chapter 91: I assure you...

" I don't know why you care about his feelings, He already blackmailed you and Killed Gabriel, " Mira said softly as walking beside Scarlett

They were trying to find Don after hearing What happened, She felt sorry for him.

" Don't say that mira, He is not-" Scarlett ended her conversation pointing her finger at the half-dark room. " There, I am pretty sure that he will be here"

After confirming that he was in the room They panicked especially Mira.

" I am not going there if he saw me then I am dead" Mira steps back in fear remembering how she blamed him at the party.

Before Scarlett say anything she ran away leaving her in front of the open door of one of the guest's rooms.

Scarlett looks back at Don who was standing by the window and took a deep breath.

" I can do this"

Don was visible in the darkroom even he was standing still, the moonlight was shining over him brightly

Scarlett Slowly approached beside him accompanying him for looking out of the guest room

" How did you find me"

" Isn't it quite obvious, " She looked around in the darkness beside him.

There were lots of empty guest rooms in the Main base of Z army but The room was Don was standing was the quietest and the darked among them all.

" I am sorry, at the party because of me-"

" There is no need" Don glance at her, She could feel the tense atmosphere around her. she knew Don was not okay at least not emotionally.

" Can you explain the term of monster?" Don asked her

Scarlett hesitated before answering him, " means a... the thing that hurt Weak or innocent peoples I guess"

" Is this all ?" He smiled glancing back at her, He felt like her answers were not what he expected and this thing began bothering him

She steps back in fear but again regained her composer and decides to face him. Her mind arguing with heart about his motives

Mind was reminding her about the future she saw at the hospital and her heart was refusing to believe the future.

But she is aware of the fact that The future would be change if Don Changed it but for that, she has to take steps with caution.

Don smiled Bitterly looking at her beautiful Purple eyes " innocent, There are no innocents Scarlett, yes there are weak peoples but no innocent"

" you called me a monster once because I killed your friend... but for me, that was self-defense even that makes me a monster I don't care" he added

" Everyone is right at their place even they are wild animals or a human being...But for humans, the beast that kills other humans is a monster but when the human kill any weak animals it's for their survival..why "

Scarlett was hesitant. she has no answer for Don, His words making sense but she could feel the anger behind it.

" For the frog snake is the monster, For snake eagle is monster, for eagle human is monster, for humans, everyone is monster who doesn't feet in their criteria even fellow humans "

" Are you defending them?." Scarlett asked impatiently " I know in the past peoples made mistakes but it doesn't mean you have to go rogue and kill the innocent peoples"

Taking silent as an answer Scarlett frustratedly moves back " So you are supporting the fact that they kill peoples to gain powers in a short amount of time ...Or there is something else"

Don raised his bow, causing her to stop speaking, But again she began speaking despite visible warning

" speaking about gaining powers in a short amount of time, aren't you also gaining strange abilities?" She added " Are you also killing girls for the powers like your-"

Scarlett stopped herself before speaking further but Don completed her sentence for her

" Kind...My kind" Don Signs looking back at her " Does it matter, I killed anyone or not because in everyone's eyes I am a monster"

Don step closer to her leaving only a few inches apart from her face" you can rest assure Scarlett I am not doing anything wrong cause if I decided to do what you think is wrong then there will be no person in the world who can stop me "

His words struck hard In her heart, she doesn't realize that her words were going to hurt him nor she ever thought that she was also one of them who judge peoples without knowing them.

" I need to rest " Don gesture to her to get out of the room so he can rest after tiring battles.

Scarlett left the room with a flood of emotions, she was not sure that she made things worse or good for the future she saw before.

Despite her efforts to change the future, she was feeling that she made a mistake but she was praying that Don wasn't like the rest of the necromancers who like to kill Humans for their power lust.



Reporters interviewing James as Tv channels spreading the Title

Another feat achieved by the Demon slayer, Demon slayer took vengeance and other similar titles for James...

Hero association bestowed instructions to girls to say the only thing that they advise. like James was the one who saved them and killed all of the necromancers along with that destroyed their base without mentioning Don or other girls.


this news spread like a wildfire across the human continents gaining lots of attention from powerful peoples

James' name was becoming popular and his feats started up to motivate new heroes.

The enemy city of Z city was felt weekend by the news and The allied cities decided to strengthen their relations with City Z or more likely The Demon slayer himself...

The Rival city G, the sworn enemy Of Z city along with other few cities... now Laying their evil eyes on James waiting for opportunities to kill him.

City z Began Celebrating James success on a full scale, Rich families were throwing parties For heroes and Clan leaders in hope of showing off their gratitude towards them...

City z Has No enemy left on the inside, Carlos was sent to the most secured jail and his lackeys got eliminated by James.

Coffee shop

" So he was lying low like us" Carmella smiled looking at The Tv. Naya glance at the Tv and again began doing her work in the coffee shop

" Hey, why are you so quiet?," Carmella inquired to Naya

" I am not it just, What if they -" She stopped looking At her " They are dismissing his existence because he is necromancer"

She earned a Look from Carmella" Well...he is necromancer"

" but Not only necromancer he was something else" Naya pressed her words hard enough to cause Carmella to think about that guy.

" Yeah...There was something else I noticed about him, " Carmella stopped after giving one coffee to the customer " I have to meet him again"

" Who knows, maybe we will meet him again" Naya added Before turning his attention to others



Hero association of City G

" So Carlos got arrested," One Middle-aged Guy said looking out of the glass wall " What a waste of resources"

President Of city G assisted Carlos in the previous attack on City Z, The weapon used by Red robes was given by them along with The Red necklace

They were planning a full-scale War against City Z for a long time and that's why They are trying to weaken them before the War

" President, what now we can't let them get ahead of us," One guy said beside him

" We tried everything But we've failed to weaken the defense of City Z " another one lets out in an irritating voice

" There was only one option left for us ...That is WAR" President Smiled looking himself in the glass wall in front of him