Chapter 92: Breakfast


in The Throne Room,

Don was gazing at his Fathers throne with uncertainty, Unknown to Him Hades was watching him with amusement

The Black throne surrounded with a mysterious aura, gold, and rare diamonds shining through the darkness as if expressing their joy to get an opportunity to become one with the mighty Throne of the underworld

" Why don't you sit there and help your master " Hades added glancing at Thanatos who was doing his work with a bunch of souls around him

Don turned back at his father " No thank you, I am happier here than doing the boring duty all the time"

" Oh, I thought you liked my work"

" of course I like it when you do it no me" Don glance at his master with a perplexed expression. " why they even execute crimes with their short life spans, can't they just live peacefully?"

Hades smirked at his words, peering his gaze at souls who also felt his King's gaze and a shiver ran down their spine if there is any left...

"I must punish evil but it doesn't mean I hate them" Hades sensed Hate in Dons gazes towards Mortal souls who were going to Tartarus.

" Why not, aren't you the one who judges them by their sins ?" Don eyed Hades as if he was trying to prove his point " There are a lot of mortals who do good things and earned their way to immediate reincarnations if they choose to unlike them who suffer cause of their sins and then earned the chance of reincarnation, after completing their punishments"

" Everyone had their own free will and have their circumstance that became the root of their sins," Hades said "Everyone is right at their places even it is mortal or an immortal, they have different beliefs but the same manner to deal with things"

Don frowned at His father's words and received a small smile from him.

" I know hearing from me is quite unusual at the time but one thing I want you to know and that is Do not judge peoples if that is possible ...until you decide to Sit on the Throne and..." Hades paused with the same smile as before, " My son one day you will learn everything, Even if you don't want to"


Present Day ...

Sunlight ruined Dons Good Night's sleep, He rubbed his eyes cursing apollo for waking him up early in the morning.

He went To showers and after ten minutes, wore the clothes provided by The Servant, Thankfully clothes are black as he liked to wear.

They provide great care of their guests and their likes and dislikes cause every single person who was going to live here in the main base of the Army would be a special person for the city.

Tyson brought breakfast on food trolley, Eggs, and bacon, Salad, donuts, various fruit juices, Along with dry fruits and fruits

Don raised his bow, " Don tell me you decided to become a Waiter or something ?"

" Of course not I just saw Waitress out there when I was heading to your room so I thought i..."

" Ok...Ok, there is no need for explanation I am starving " Don Swallowed half of the donut and went for the juice. Tyson was also accompanied him to finish the entire plates

Pieces of food were scattered on the ground since these two began eating like animals

" this...Food..." Tyson frank full glass of green juice " What the heck was this..."

He observed the empty glass of green juice before putting it on the cart " it was a gourd..."

" I am still hungry" Don stated looking at the empty plates and glasses. Tyson welcomed him with a smile with one phone call another food trolley came...

After eating both of them headed outside, As they walk side by side they saw another person joined was James

Three of them came into a Side foyer where All of the elders were present. They were talking about something but as soon as they saw them they stopped talking

" Hey guys" Jordan beamed ending his conversation with Rosey. James returned the smile and Sat on the near chair along with Don and Tyson

Minutes passed and Scarlett and Mira joined them and sit near Tyson waiting for the President and Firefox...

" So what's the matter?" James asked Scarlett looking perplexed at the elders

" I don't know but if I have to guess it's about your next activity" Scarlett added before glancing at Tyson

There went silent when Both of them entered the room along with Tony and kent

" Thank you guys for waiting..." President smiled at everyone and motions elders to take a sit. Tony and Kent joined the youngsters without making any noise and firefox lazily sat big chair beside President

" Everything is settled last night thanks to our heroes" Everyone glances at James and Don. James smiled but Don felt like something was crawling on his skin when everyone looking at him.

" James and Don succeeded to eliminate enemies all by themselves but I am afraid that there are more problems yet to come" He stopped, After a few moments wide smile appeared on President's face

" I want to congratulate especially Don, You are a necromancer and a faithful comrade...we done a lot of mistakes in the past and now we are going to do what is necessary to change them"

" Brat, don't make me regret my decision," Firefox said glancing at Don " from now on Hero association will welcome every necromancer who wish to join heroes and we will make sure that his achievements won't go unnoticed"

Jordan and Kenny grinned at the decision and Rosey frowned, Shane's expression was blank as if he was struggling to decide how was he feels about this along with Larry

And the young members were happy except Mira and Kent. they congratulate Don but President cleared his throat making them stop abruptly.

" Now we can discuss our further subject, About safety of our heroes" President added dumbfounding everyone

" James you are our top priority because of your boosted reputation you made a lot of enemies" Firefox exclaimed nonchalantly

James swallowed hard glancing at his father who was looking proud despite the warning,

" We are going to assign Top rankers as your bodyguards," Three men came in the hall in an army uniform" These are three B ranked heroes for your protection "

" Wait for three of them for me...or ?" James scanned the men, they were looking bulkier than ordinary humans and there was something in their appearance making them deadly by looks

" No each one assigned for each of you," Larry said with a proud smile " One for you, the second one for Kent, and the third one For Don "

Larry's words startled Don as he was looking at the third guy " I don't need anyone to protect me"

" two," James said instantly after Don.

" Me three" Kent supported them with wide eyes

" I suggest you guys allow is to help you, there was a demon on the loose and we can't let him harm any of you" Kent added further " He already attacked Our powerful members we don't know when he will attack back"

" Yeah, I agree with this idiotic guy over here, And besides that, we can't let you guys roam around without any protection," Jordan said, Kenny's veins in his forehead pop-ups but he again soothed himself

" I will protect Don " Tyson announced glancing at him. Don glared at him but Tyson ignored him " and besides that, I and him are in one team so it would be easier for me"

Don's expression changed into questioning one as if he wanted to say that when he joined Tyson's team.

" Hey I also want to join your team then," James said loudly ignoring Don who is looking more madder at Tyson

" Good lord then we created our squad of four members" Tyson shakes his hand with James " We have another idiot at home"

" I am sorry James but you can't join any team," Jordan said in a deep voice

" But-"

" Your father is right, you can be allowed to include any dungeon at least not now," Rosey said as she sat up. Everyone began leaving and names went to persuade his father

Don about to went out and scold Tyson but Tony stopped him midway signaling him to stay here

Everyone left the room except President and Don...