I don't know

Jonny do you want me to cook tonight or do you want to go out and eat?

Let's go out Kiara really don't feel like eating your cooking tonight and he started laughing.

Jonny what is your issue? You been real extra lately.

Nothing woman you can't take a joke?

Whatever Jonny I'll get my jacket and I'll be ready.

Hey babe when we get done with dinner we need to swing by my mother house.

For what? And for how long?

We want be there to long I got to sign some papers for the new building and plus we haven't seen her in a few days.

As she spoke under her breath and it's been very peaceful.

Did you say something Key?

No bae nothing at all.

Hello I'll be your waiter for tonight can I start y'all with any drinks or appetizer?

Yes please I would like a peach daiquiri and some stuff mushroom.

And for you sir?

I would take a long island iced tea and some hot wings.

Okay I'll go get y'all appetizer and drink order in and give y'all some time to look over the menu some more.

The waiter brings them their drink's and Jonny looks over at Kiara and smile.

Jonny what are you smiling about?

At you my love

Why is that? what are you up too.

This is going be your last drink for a long time.

Why the hell would you say that?

Because you pregnant Key

How can I be pregnant I'm on the pill and we use protection.

Jonny started laughing, Kiara you haven't been on the pill for months and I take the protection off each time.

What the hell are you talking about Jonny I take my pills every day.

I switched your pills out months ago with prenatal vitamins and that is what you been taking.

Why in the fuck would you do that?

Because you're my wife and I'm ready to have a child.

How do you know that I'm pregnant?

Because you been so busy getting the new house in order you haven't even realize that you haven't had a period.

Omg Jonny I thought it was just from stress or something why would you do this?

Because we been married for six years and it's time for us too start a family.

Who put you up to this your mother?

No this was all my idea, plus you been very distance towards me so if you was thinking of leaving me now you have to stay and Jonny smiles. You're my wife Key and I told you I would never let you go.

And you don't believe in abortion so you will have our child.

Jonny you are a sick man and I can't believe this is what you would do to me.

Well you have a doctor's appointment tomorrow for we can make it official and to see how far along you are.

Jonny I would never forgive you for this if it's so.

Well drink up my love because like I said it will be your last for awhile.

I need to go to the bathroom

Do you need for me to order for you?

I don't care go ahead.

Kiara runs to the bathroom and calls David. We have a problem

What's the issue Key?

I might be pregnant, I go to the doctor tomorrow and find out for sure.

But I thought you was on the pill?

I will explain everything to you tomorrow after my appointment.

Okay Key I love you and be careful.

I will and I love you too.