chapter 17 : Carnival

I moved toward Maggy, she was looking briskly at me " So? "

" I have a boyfriend "

"aww... it's ok, we will find another girl more pretty and kind about we first do something fun " she rubbed my back and after a short break, she led me deep into the crowd.

we wandered around in the large festival, she was giving me a lot of information about this festival, she seems so happy and sad at the same time while wondering...

" it was a way to celebrate our victory against the evil... many heroes have fallen for innocent people's safety and this carnival was dedicated to them. it's always open in July " she said

I sensed sadness in her voice however after seeing a circular horizontal wheel type machine she got eager to enter it, I couldn't care less if she were decided to go alone in it but that girl dragged me with her

" What is this thing? " I inquired about this thing as we both sit closely with other peoples

" it's a devils wheel "

I wanted to ask more about this but suddenly that thing was started moving in a circular motion, I grabbed Maggy's hands tightly, I never felt anything like this.. what the hell, my head was spinning widely in few seconds I entirely failed to see anything when I comprehended the situation beside me, I noticed that I had already slipped out of the wheel with Maggy

with a sigh of relief, I am about to stand up but Maggy insisted again " let's go again "

I put both hands on my head because my head was still not fully recovered from that

" no way "

" hey come on... you are no fun "


After strolling around and doing amazing things according to her like eating street food...I can't deny the fact that when I tasted it I noticed the food was delicious more than the bakery products we were eating at home, even I didn't want to leave those stalls behind....unfortunately I had to move away from them because Maggy wanted me to go somewhere else with her.

Till the dawn comes, we almost tried everything even that vertical wheel, it was a most terrifying experience for me but this crazy girl made me do it... this was the most frightening experience I've ever faced... more dangerous than that spider...

I don't know why but I liked everything even it was colorful and crowded as we both walked out of the big archway

" I am sorry... we failed to find a girlfriend for you " she lets out with making a sad face

I examined her as we walking beside each other

" hey come on say it... I know you wanted to say something " she said holding my hands

" how about you," behind the casual tone I hid my eagerness to hear her answer badly, we spent the whole day with each other and we also shared some funny or at least horrible moments like in that wheels

first, she was stunned and said hesitating

" you... mean me... Girlfriend.. "

" yes "

she released my hand and looks at the floor silently

" hey, it's not like I don't like you or... but...i "

I noticed her entire expression changed like I was asking a lot from her, isn't it just about being a friend. why she was acting as if I asked her to loan me some dollars

" Ok by, I hope we never meet again " I walked away from her after seeing her face, she might also wanting to be a friend with someone powerful, in this world power defines everything, your status, money if you had these things, all humans will beg for your attention like in the underworld

But Tyson and Ray why they were still sticking with me, are they similarly wishing something else from me? I began wondering while walking but Maggy blocked my path

" you are absolutely an idiot... I just " but again she halted her talking. I walk past her however she grabbed my hand

" I am not like other girls..... I just need some time... and please don't walk away " she pulled my both hands staring into the eyes

" I don't have time " I replied instantly, I was already lost my precious time with her, I should've slept at home instead...

" You are cold one aren't you ?... I will give you my answer tomorrow ...but please wait -"

I jerked her hand off and stride away without listening to her... I have lots of things to do besides to keep her entertained.


I came home thinking about why I spent my entire day with her, sometimes I don't know why I am doing this, what will I gain from that ...when I entered the room, big Black thin TV came into my view placed on the front wall opposite to our beds and Tyson watching it with much interest...

after seeing me he exclaimed " Hey Don ... look at our tv I brought it with our money " he jumps out of the bed and put his hands around my shoulder

" Don't touch me or... "

he back away quickly and again pointed towards the TV

" do you like it? "

" Yeah... " I ignored him and throws myself on my bed tiredly



I arose early in the morning and after a bath and breakfast with Tyson and Ray, I went again to the bedroom. nonetheless, I kept thinking about last evening, why she refused me... did I ask a lot from her, didn't she was the one who sent me a friend request first. then I noticed Tyson and Ray approached toward me

" Hey guys, are we friends? "

" of course we are " Tyson instantly responded and looks at Ray, Ray just glanced at us and turn back but Tyson grabbed him from his red hoodie

" Don't be shy buddy, Say it "

Ray shook his head before the answering

" yeah... "

" see "

I sat up on my bed as I asked again

" so girlfriend means a girl that was your friend.... right "

they both looked at me with wide-open eyes for few moments

" no.. no there was a big difference between a friend and girlfriend " Tyson lets out as he sat on the bed scratching his head. I looked at him like I don't get it

Tyson signs and started explaining to me the term of girlfriend " Girlfriend is a female friend... I mean not like other normal female friends, with a girlfriend... you can be involved with romantically and sexually "

as I heard his explanation I froze on the ground, I felt my head was burning, my heart was racing, and an uncomfortable look appeared on my face, I facepalmed myself.

I remembered back in the underworld there was nothing named like this ' girlfriend ' even if we were involved in romantic or sexual activities. lots of nymphs wanted me to get engaged with them but I... Fuck it I never felt something like this.. my pride was crushed...I never asked even a nymphs something like this but now... I remembered a red dress girl and Maggy...

I realize that it was dangerous to walk on a living planet without knowing things like this... I have to do something... where I can get knowledge about everything... Library...

" where I can find a library, " I asked hurriedly as I looked at both of them

" library.. are you kidding me nobody liked to go to the library these days when you have internet " Tyson lets out with a bright smile on his face

I again fall silent, for a brief moment

" Don't tell me that you also had no idea about the internet " Ray looked at me curiously and after a short time and walks away " wow... "

" Buddy I feel ya... when I was small I also don't know a thing about this technology but...." He forwards his hand as if he wanted my mobile " hey...internet "

different girls voices came

" Can I help you? "

Tyson raised his eyebrow and lets out again " see, you can ask anything you want anything.... also porn... " with a wink

searching porn.....

that voice came again but Tyson hurriedly gives another command" no...I mean play a nice a nice song "

playing a song.... and random song started playing instantly, he gave me back my mobile before leaving me in the bedroom

after he left I said " hey internet... what is porn? " ....

searching porn...

the various website started showing and when I clicked on one of the sites few videos appeared on screen... the bald guy in a doctor's uniform... the same guy with various uniforms...

I clicked on it as I wonder this guy surely works a lot...

the video turned on, I was stunned after watching a few moments... it's was like I was spying on a couple... but that asshole... was he a doctor?...

I Pressed the back button several times when I saw everything closed I wiped my sweat from my forehead...

" Tyson you asshole.. what did you just showed me " I started heading towards the door and my mobile tune rang after seeing the screen I swallowed hard.

" Maggy "...