Chapter Eleven: Nowhere to Run

Shaken awake was something Exodus already hated, so he glared at Nathaniel the very second he was shook from his dream. "Firstly, I have no idea who you are sleeping with, but warn me next time you bring them in the middle of night," he hissed, and Exodus looked to his left where, curled next to him in her suit, slept Rachel. "What are you waking me for? It's still night!" hissed Exodus, and Nathaniel grimaced, the features on his face slightly stretched with what looked like fear. "They're here," he whispered, and Exodus immediately leapt to his feet, his eyes wide. "I can hear them approaching. We need to do something," Nathaniel whispered, and Exodus nodded. Henry was already awake, sitting by the entrance with his fists raised and helmet over his head. "You stay here with Rachel. Henry and I will check it out," whispered Exodus.

Before Nathaniel could say anything, Exodus and Henry slipped out into the night, keeping quiet as they stepped over the rocks and sticks. Nothing. Their surroundings were pitch black; the trees almost blended with the darkness as they quietly slipped forward. Henry suddenly gripped the back of Exodus' neck and forced him to the ground as a burst of flame extended over their heads. "You two seem to have wondered down the wrong path," said a figure, and upon looking up, Exodus realised it was the one in the purple coat from Flame. "He calls himself Fury," whispered Henry as he and Exodus slowly rose from the ground and raised their fists. Fury stepped forward, and a clunking sound filled the air. Animatronic stepped from behind a tree, its red paint scratched and the green eyes illuminating the night.

Tough stepped out from behind a tree nearby, as did Beast, the second animatronic and the second one from Flame, who called himself Hellfire. "What do we do now?" Exodus whispered, and Henry shrugged as he looked at each of the villains. "Why are you wondering here in the dead of night?" asked Tough menacingly, and things clicked in Exodus' mind instantly. They do not realise we are set up in the mountain. They think we are here on accident, he thought. Henry still looked at each of the enemies, and Exodus tapped him lightly on the shoulder. "Harden," he whispered, and Henry's body instantly seemed to freeze, the skin underneath becoming jagged and rough. Exodus grasped Henry by the shoulders and lifted him into the air, his fingers glowing, and then he threw Henry forward. Henry spun through the air and crashed into both Fury and Tough.

They both fell back, and Exodus dashed to the side, finding his path blocked by Beast. Beast raised his massive, fury arms and brought them crashing down, yet Exodus easily stepped past him. He quickly spun back to face Beast, raising his left, glowing leg and crashing it against Beast's metal and fur-filled torso. Beast stumbled aside and then turned, taking yet another lunge at Exodus. Exodus stepped to the side and thrust out his foot, tripping up the large mechanical beast and sending it sprawling into the dirt. A dash of black, and Exodus lay on his back several feet away. Coughing, Exodus climbed to his feet, only to be thrown back once again. His back hit a tree, and he fell onto one knee, feeling the blood drip from his nose as he looked up. Of course, it was Destruction, grinning madly as Exodus slowly arose.

"Our legendary battle begins," hissed Destruction, the smile never leaving his face as he took a daring step forward. Slowly, Exodus raised his fists, panting, and Destruction did the same. Something large, heavy and glowing yellow smashed into the space between Exodus and Destruction. They were both thrown back and Exodus, after coming to a rolling stop, looked up and realised it was Nathaniel again. He had told his brother to wait, so why on earth had he decided to reveal himself? It was putting their mountain location at risk. A flash of black, and Paradox appeared, accompanied by Fury, Beast, Animatronic, Hellfire and Tough. Nathaniel rose, his muscles flexed and sparking with shocks of yellow and gold as he stared down his opponents. "Get him," whispered Destruction, his eyes locked onto Nathaniel with a powerful fury as the others surged forward.

Paradox was racing towards Nathaniel, a black blur approaching Nathaniel's side as Tough charged at Nathaniel from the front. Nathaniel raised his fist, and then then smashed it into the ground, sending the dust spiralling up into the air. As Exodus watched, Nathaniel streaked his hand out, caught the temporarily blinded Paradox in the chest, spun and threw him forward. Paradox spun and crashed into Tough, both of them tumbling to the ground as Fury sent a burst of flame toward Nathaniel. Nathaniel ducked the burst, his legs flaring yellow as he dove out and struck Flame in the chest with his fist. Flame was thrown back, and Nathaniel pivoted, now striking his fist in the direction of Hellfire. Nathaniel stopped the fist mid-air, yet the shock wave was enough to send Hellfire crashing back and slamming into the ground, unconscious. Now Animatronic and Beast both charged, their metal fists raised.

Nathaniel froze, his eyes darting back and forth between the two advancing machines. He stood still as Beast took the lead, jumping into the air and extending its brown leg, aiming directly for Nathaniel's face. At the very last moment, Nathaniel turned away, letting the leg pass just in front of his chest before grasping it firmly and spinning back to Animatronic, throwing Beast. The clash and shriek of metal ripped apart the air as the two machines crumbled, entangled against one another, limbs wrapped around limps. They were damaged, Nathaniel knew, but not destroyed. He looked up again and sighed, seeing Destruction standing in his path, fists raised and his gloves glowing and sparkling red. "Have at it!" cried Destruction, and he charged forward, raising both fists side-by-side for a devastating blow. Nathaniel flashed his iconic grin and raised his own, glowing right arm.

He plunged it forward, and Destruction's two fists met with Nathaniel's one, the red and yellow slashing and spitting at one another as Nathaniel and Destruction powered up their arms. As it appeared, Destruction was no match at all for Nathaniel. Nathaniel shot his fist further against Destruction, and Destruction was thrown back, smashing through tree after tree, sending them collapsing to the ground. The dust cleared, and they found him. Half of his body was trapped beneath a thick trunk, and he appeared unconscious along with the other villains who had dared to make a move on them. Exodus panted and held his side; certain his rib was bruised as Rachel ran out from the safety of the mountain and joined him and Protection. "Are you two alright?" she murmured, and the two nodded, both panting but, at the very least, still breathing.

"We need to get out of here," she whispered as Nathaniel joined them, and Exodus could not help but agree. Their position was now compromised. Nathaniel turned and pointed towards the forest, where the thick trees obscured the direction Nathaniel had chosen. "Run that way. Don't stop running until you find somewhere safe to hide. I will come and find you." Exodus shook his head, yet Rachel was already by his side, trying to pull him in the direction of the thicker trees as Nathaniel turned to the incoming threat. "I will help," Henry said, stepping forward and standing ready at Nathaniel's side, and Nathaniel bowed his head in appreciation. "I'll help too!" Exodus shouted desperately, tyring to reach his brother, and then Nathaniel spun, outstretching his left hand and directing it at Exodus. "I'm sorry, little brother, but I cannot allow that," Nathaniel whispered.

Exodus opened his mouth to respond, but it was too late. Nathaniel's index finger flared up, yellow running along it as Nathaniel flashed a reassuring grin. Then he flicked his finger.