In the inn

When the two entered the inn keeper's room, they noticed several slave girls in the next room. Most of them were demi-human girls, who were rare around these parts of the nation.

However, if one traveled southward from there, they would come across an entire nation of these demi-human races.

Because of this territorial distribution, the demi-humans were treated as inferior species here, while humans were treated as inferior species there.

"Hello, gentleman. How can I be of service today?"

A deep, heavy voice brought Lucifer's attention back to the man seated at the desk in front of them.

His attire was rather western with a bow tie and black suit. He looked a little short; however, his belly was so big that it made Lucifer wonder how he could even sit at his desk.

When the two moved closer, Lucifer noticed a demi-human girl tied to a chain under his desk. As he did, he felt a sudden urge to pull him closer, catching his collar, and punch him in his face. But before he could lift his arm to make a move, Michael caught his wrist and moved a little forward.

"We are traveling through these parts, so we would like to book a room just for tonight. Also, if possible, we would like to keep our horses at your stable."

The man looked towards Lucifer while maintaining the same level of composure and grin. It was apparent that he noticed the anger in his face.

"Of course, of course. And what does this gentleman here want?"

"Oh, he wants nothing. He is just a stupid servant of mine, whom I plan to make a trader. Honestly, the lad is too naive. He could learn a thing or two just by looking at high-level traders like you."

In this world, people between levels 0-25 were commonly observed. People of level 0 were those who hadn't gone through the ceremony and activated their systems. While from those that had, level 1-5 were considered low-level, 6-15 were considered mid-level, and people between level 16-25 were considered high-level.

The innkeeper here was level 17, which was comparatively rare to see.

"Of course, of course. So, what's the rate you are looking for?"

"Hmm… that would be around a silver."

A silver coin was worth 10 copper, and 10 silvers were worth one gold. Normally, one would be able to buy a good meal at 2-3 coins, so the amount the old man mentioned was above average.

However, considering the fact that the highest one could go up to was a gold coin, the amount wasn't that outstandingly high.

By what he had heard, the inn owners and several merchants of this city worked together. That was how they eliminated all the competition, and were now the king of trades here.

If they were denied here, finding another Inn would be next to impossible, so the wise thing to do was to offer a little more than average.

The innkeeper looked at the bundle of paper at his desk.

After flipping several pages, the keeper finally stopped at one and looked towards the old man.

"Of course, of course. So, here is how it is. I can give you a room in one silver. However, you would need to pay four copper extra for the horses. But on the other hand, the food is free from our sides."


The old man took the coins out of his pocket and placed them on the desk.

The keeper slid the coins from there into his drawer. He then pulled another drawer, took a key out of there, and placed it on the desk.

"Of course. Let me tell you gentlemen that you have come to the right place. All the other inns in this town run in my investment, so they need to pay me taxes. The difference in our prices is obvious."

The old man smiled in response as he picked the key. "Yes, of course. That is why we came here in the first place."

The keeper looked pleased by the old man's response.

"Also, before you go, if you ever need the night service, I have rather fine ones ranging from 3 silver. Feel free to let my servants know if you need one."

"Yes, of course."

The old man smiled a little and turned around towards Lucifer.

Lucifer was feeling intense anger towards the man, looking at the girl's face tied to his desk.

Even though her ears looked like a rabbit's, her face was still human. It wasn't that hard to notice her emotions based on her facial expression.

She neither looked happy nor sad. It was as if she had already given up on life, and all the tears she had had already dried out.

It was painful to see her face. However, Lucifer, too, was aware that there was nothing that he could do in this situation. By doing anything here, he would only be creating a mess for himself. So, instead, he decided to go with what the old man was trying to do.

The two of them turned around and walked out of the room.

On their way out, all that Lucifer could think of was that face. He knew that even if he let this matter slide, he wouldn't be able to sleep peacefully for several days.

Once the two reached up to the horses, Lucifer asked what had been in his mind for a while.

"Hey, old man. Does the slave status stay if the slave-owner dies?"

The old man smiled as if he was waiting for him to ask this exact question.

"No, the slave status disappears. But, I don't think you are ready to do anything like that."

"Then let's be prepared for that first. Guide me, old man. Tell me how I can change this town upside down."

"Ha-ha-ha! Now that's something I would like to see happen."

The old man paused, and his expressions became a little more serious.

"Anyways, for now, let's focus on the ceremony. We would need a disguise before entering the church. I am sure the news traveled faster than us."