Level One

It wasn't hard to disguise oneself if they possessed the required knowledge in this world. And luckily, it just so happened that Lucifer was in luck in that regard.

The old man possessed a cloak that could temporarily change the name and status. There was no way to configure that change. However, they only needed it until the ceremony was completed.

After that, he was going to gain a new status anyway.

The old man made a paint that could change the skin color. And after a haircut, Lucifer looked like a completely different person.

Wasting any more time there was counterproductive, so the two headed towards the church as early as possible.

The church here was a bit smaller than the one in the earlier city, but the security was much tighter here. Still, that didn't stop the two from getting past the guards.

Unlike in the last church, the donation here was not mandatory. It appeared that the high priest here wasn't as corrupt as the last one.

There was a bit of a wait since a few other people were in line before them. Once the crowd cleared a bit, it was their turn for the ceremony.

The two walked inside the ceremony room at the center of which, there was a shining green holy stone. Behind the stone was a priest wearing a dark long cassock.

The priest was old with wrinkles all over his face. Just by looking at his face, Lucifer felt like he should just retire already instead of being at a place like this.

"Young man, please place your hand over the stone."

The priest's tone was so slow that Lucifer understood what he was trying to say just by the gesture, and placed his hand over the stone before he could finish the sentence.

The priest pointed his hand towards the cloak that Lucifer was wearing. "You can't use that in the ceremony."

Lucifer looked towards Michel in confusion, who nodded in response. After that, Lucifer slowly took off the cloak and placed it in the hook behind him.

The priest looked closely towards Lucifer; it was apparent that he was checking his status. However, even after examination, he didn't say anything and just proceeded with the ceremony.

'I guess with age, people forget faces and names.'

As Lucifer was thinking that, Michael came forward and stood near him, placing his hand over Lucifer's shoulders.

As the old priest started chanting, the green holy stone started getting brighter and brighter.

For some reason, even though Lucifer was ignoring the chanting consciously, he was noticing every word subconsciously.

His head started feeling dizzy, he felt like throwing up, but he wasn't even capable of that. Soon, his consciousness started fading.

Before his consciousness faded completely, there was one word that he heard. That voice was familiar to him. It was the voice of the old man whom he had been traveling with.



When his consciousness returned, he could see the painting drawn on the church's ceiling. His head was feeling a little heavy, but he was no longer feeling dizzy.

When he raised himself, he could see the old man and priest staring at his face. That meant, not a lot of time had passed.

Nevertheless, the question he had in his mind was, 'what just happened to me?'

He had heard about this ceremony from many people, but never once had anyone mentioned something like this happening. It was all so strange to him since he had never lost consciousness before.

But he knew that he wouldn't find the answers just by thinking about it. He pushed the ground with his right hand and stood up.

"Hey, old man. What just happened?"

The old man shook his head. "Who knows. You just fell right after we finished the ceremony."

That was not the answer he was expecting, neither was it the solution to his confusion, so he turned towards the priest standing near him.

It could be because his facial muscles had aged to the point he was no longer capable of showing emotions, but the priest had no change in his facial expression. However, since he didn't utter a single word, it was apparent that he was also clueless.

"I think the ceremony was completed fine. I don't know what happened to the boy, myself."

Upon hearing the priest's words, Lucifer was relieved that at least the ceremony went fine. However, he didn't notice any remarkable change in himself.

This ceremony was normally regarded as the point from where one becomes an adult both in body and mind. However, he still completely felt like before with no change whatsoever.

"Do you feel like anything changed?" Michael asked.

He looked somewhat surprised, yet, Lucifer had no clue about what its cause could be. He shook his head in response.

"Look at your status to confirm."

Lucifer just needed to think about it, and the status of whatever he wanted would appear as long as it was close. At least, that was how it worked before

He did the same this time, and it worked.

However, what's exciting was how his status and all the status he could see before had changed completely.

Now, he could see more than just classes and levels. He actually could see a lot more.

Here's how his status looked.


Total level: 1

Class: Mage



XP: 0/10

Subclasses || Skills || Titles || Infinite Arsenal

"I can see a bit more. It says my class is now mage, and I am level one."

Lucifer felt relieved and somewhat excited that the ceremony worked. Not even once had there been an instance where this ceremony failed, so it would have been weird if it hadn't.

"A-and what about your system? Do you see anything strange or odd there?"

The old man looked even more excited than Lucifer.

"There is nothing odd, but what's with this weird name that you gave me. Oh, wait, what's this infinite arsenal on the bottom?"

Lucifer clicked on it, but there was nothing inside.

"Ho-ho… that means the system you got is special. It's one of the king systems."

Lucifer had heard of there being four kinds of special systems — King, Queen, Jack, and Fool.

It was believed that the king systems would help one strength, wisdom, and charisma. At the same time, Queen's system was more crafting and other skills and etiquette based.

Jack allowed one to acquire a vast range of skills, and Fool could help one acquire skills unique among all.

However, it was frequently observed that this wasn't how it worked, and it was just some explanation people came up with based on one or two cases.

The true way these systems worked was still a mystery that had become even most mysterious by the random theories that people come up with out of random.

"Well, let's get out of here. I will tell you more on the way."

Michael looked outside. The way the guards were gathering around the ceremony room, it was obvious that someone must have already recognized the two of them.

They were wearing two types of uniforms, which meant they weren't just church guards. The city guards were present there as well.

Looking at their preparation, an easy escape from there was impossible. Lucifer could think of only one way out of it.