chapter 90: Back at base

After few hours,

Four of them sitting in the chopper along with the other two helicopters, Tony called another two choppers so they could evacuate the girls safely.

James, Tyson, and Tony were talking freely, And Don was quite as usual. Falcos words were replicating in his mind over and over again.

James was taking a glance at him from time to time...



The time flys by and they landed on the main base of the Army z, Cameras began chronicling them as they landed on the ground.

After seeing Demon slayer with girls who went missing, chaos erupted among the reporters, Soldiers restraining their movements but some of them slips away from them to The demon slayer

" Sir finally found the missing girls, please can you share a few-" Soldiers grabbed the reporter away from James.

Few of the soldiers led them inside the base where everyone waiting for their arrival.

President, Firefox along with Clan leaders waiting for them. Jordan hugged his Son as soon as he saw him

" Thank God you are safe"

" Dad" James hugs back, Eagerly. Kenny was smiling looking at them along with Kent who was standing beside him.

He still recovering from the damage he took back there. Unlike James, he didn't train physically after Jordan, Kent forwarded himself for a quick hug

Medics led girls in for the check-up, And others began congratulating James for his victory against evil.

Don slipped away from them and sat in the corner, trying to understand why Falcos words affecting his mind and those girls who were they? Why they refused to come with us, especially that white-haired girl.

Why did they want to hide their identity? Why his senses were tingling? His minds wander miles away from him that he didn't even notice that someone sat beside him

" Hey, Are you ok?" Tyson asked. Don nodded his head without looking at him.

Scarlett was stealing a glance at Don from time to time, She was feeling something odd since Don passed by her.

It's the first time her psychic senses telling her that there was something wrong with Dons' emotions. According to her powers, she can feel others' emotions except for Don he was always a mystery to her.

Another hand James' emotions also feel unstable at the moment...

At the main room

James explained to everyone about what happened since Falco kidnapped them, except hiding the fact that Dons Teleportation but he didn't forget to mention strange girls...

Everyone hearing James, with a surprised look on their face, Tyson and Don were standing across the room quietly.

Clan leaders, President, and Firefox left for the meeting, they were speculating how to handle future matters Leaving every other alone in the main room.

Scarlett, mira, kent, James, Tony, Tyson, and Don were left alone in there.

James walked up to Don with a gentle smile but his smile faltered after seeing his blank face.

" Can you describe their powers?" Tony asked James Gaining everyone's attention.

" What," James asked in confusion.

" He is asking about their powers, you said they possess some unnatural powers don't you?" Tyson repeated

" Oh..yeah they..." James glanced at Don.

" Telekinesis, She was using it " Don respondent nonchalantly, turning his attention at him.

" Are you sure because -" Tyson said as if he wanted to clear Dons misunderstanding as far as he knew there not any single human capable to wield that powers

" yes, I am..." Don said in a deep voice, James quickly Showed his support to Dons words as he explained briefly her powers steps by step.

Tyson's facial expressions becoming serious after hearing him, Scarlett was alerted by his expression, she knew this was something bad, and that's why Tyson was reacting this way.

" So she didn't summon any weapons just controlled other weapons " Tyson's voice becomes deep, He was trying to piece all the information together only one person realized what he was getting at, Tony

Tyson was thinking if that strange girl That Don and James mentioned is the one who attacked Scarlett and the chopper.

James nodded his head in affirmation, Scarlett and Mira also joined the conversation hearing the subject of the spear. they knew the attacker was using his spear to ambush the chopper. One doubt occupied Scarlett's mind, she wanted to know something about The Demon.

" Is that person was radiating purple aura?" Scarlett asked curiously switching her gaze between James and Tyson.

"I don't know much about her, I was occupied with other stuff but I am sure that Don would explain about it he was more sophisticated than me " James scratched his head looking apologetically at Scarlett.

" Hey, I don't think this matter has anything to do with Them am I right Tony" Tyson smiled weakly at Scarlett. Tony startled but quickly nodded his head but Scarlett refused to believe that, she glances at Don softly and meets his gaze her heart beats fast seeing his gaze.

Don waited for moments and Said" No, she wasn't"

Tyson exhales happily and again looks as if his face telling her I told you so, But mira asked Tyson

" Who is them?"


Tony Gives soft look to her " Demons" Mira's eyes widen But Scarlett touched her shoulders reassuring her.

" What are you talking about?" James added in confusion. he has no idea why they are asking about spear and demonic aura all of sudden.

Kent filled them with everything that happened after their disappearance leaving James' mouth open in shock.

" Thank god you are safe" James added looking at Scarlett. Scarlett smiled back and glance at Don to see his reaction

He was silent observing everyone's expression especially Tysons. He switched his gaze between Her and Him before turning his to another side.

shortly Tyson and Tony left with pondering themselves about the secrete identity of Those girls. they both knew that humans Cannot learn that kind of abilities until he was possessed by a Demon

They wanted to discuss it with the clan leaders and President without letting others knew about this, they are sure that the girls were encountered by James and Don has something to do with this attack

Tyson confirmed that the attack was meant for Scarlett, not for others but he was not sure why they attacked in the first place. According to Firefox Demons wanted her alive the why the deadly strike, that attack could have killed her or they already predicted that Edward will save her?

After minutes of silence, Kent smiled saying " So finally you killed the monster"

" She killed him" James added.

Kent turned his attention to Don, " Don't get offended but are sure about this guy cause he is also one of them"

James said " I trust him" supporting Him without waiting a second moment.

after a long pause, Kent Lets out" Our fathers also trusted Carlos and you knew what happened afterward"

Don turned back furiously earning everyone's interest James stood between them with an apologetic expression.

" Hey please forgive him he is an idiot" He glared back at Kent before continuing his conversation " Don is not like them he is -"

" Save it" Don Walk past Them in anger, Everyone looks at him from the distance. Kent chucked but James eyed him angrily

" You making it worse," James said Furiously " You have no fucking idea what he is going through"

" Then please enlighten us "...

James paused before started speaking about Falcos words. As he knew if Don decided to follow their path then he will be the biggest and worst threat they ever dealt with.



Half of an hour later

Don was sitting in half dark room, Looking at the sky. Anger is flaring but there was no expression on his face, he was trying not to behave like he used to before coming here

He is changing his attitude without realizing it, a grumpy got to a Calm one at least he is in the process of it.

Scarlett Slowly approached beside him accompanying him for looking out of the guest room...