Scarlett and others in the hallway eyeing at the big screen placed on the wall
she was waiting for the results with other higher ranked hero's beside her but she is not the only one here...
the guy previously passed out giving an interview to other media channels and remain four people still in test Chambers
" I guess his rank will be A " Mira lets out excitedly as she pushed Scarlett using her shoulder. Scarlett gave her a weak smile before looking at the screen again
" which elements he has? " Lee asked Gabriel
Gabriel calmly responded
" I don't know but that snake he killed previously didn't have any injuries except twisted neck "
Scarlett said surprisingly " you mean he killed that thing using only his raw strength "
Gabriel nodded and looks at the screen again
" even he didn't have any elements, he still will be a higher rank than me because of his potential, " Gabriel said in a serious tone
" yeah crystal not only measured his powers but all of his strength, durability, and all of the battle powers " Lee sits on the bench beside him as he started tapping his foot
I put my hands on the crystal ball without waiting because I knew this is not going to work and I didn't expect anything else
Unknown to everyone a small crack appeared on a crystal ball after I placed my hands on it but fortunately it was not visible to naked eyes
I managed to see a crack because my all senses are lots more powerful than humans, though, I came to be fretting
Crystal ball didn't show any reaction even after few minutes then the voice came again
" rank F with no powers "
I walked back without showing any expression on my face but deep down it was aching as everyone looking at me like I am useless nothing, my father used to tell me about my responsibilities as a god but I just wanted to fool around and scold weakling even of they showed respect to me
I heard about karma but I didn't know that one day it will show his face to me
After turning back I saw Ray's eyes widen Like he was surprised by the results
I approached them slowly, Tyson greeted me with a smile like he doesn't care about which rank am I. I stood beside them silently without uttering any word
" Wow, I didn't know that I will able to see someone like you here in-hero association, weak piece of shit " Girl bared with anger on her face but I ignored her
Tyson puts hands around my shoulders and said in my ears " ignore her .. this rich peoples always thinks that they are outstanding "
" How is this possible " Ray muttered in a low voice but I heard it, his eyes were still wide open.
again a bell rang and they called Ray forward However Ray Stood there still unmoving gazing at some point on the floor
Tyson pushed him slightly as he came out of his daze, he gave a glance to me before heading forward. He went towards the crystals ball at a slower pace before he put his hands on the crystal ball he stopped looking at it.
my heartbeat- become like drums. as my mind was wondering what if Ray noticed the crack on the ball, humans can't see the invisible crack but he is not an ordinary human after all... if somehow he noticed it then humans will surely throw me in the prison? what the hell I didn't even start my life here.
After moments of hesitation finally, Ray placed his hands on the crystal ball and almost instantly Thunder came in the ball. Ray pulled back his hands hastily
we expected a voice but few moments of silence falls over in the room
" lighting Mage it's lighting Mage and his rank is... C " as that voice lets out, it went silent again.
Ray walked over to us and stood beside me
looking unsatisfied with the results but Tyson was Staring at him like he saw something out of this world
that girl looking speechless, this time she just gazes at Ray with a perplexed expression on her face
The sound of the bell ringing attract the attention of everyone " miss Amy ... it's your turn "
" Miss Amy? ... see more of Corrupted officials " Tyson lets out Loud enough for everyone able to hear
that girls glare at Tyson and started walking towards the crystal ball and placed hands on the ball
the large fire appears in the crystal ball and then the voice started praising her nonstop
" as I expected from a Noble family-like Dragon clans young lady .. Fire Mage and rank C "
but she ignored the praises and started walking towards us.
" ...Ass*** " Tyson whispers to me and ray.
Amy approached Ray " you got potential about serving me from now on ... "
before ray answers, Tyson started laughing loudly as repeated her words, unable to control his laugh " what ...servant ...are you kidding me hahaha "
Amy visibly ignored him " if you choose to stay close to our dragon clan in the future you will get lots of ..."
" Not interested " Ray cuts her off in the mid and started walking out of the room
and this time Tyson loses his balance and dropped on the floor laughingly without holding himself back.
A small smile appears on my face unconsciously
" what are you laughing at you Trash?" she steps forward towards me with an angry expression
" At The arrogant girl in front of me who thinks her family owns everything but you and your family are just ants " I wanted to hold back my self but I lost control after hearing her words. mere human dared to insult me. after saying those words I went outside
she was standing there with an unbelievable expression on her face, she never thought someone like F ranker without any background dared to talk back but someone else attracted her attention Tyson
now he was laughing more loudly as he started slamming his hands on the floor and tears roll down from his eyes.
she glances at him and again at Don. she walks out of the room muttering herself " Don ... I will make your life hell "
when I came into the hall, Scarlett could be seen sitting on the bench looking at the floor with Mira However there was no sign of Gabriel and another guy with her
As I thought Her friends were already made their decision but why she was still here? ... maybe to insult me and toss me out.
It doesn't matter what she will do next ... but I will remember her and when the time comes I will pay her back with the kindness that she showed me until now.
Mira noticed me and gestures her that I got out, She was about to head towards me but Mira grabbed her hand and said something in her ears
she stopped in tracks looking away towards Amy and hesitate for moments after that Mira drags her towards Amy
" Finally I found you my brother " Tyson came back and puts his hands on my shoulders but I quickly shook his hands away and started heading out...
" Hey, where are you going? ... stop for me " Tyson started running behind me, we both came out of the Building
" what do you want? " I asked him barely able to handle myself.
Tyson raised his hands and steps back with a nervous laugh " your address "
" I don't have a home " I responded and started leaving him in the parking lot but again that guy started following me.
" Seriously ... I mean " Tyson was still following me but I grabbed his collar due to anger.
" don't irritate me human .. or I will " I released his collar instantly and facepalmed myself...why I am Angry? the question appeared on my mind
" hey I might understand your situation... you live far away from the city and wanted to prove yourself that's why you came here " Tyson came close to me and puts hands on my shoulder but this time I didn't bother to look at his face
" I am also like you came from a distant land but I have a room to live if you want you can come in but we have to share a rent " with a wry smile he continued.
" how much rent we have to pay for living ?" Ray said as he approached behind Tyson ...