I arose after hearing the alarm clock, I rubbed my eyes walking to the window, the sky was dark and the stars were still twinkling brightly, I went toward the shower. after Eating breakfast and picking my all the necessary things, I glanced at two empty beds and went toward the exit.
I waited about 20 minutes and then the bus finally arrived, I glimpsed again at my dagger before entering the bus. When I climbed the stairs and scanned others I stunned seeing a familiar face among them... Maggy
Our eyes were locked with each other, I usually liked to sit on the back seat but she was already sitting there alone, I choose not to face her... at least not now as this thought crosses my mind I sat away from her in the front seat with others... indeed it was quite difficult to seat in front but I don't have a choice...
Fortunately, until we reached our final destination she didn't come in the front seat.. but I wondered in the meantime, why someone like her D ranker hero was coming second time In F rank dungeon because all the people I know like Ray even Tyson already changed their mind to invade F ranked Dungeon... I also wanted to go On the raid of E rank dungeons but, I can't because of the restrictions.
F ranked hero would only able to Go F ranked dungeons. any higher-ranked heroes Have access to go all the dungeons rank below them like she only Had permission to Go D ranked dungeons but Not C-ranked dungeons
But I had to focused on my current stats. I need to gain only 30 exp to level up but this time, Can I able get any powers?
The bus stops moving and I hurriedly get out of the bus and went toward agents... after giving them my mobile they offered me a sack full of food and water, usually, heroes don't take those because nobody wanted to fight with them against monsters but like last time I refused to take it and with a dagger in my hand I went to the Portal...in the middle of the streets.
few people were recording us with their mobile phones, small kids were waving their hands, and few black-clothed guys standing with them to prevent them from coming close to the gate...
Without further wait I went through the portal but surprisingly this time I felt I am in the sewers, well build structures and long narrowed tunnels, tapping the sound of water could be heard from all over the place, I intentionally ignored the bad smell of that sewers... behind me, other heroes started appearing in one by one
" What the fuck... " one guy came in front of me and lets out in an angry tone as he observed all the entries of the tunnels and water beneath our feet
others were also joined him complaining without worrying about the creature we about to face without stopping nonstop
" Stop making a noise you idiots, " Another guy said loudly so everyone could be able to hear his voice " we can't act reckless, we all know what's the death ratio of the F rank dungeons so stop behaving like kids"
everyone looks at that tall and Red-haired guy including me.. this is the first person I saw who was wiser than others. but as I looked at him I saw a pair of eyes looking in my direction, I stare at that guy instead of Maggy.
" We have 3 D rank heroes, 11 E ranked heroes, and 6 F-ranked heroes " he looked around at everyone before speaking again " We need a leader among us so We will have to take a vote, you guys have to choose from Three D ranked heroes "
" I am not interested to become a leader "
everyone looks at Maggy but again another girls voice come out
" Good...less competition... now only me and James was left, " The black-haired girl said
James smiled and said softly " then before you guys vote let me tell you something first " And he looked at everyone " if you vote for me then I promise that I will protect everyone including F ranked heroes, We will form a defensive formation that not will be easy to penetrate, E ranked and powerful heroes at the front line and F-ranked at the back so they didn't get killed "
" Oh wow what a wise decision.. you want to sacrifice the valuable E ranked heroes and save trashy F rankers... what a great leader "
Another D-rank girl came forward clapping her hands so she able to get all the attention "listen up guys I am a powerful Ice Mage and if I became a leader I will ensure full safety of E ranked heroes "
I smiled after hearing her words.. indeed she was clever for targeting most numbered heroes to become a leader... and another hand this guy just wanted to protect everyone. Fool like... I gazed at Maggy
People were started voting one by one, Maggy voted for James, and when everyone looks at me because it was my time to vote... firstly I don't want to take a part in voting but... I voted for wendy...
All of the E ranked heroes was voted to wendy and all others including Maggy voted James but I'm the first and last F ranked Hero who was voted opposite of them to wendy.. everyone glares at me in confusion at first... but again one of the F-ranked guys said " hey what are you doing.. haven't you heard her "
I showed him a poker face, Maggy also staring at me like she don't get it why I voted for wendy but Wendy started laughing and lets out
" Thanks for your vote handsome.. but don't think because of your vote I will forget that you are trash F ranked hero.. but don't worry still I can protect you until I get bored "
as everyone heard her words E ranked heroes simply started laughing and Other F-ranked heroes gave me glares except only two people Maggy and James.
" Are you insane, how can you say that we are heroes so we have to protect everyone no matter what but if we go with your plan then every F ranked hero ganna die in no time " James steps forward as he defends other weak peoples
"fewer heads means more money " She lets out as she laughed hypocritically
" shut the fuck up or I will have to shut your Dirty mouth " Maggy lets out in anger as she tried to control herself from punching wendy...
" What did you say.. you know what You can't stay with us... you have to leave the group " Wendy shouted angrily.
I don't have time to listen, everything going around me so I just turned around and started leaving without a word.
" Hey, where are you going " James shouted from behind but I just ignored him and kept walking...
Maggy's eyes locked with Wendy until she heard a shouting voice and looked at Don as he was walking away alone.
People started whispering with each other
" See I told you that guy is madman"
" Yeah what was he thinking, going alone with his F ranked abilities "
" even I E ranked hero didn't dare to go alone and that idiot "
Maggy glare at everyone after hearing the words, when others saw her angry Face they stop talking... Again Maggy steps away from wendy and started walking behind Don but before she goes she said
" If you want to stay alive.. you better follow him "
her words dumbfounded Everyone, they look at each other in disbelief face, a D rank Hero suggesting to follow F ranked Hero.
James wished to go with Maggy but after seeing the other five F-ranked heroes with him he dropped the idea to follow her. He knew no matter what he decides they were going to follow him but James doesn't want to risk others life because of his differences with Wendy, at least these peoples have a chance of surviving with a group rather than two People's so he just looks at Maggy as she was following behind Don...