Chapter 101: Hob goblin

[ current Level 10. 698/2250


Name - Don

HP - 49/ 55

Mana - 44/55

stamina - 41/55

Update point - 0

Ability -

• Shadow travel ( advanced )

• Army of the Darkness

Exp boosts 20 %, 7:11 hrs left... ]

The goblin continued to attack Tyson and as they did Tyson was swung his giant sword killing Tree or fours goblins per swing.

lots Humans were confused by the Goblin's strange patterns, Goblin using their strange movement to attack humans especially heroes who have not used the battle with them. The glorious team was completely stunned while facing goblins who were attacking them from all directions, unlike Two B rank heroes who were handling them on their own.

Because of Dons and Rays' assistance, heroes would able to fight without any fear of Arrows, however, For them, it was getting difficult and difficult to fight away from others heroes.

Ray was completely distracted by skeletons of behavior, The voice speaks within him.

" its... impossible they have consciousness"

" What..."

" Yes I am confident about it.. look at them they are behaving differently than any ordinary skeletons"

Ray peered his gaze on them. The giant skeleton was moping the floor with the hammer he had wielded. The two danger skeleton was using acrobatic skills in the fight. Swordman skeleton was using his sword precisely cutting their hands and heads

Even after their skeleton limbs separated from their bodies they were forming back together like they never had separated at the frost place.

Before Ray could realize Ogre swung his baseball bat-type stick sending Ray skid across the field. Ray found himself between lots of ogres who were about to slam their fists on him however Ray got up and avoided their blows

Surprisingly even after hit by a giant bat There was no serious injury to his body except a few brushes. However, that hit made Ray angrier.

" I will kill that Fatty"

Don flips in the air avoiding the Ogre's blow and when he touched the ground he rushed at him. after coming close he sleeps through his two legs and emerged behind the massive monster.

The size Ogre was too big about 15 feet tall however he was lacking in speed. Don took his slow moments as his advantage. He climbed to the top from his by backstabbing his dagger.

After reaching to his shoulder He jabbed his small dagger on his skull however that was not enough to bring this guy down. Ogre screamed while moving himself left and right as if he wanted to Get rid of a human who was climbed on him

Don began losing his balance however he clinched the dagger tightly so he could be able to stay stable on the ogre. A giant skeleton who was nearly half of size of the Ogre ran after Ogre to save his master with his heavy hammer that he wasn't capable to wield in the air.

Don has avoided his blows while moving side to side so his hands could not reach him. one Arrow hots on the Ogre as The archer skeleton was begun moving to Don, Hammer slammed on the knees of the ogre causing him to drop on one knee

Don removed the dagger and stabbed on ogres' eye before jumping on the ground. A scream escaped from that monster's mouth however it was shortly muffled because Don already sliced his throat making him a silent permanent

[ Exp gained 50

extra exp 10 ...]

Before Don could able to kill One Ogre Tyson had killed Four of them and Ray was successfully killed three. Don frowned looking at them

The Battlefield dominated By He B rankers and C rankers. They smashed the Overwhelming numbers of goblins by using their powers

The ice magician was single-handedly destroying the majority of the goblins, while Fire mages and thunder mages were focused on Killing the nearby goblins who were targeting ice mages.

Ice spike was more than enough to turn the tide of the battle. Pile of bodies circulated them, Heroes took the victory moment by taking a deep breath and calming their nerves down

[ current Level 10. 1618/2250


Name - Don

HP - 40/ 55

Mana - 24/55

stamina - 21/55

Update point - 0

Ability -

• Shadow travel ( advanced )

• Army of the Darkness

Exp boosts 20 %, 6:01 hrs left... ]

Don decided to take a rest so he would recover his stamina, mana, and Few Ho points. he knew that they had only able to kill half of the majority of the goblins and the other half was hiding in the main chamber with their Boss.

" Your skeleton... What the fuck are they?" Ray sat beside Don wiping his sweat

" I don't know" Don closed his eyes shut trying to focus on the stats who were floating in front of him.

Tyson approached them while looking serious than ever " You guys can use teleportation?"

Rays eyes widen," Shit"

" Yes..." Don added without caring about it. but shortly he glared at Tyson after hearing his next question.

"It's not possible for humans to possess this kind of ability unless..." Tyson gripped his sword in his hands, Ray could see that his body was heating up inside as he was about to use his fire magic

He stood on the ground with a deadly gaze, " Now this is interesting" Voice inside Ray speaks up however Ray refused to answer him as well.

" Look here, I am in no mood to explain myself because there are lots of goblins was hiding inside"

Don snapped back, his voice reached everyone's ear. They frowned at his words except for B rankers

" he is right... The boss is still alive and we have to fight him... Don't chicken out and face them as A Heroes" One B ranker added cracking his knuckles

Fortunately this time there were no casualties from the human's side unlike Goblins, their half of the army got wiped out however Lots of heroes were got injured including B rankers and C rankers.

The moment that words caused by Tyson he frown looking at both of them" We will speak about this when we reach our home"

Ray smirked while seeing Tyson walking to other heroes. He had been preparing for this since day one, he knew Tyson's true identity and His motives

After waiting for half an hour Heroes decided to move to their main target The dungeon boss, Hobgoblin.

[ HP - 48/ 55

Mana - 39/55

stamina - 41/55 ]

Don glanced at his recovered State before following other heroes. After a while, he noticed that Others were glancing at him from time to time, firstly he couldn't get why however shortly he remembered he was a Necromancer the evil human... The smirk appeared on Dons' face.

Heroes entered the Lair where only a few goblins were waiting for them, The Hobgoblin was sitting on the strange-looking Chair made from bones and arms of his fellow beings

Four humans entered the lair against more than 50 goblins, Heroes came information seeing the Archer waiting for the order of their master

The smile tempered on the Goblin face, He Was eyeing Don with curiosity" We meet... Human... again"

Every eye turn at Don who was standing nonchalantly

" Kill them.." His voice resounded through the Lair, The goblins began moving after the orders

" Be careful, He, not the final boss?" One B ranker said " The final boss has a small Crown over his head"

His advice dumbfounded every hero who came here for the first time and especially Don who was looking at him with wide eyes

He thought of the simple hobgoblin was this much powerful them what about the crown headed goblin, In a matter of seconds Three more Hobgoblins emerged from the shadows

One has a Bow, another has a sword, the third one has a crown and surprisingly they were looking at Don.

The last time when he tried to attack the goblin who was standing on the platform was the one who was not sitting on the chair. But he was not the one to locate Don in the first place, it was another Hobgoblin who was scanning the lair entrance from the shadows...

Along with Hobgoblins, other goblins emerged from the small cave entrance behind the corner of that platform.

They were intended to attack humans by surprise but they had to change their strategy

" This is going to be a tough fight," One of the B rankers said wiping his sweat...