Chapter 99: The Glorious


current Level 10. 348/2250


Name - Don

HP - 51/ 55

Mana - 51/55

stamina - 45/55

Update point - 0

Ability -

• Shadow travel ( advanced )

• Army of the Darkness

Exp boosts 20 %, 13:11 hrs left... ]

Tyson slowly turn back at Ogre who was darting his big eyes on him " Hey... big guy"

Ogre stirs his enormous and stinky hand on Tyson sending him sked across the Cave, every one kept looking at him as he got crushed on the hard wall of the cave

Ogre bolts towards Don and Ray who were standing in front of him but before he could reach them both of them teleported away from him without any concerns. Ogre head for the next three humans who were standing between him and Tyson who was recently got slammed on the wall

Katy was holding her ground trying to use her thunder magic however she got interrupted By Raya who pulled her out of the way So she couldn't get crushed beneath his food " Move aside he is coming "

" Hey... what the fuck Raya I am about to -"

" It doesn't matter Katy even if you would have killed him, either way, he would have crushed you with his hands or body cause of his momentum "

Tyson shook his head as he was trying to balance himself However before he could do anything Ogre banged himself on the wall alongside Tyson

Katy's eyes widen after realizing what had happened, Ogre was stuck on the walk for a while, and between him there was Tyson

" Tyson" Katy turn back, she proceeds to use her magic however she waited until the ogre gets away from him

" Lol... I would love to see that pigs brushed face" Ray grinned looking at the situation, He earned Katy's glare after his comments

Ogre separates himself while Tyson dripped on the ground however there was no single scratch on his body despite dusty clothes " I am all right " He raised his thumb burying his head in the soil

Thunder crackles from Katy's hands and a full force of the chain reaction attack slammed on the ogre. that attack killed him an instant " Are you ok?" She asked while kneeling beside him

" Yeah totally" Tyson exchange the smile before standing on his feet" All good?" He asked looking at Don and Ray

Ray walked out of the Cave while Don beckons him to follow them. Their sudden disappearance didn't go unnoticed as Kevin felt they did something that nobody could do bit he kept his mouth shut.

The group left the cave to a safe distance so the smell of blood could not attract more attention.

" are truly ok?" Katy asked while walking beside Tyson. Both of them walking behind Kevin and Raya as They were Following Ray and Don

" Yeah.."

"It's unbelievable... you just"

" Hmm... I got a strong physique.. literally stronger than any ordinary hero" Tyson added with a smile. Katy returned the smile without a word

" What... it's impossible?"

" Shh... keep your voice down" Kevin glance at Ray and Don before continuing " they completely dissolved like a shadow before the ogre could touch them"

" I didn't notice that" Raya whispered

" because you were focused on Ogre and sisters"

Don and Ray had heard their conversation but hast responded. Both of them were navigating through the dark forest while Ray was trying to listen to everything from the far side and Don was using his vision in the dark.

" The glorious..." Tyson repeated the Party name a few times before laughing" It's hilarious... Don't you think"

" Ah... Maybe but at least its better than Unnamed squad"

Tyson things for few moments before replied " Who the fuck is unnamed squad"

Katy raised her bow at his question and after seeing his genuine face", you guys?" It was more of a questioning answer

" What... But we left the party name column empty" Tyson pondered looking at Don and Ray.

" Maybe they made up this name for you... " Katy grins.

" Oh..."

The atmosphere was dark but it was not dark as nobody couldn't see anything, They could see everything around them because of the faint light of the moon however it wasn't enough for them to see more than 1 meter.

" Humans..." Ray glance back at his shoulder before cautioning them about other heroes presence ahead of them

The glorious team's face brightens with happiness as they found out the escape portal, unlike the unnamed squad who has no interest in interacting with them.

When they arrived near the humans, They could see the rest of the human's campaigns outside of the giant lair. There were Eight heroes were present and they arrived few of them greeted them with a smile.

" Another party is here"

" Hey... maybe they are two different teams"

" Good to see you guys"

The first team has their all heroes safe One B rank hero and two C rank heroes. The second team has a One B rank hero and Two C rankers left they lost their one member who was D- ranker and the last team has one C ranker and one B ranker left.

The glorious Team began interacting with other fellow humans as The unnamed squad stayed away from them at the corner

" Are you serious... the unnamed squad" Ray Eyes widen in shock? " See you are a lot stupid than you looks"

" Hey I didn't take that name, The Red roses named us because we haven't selected any name yet"

Don pulled out two donuts from his inventory and while ignoring their talking started eating however Tyson saw the donuts

" Gimme one"

" No"

" Gimme... bro I am starving" Tyson made puppy eyes. Don signed

" Only one bite"

Don forwarded his hand as if he were beckoning him to take a small bite, Tyson took the Donut, and in another second he set in his mouth. Dons veins on the head pop up looking at his full face

" I told you only one bit... you pig"

" my one bite" Tyson replayed while eating the donut. Ray signed and looks away.

When the sunlight touched the lair front Humans began moving as if they were preparing to invade the lair

" Hey, guys... I don't know who you are and probably I don't even care about that" One B rank hero addressed the heroes" But I knew you are capable that's the reason why you were still alive, maybe there were differences in our perspectives but one thing was clear her that we can not go out without killing the Hob Goblin"

Heroes murmured while looking at each other until another one stated speaking " Listen what we have to say, we both concluded that we have to move now if we want to survive then we have to face them head-on"

Lots of positive responses came from the heroes as everyone began preparing to enter the lair. Every group were deciding their strategies before heading to the Battle

" So what's our plan?" Raya inquired Katy who was looking uncertain. Katy closed her eyes shut

" I... I don't know maybe it will be better if we stick together with Tysons team"

Raya and Kevin nodded their heads, even they didn't want to join them they knew they were safer with the group who saved them before unlike new ones.

" So what our strategy?" Ray asked nonchalantly

" Go in and kill the monster... as simple as that"

Tyson's reply made Ray roll his eyes, " idiot, We just can't go in the dark lair without any plans, we don't even know how many of them inside probably they were waiting for us and if we were to go without anything then..."

" Yeah, that makes sense..." Tyson scratched his head.

" How about following their lead?" Don replied after seeing Heroes started planning something on their own. The unnamed squad headed toward the human

" ice mages will protect us from the arrow while the fire mages will focus on eliminating the archers and remained heroes will have to kill ground enemies" Hero addressed before heading in

" But first we need a scout" Another added

Everyone fell silent looking at each other's faces until Don spoke " I will do it" ...