Chapter 100: Scout

The temperature of the lair was cool, The atmosphere was gloomy while the one person was walking through the Big passage of the lair

Don could see four meters in front of him as he was walking consciously. Stony pathway making harder and harder to walk without making any noise

Don postponed using his army because he was wishing to go near as soon as possible without letting them notice that he was here. If he were had to use Skeleton then his main purpose to enter the lair alone would have been exterminated by stupid skeletons

He was wishing to kill the final boss by surprise if it was possible so he would get the full Exp after killing the monster all by himself. He knew it was not easy to kill D- rank dungeon boss with his current strength but he had something that nobody has at their disposal... The teleportation

When he reached the corner he found what he was aiming for, The dungeon boss was standing on the big platform alone and in front of him lots of Armed goblins was making noises

They were fighting with each other as there was a feud going on between them and The boss were simply observing the fight

Don stood there as his skill made him completely invisible to naked eyes. This was the best chance he could have asked for, Heroes were still back in the Lair and Dungeon boss was in front of him distracted

Suddenly Hobgoblin's gaze fell on him, Don felt gos gaze, and at that exact moment, he teleported behind him summoning his dagger. He teleported behind the goblin however The Hobgoblin sensed him and move away from that position to avoiding Dona lethal blow to his neck

" Huma...n"


" why he didn't return yet" One B ranked hero asked Don's team members" He suppose to inform us about the situation"

" Ah... maybe he was lost" Tyson gave a smile " Don't worry I will find him "

Tyson rushed ahead of the group along with Ray, Shortly they stopped on their paths when they faced Four dark passages connected to this one

" This was the reason why he lost track" One B rank Hero stood there with a confused Expression " Don't worry we will find our scout"

" Don is probably Histories worst scout ever" Ray comments

" because he lost these tunnels?" Tyson responded

" What... no I know he wasn't lost he was just aiming for big bird"



" Fuck..."

Both of them ran straight without caring about the rest of the heroes.

Heroes were trying to find their way until they saw two guys were rushing randomly into the tunnels

" Hey wait... I know you guys were worried about your mate but-"

The glorious team ran after them and soon everyone followed. Everyone thought that they were worried about Dons safety but in reality, They were wanted to kill the final Boss with their own hands

Since they started going in the raids together, they began competing with each other almost unintentionally.

Soon they entered the big passage it was almost like a huge alley. Tyson and Ray halted their steps when they saw Don was waiting for them while sitting on the stone

" Fuck..." Don gazed at his arm where the one wound has had appeared, he failed to assassinate the Hobgoblin and got injured by a Blade who was gazed his hand while teleporting away from them

He Observed the surrounding lair, There were big stones scattered on the ground as if they were dropped from the ceiling of the lair who was devoured by the darkness

" Hey... what are you doing here?"

One hero asked while SWitching his gaze between Don and his team members who were eyeing him suspiciously

" Ah. I am waiting for you guys"

" Really... But why are you waiting for us when you supposed to come back to us with your report

" Oh... I forgot"


Everyone glance at Don without uttering any word however Tyson and Ray felt there was something wrong here. They could see a wound on his arm

Every hero settled down after running, Don walked to his team with a nonchalant face

" Tell us what happened my friend?" Ray forces smile looking at him

" I told you that...."

The sound of drums could be heard from the last corner of the Passage, Don gave a weak smile before turning back

" shit... You failed to kill him" Ray added looking in that direction

" That asshole was sharp... sharper than my blade"

" But you don't have a blade"

Don and Ray glance at Him. " Another idiot" Ray jumped on the big stone near him to take a better view

His skin crawled when he saw the scene, Goblin was crawling on the sidewalls of the hole they were moving like ants. They were coming from every direction up, down, left, and right

Their number was uncountable however there were not only goblins who were coming after them. alongside them, more than 20 ogres walking with drums behind their back

" Ha.. we are fucked because of our brave scout" Ray jumps down from the stone while glaring at Don.

Tyson smiled looking at the number of the Goblins " this will be fun"

other heroes swallowed hard looking at them for them it was like a normal human confronting a herd of the zebras who was about to trample them beneath their feet.

" This..."

" omg ... I don't think we can"

" Prepare yourself"

B ranked heroes rushed in the battle with their dominating ice and fire abilities. Before coming here they had planned to attack and defend according to plan but after seeing overwhelming numbers of goblins they decided to take their destiny into their hands.

" what about formation?" Raya cried but her cry dissolved in the fierce battle. Rain of arrows appeared above their heads however The ice mages managed to stop them.

Two B rankers header for archers however they got distracted by the Front force who was stopping everyone who was trying to go near the Archers

The numbers were overwhelming even after Heroes managed to kills a bunch of goblins at one shot, it was not going to defuse the gravity of the situation

Archers were making it harder and harder to move fast, heroes couldn't able to move away from the fellow ice mage. If they do then they knew they will get rekt by Arrows.

" Hey, useless Scout... come here and help me" Tyson swung his giant sword decapitating goblins in his way to the archers

" Don't call me Scout"

" Scout we have to kill the archers" Ray landed beside Don creating shock waves among him. Don jumps away while avoiding it

" Fuck you" Both of them glance at the distance where They saw an archer who was attacking humans without taking a rest with a nod They teleported between them.

Tyson's face becomes white after seeing their teleportation, But he couldn't able to avoid his eyes from the goblins in front of him.

Don and Ray teleport between them and in an instance launched an attack on the goblins who were defenseless in the close combat

Don summoned his army so they could be some help. His army was effective against Small goblins.

The giant skeleton swung his hammer horizontally making them drop on the ground, Swordman and assassin began killing dropped goblins while The archer skeleton was stabbing his arrow at random places of goblins.

Rays attention grabbed by a skeleton who was standing still without doing anything

" What the fuck he was doing?"

" I don't know" Don glanced at him before turning to the goblin. One gobbling launched himself on the standing skeleton, That skeleton choked him in the air however it was not enough for him to kill that guy. He threw him in the air while Don killed him.

That skeleton clapped his hands as if he was feeling happy after His master's assistance, The skeleton who was wielded two daggers was copying Dons moment however he was a lot slower than him. Ray was confused, he had no idea what is going around him.