel asked, worry and concern mixed into her voice as she stared at Exodus. He nodded, and then looked into her eyes, his breath catching as his eyes locked onto her. Exodus had never expected this to happen in the Hunt, yet here he was, his face diving forward. Their lips met, and Exodus' mind slowed. He stopped thinking, just focused on one thing. Kissing the girl he loved.