Chapter Twelve: Keep on Running

Exodus awoke with a start, sitting bolt-right up and snapping his hand forward, his fingers wrapping around the thing in front of him. The sound of gasping and struggling filled his ears, and he immediately let go. Rachel rubbed her sore neck and stared at Exodus in disbelief as Exodus looked down at his own hands in shock. "I'm…I'm sorry," he murmured, and Rachel slowly nodded, reaching out a hand to gently stroke the side of his face. "It's alright," she whispered softly, and then Exodus reached out to gently pat her shoulder, an indication he really was sorry. Rachel chuckled, and Exodus slowly stood, helping Rachel to her own feet and then looking around. They appeared to be in a cave, the sound of water loud as Exodus looked down to the sand at his feet.

"Your brother sent us away with his power. We were both out of it until I woke up and dragged you here. It's at the very edge of the border. It's like a beach, except we can't get to the ocean. There's only a lake, which splits its water down into many different rivers." Exodus looked up at her, eyes wide, and then sprinted from the cave and out into the brightness of day. He winced against the brightness, but then his eyes found the large lake, and he fell to his knees before it. "This is a sacred place. I've only heard of it in legends, I didn't think it would actually be here." Rachel came up beside him and also sat, staring out at the crystal-clear water. "This is where, in legend, the holder of Hope came. The one that passed it onto Nathaniel. This holder came here after being lost in war, and looked into the water, and found themselves."

Rachel cocked her head to the side slightly as she focused on the water, "If this is the source of all water for this country, then where does it get its water?" Exodus put a hand over his mouth in wonder and then crept closer to the water, taking off one of his gloves and dipping a finger in. Instantly, a spark of Hope crackled from his finger and met the water, making Exodus pull his hand away in milliseconds, his expression unreadable. "You alright?" Rachel asked, and Exodus nodded, looking back to the water, taking a deep breath, and holding his hand over the glass-like surface. Yellow sparks leapt from his palm and met with the water, yet nothing more happened. Exodus took another glance at Rachel, who leaned forward interestedly. Exodus looked back to the water, took a deep breath, and plunged his hand in.

It seemed as though nothing happened. All was quiet except for Rachel's intense breathing, and then something moved from the depths of the water. Someone rose from the water and landed on the surface, looking as though they were Jesu himself, walking atop the water like a God. Exodus' mouth hung open in amazement for several seconds before he recognised the woman. "You're the one who came to me in my dreams!" Exodus said loudly, "You were Nathaniel's master!" The woman nodded, a small smile on her face as she walked towards Exodus and stopped just at the water's edge. "You are correct," she said, chuckling at Exodus' expression, "I…along with the other Holders, have been watching your movements," the woman continued. "My name is Chloe, and it is of vital importance you hear what I have to say."

Exodus shot a nervous glance towards Rachel, who shrugged, and then he turned back to Chloe and nodded, "I will listen." Chloe smiled, reached down, and then touched the water with her fingertips. The water before her rose and swirled gently in the air, although Exodus could make out no shapes. "Your future is uncertain," Chloe said, "You will venture into the lair of Rage, accompanied by those who remain, and you will face off against the Devil himself." Chloe paused, letting the message sink in, and then she spoke again. "Our ability to see forth-coming events is powerful. Everyone with the Hope has this power, although you and your brother mustn't have known of it till now. We can see up to this confrontation, and then…. nothing. We do not know if you live or die… however, there is an important development you must know.

"We can see next year, and the terrible events that cross, whether or not you are there." The water before Chloe took colour and shapes, showing someone in a yellow suit crashing into another of the same suit. He saw yellow flashes, beams of light that crisscrossed the skies as the sun burned brightly. And he saw Catastrophe, smirking widely as he stepped along the grass towards Henry and Rachel, who looked as though they were trying to run. Catastrophe's eyes turned red, and a red beam of light shot from them. Then, the water dropped, disappearing into the rest of the lake soundlessly. Exodus was left staring in shock, and Chloe crouched before him, her feet apparently unable to step ono the land. "What is Catastrophe planning?" asked Rachel, and Chloe sighed, "I shouldn't tell you this. It is your path to discover. But considering it is the brother of my pupil, I will."

Chloe stared at the two of them for several long seconds, took a deep breath and then said, "Catastrophe is planning to raise the Angel." To Exodus, this meant nothing. To Rachel, however, it seemed quite the opposite. "The Angel of the Lake!" she cried out, and Chloe nodded. "This like, in fact, though he is still trying to determine its location. He is getting reasonably close, however." Exodus looked up, locking eyes with Chloe, "What is the Angel?" Chloe stood again, this time allowing water to rise before her as she flicked her hands and allowed it to shape. It took the form of a large, somewhat mechanical thing that had wings sprouting from its back and deep blue eyes. "This," Chloe said somewhat proudly, "is the Angel of the Houses. We base this competition off what it has said in the past, although there is no doubt this Hunt was not the Angel's wish."

It was too much for Exodus to take as he stood. Rachel reached forward to touch Exodus' hand, but Exodus shook it off, turned and disappeared into the forest. Rachel called after him, but it was too late. He was already gone, his shape disappearing as he sprinted away.