chapter 8 : New weapon

After a tour of the old and dark house where Tyson living for 3 days, he was successfully managed to convince me and Ray me to stay here with him because of the rent. it was 6000$ per month and he doesn't have money to pay alone

" you just wanted someone to share the rent "

Ray sat on the bed in one giant room

There were four beds in total in the living room, one big hall, and kitchen, one toilet, and a bathroom

I personally loved this House because it's murky, colors on the walls almost gone, and concrete could be noticeable in some places

" it's not like that... I mean... look at Don he liked the house " he quickly changed the topic and came close to me with a smile as if he chooses not to argue with Ray

" I don't have money right now " I looked at him in uncertainty in the tone

" so what I also don't have money expect 57 Dollars"

Ray smiled frustratedly. " And what about the rent?"

" we will figure it out something " Tyson Scratched his head as he turns towards The window

Ray didn't say anything he just rested on the bed closing his eyes.

" how about this, tonight we will head down to dungeon raid and make some money from it "

" Is this possible? " I asked him hurriedly, if I managed gain exp then I will quickly able to level up

" yep, we can go to the portals because we are heroes after all "

" let's go then, " I said as a serious expression on my face placed on my face, I can't lose any more time

" what... hold your horse's pal, it does not work like that we have to send a request to enter in F rank dungeon " Tyson replied as he tried to stop me from going out now

" And how are we supposed to do that? ". I turn back at him wanting to know all the required processes to enter dungeons or portals, whatever it is

" give me your phone " Tyson forwarded his hands as if he wanted to do something with my phone

I don't have any idea what's he was going to do with it but I decided to give him my new phone. the moment he held my phone his face widen in surprise and he started looking at me and my phone a few times

" you rich bastard... you have iPhone xxx "

Ray opens his eyes and looks in our direction. our gaze collided but he quickly turns his head

" oh you mean this phone, one of my... someone gave me as a gift for saving her life "

" Her ... tell me who is she? is she pretty? is something going on between you two?" One question after another Tyson started asking me without waiting for answers. it was not like I am going to tell him about her...

" stop bothering him redhead, and do what he asked you " Ray sat up and walked out of the room

Tyson signs and started to do something on my phone after a few moments he lets out briskly " it's done, we both are going on a dungeon raid at 1 am tonight "

He gave me back my phone." so when are you going to move in?"

I looked at my phone for a time and it was 3 pm

I started walking out. " I will come back tonight but I need some money "

Tyson looks at me and without hesitation gave me his 50 dollars

After coming out of the house, I sat in the cab and gives the address of Scarlett apartments to the driver

subsequently, the half-hour passed and the driver left me at the gate of the Scarlett apartment

in my jeans pocket, there are only 5 dollars left regardless of that I didn't bother to think about how I am going back without money

I pressed the button placed on the wall beside the red door and after a few moments, she opened the door

for a moment, her face lightened a little bit but again she recovered her normal face as she gestures me to come in

I approached the sofa and sat on it. she followed behind me and sat beside me

we both didn't say anything to each other for a few minutes, I wanted to break the silence between us

" I am leaving "

Scarlett was visibly shocked after hearing it. she was looking at me

" you don't have to say anything, back in the recruitment center I already got my answer " I sat up and started heading out

" it's," she said in a low voice

" it's not like what... " I turned towards her furiously, I wanted to control my self but I don't know why am feeling like she somewhat betrayed me

" tell me Scarlett it's a lie that you took me with you because you thought I killed that snake. you let me in because you thought I am someone, powerful guy "

she stares at me helplessly but I ignored her sad face because my anger started rising and no matter what she was gonna says right now it's wouldn't enough to believe that

" and here I thought you are different from other humans " I step back backward and about to leave but she grabbed my hand

"I indeed let you in because I thought you are stronger but I have my reasons for that..."

tears started rolling down from her eyes

I never expected she will cry because of this, if she gonna throw me out then she might be done that any moment but why she was striving so hard to convince me or at least giving clarification to me

" if they find out ...." she stops for few moments before talking but unexpectedly her attitude changed, she wipes her tears.

" you know what... I don't care what do you think about me... just get out ... but before you go I have something related to you " she hurriedly went into the room

I just stood there still trying to figure out what was happening at the moment, she never behaved like this before, is she hiding something from me?

she came back with bag and dagger in her hand, white dagger curved opposite side of the sharp corner, she grabbed my hand and puts that dagger in my hand

" it's made from that snake's fang, I wanted to give you after the results but you disappointed me... take this with you and think as a gift from a rich girl to a poor boy, either way, this dagger is also lower class like you "

she pushed me out of her house with the bag, she slammed the door in front of my face...

a laugh escaped from my mouth like some crazy guy, but one thing was clear that she crossed her line this time, I just can't let someone like her insult me, I am fucking God and a mere human girl like her...dare to say those things...but I knew there is nothing I can do right now expect slamming my fist on the door

" This time I forgave you because of the kindness you showed me previously but in the future, if we crossed the paths then nobody can save you from me " ...