The News

Good morning Kiara you ready for your doctor appointment?

Yes I'm Jonny and I hope you wrong about whatever it is you was trying to do

And if I'm not wrong Key what are you going to do?

You know already know I'm keeping my baby.

You mean our baby and Jonny walks out the door with a smile.

They drove in silence and pulled up to the doctor office.

Good morning I'm here to see doctor Jones.

Good morning Mrs Williams just fill out these forms since it's your first time here and we will call you in a few.

As Kiara filling out the paperwork they calls her name her and Jonny goes to the back room she gets weighed and take her blood pressure and temperature and have to give a urine sample and then a gown.

The doctor will be in shortly Mrs.William

As they wait Jonny was about to say something then it was a knock on the door.

Good morning the doctor walks in I'm Mr Jones and how are you doing today Mrs Williams

I'm doing good and yourself sir?

I'm good thanks for asking well everything looks good we ran your tests and it did come back positive, Kiara face went blank but we going do a ultrasound today to make completely sure is that okay with you Mrs Williams?

Yes sir I'm okay with that.

Okay I'll be right back with the machine and the nurse.

Once the doctor leaves Jonny walks over to Key kiss her on the forehead. I told you and now we going be a whole family and after this one I want one more and we can do it the right way next time or my way again either way you will always be mine forever I love you.


Don't say nothing just be happy you're pregnant with our first child and he grabs her face and bring it to his and smile and kiss her.

A knock at the door the doctor walks in with the nurse and the machine.

Okay Mrs Williams the cream maybe a little cold on your stomach. They all looking at the machine and then they see it a small little person in her stomach.

Key start crying oh my it's really a baby in there

Yes Mrs Williams and you around three months.

Three months oh my

Yes and then he turns up the sound and for the first time they heard they're baby heartbeat.

Well Mr and Mrs Williams congratulations on your buddle of joy

and I would like to see you back again Mrs Williams in three weeks and maybe by then we can find out the sex.

Okay doctor thank you so much and have a good day.

Thank you y'all too.

Once the doctor and nurse left the room

Jonny walks up to Key as she about to put her shirt on and pulls it away from her.

What are you doing Jonny we are in the doctor office

I no where we are I want to look at you take your bra off now.

Key do what he says and he locks the door now lay back down I'm ready for you right here.

Jonny what if they come back for the room.

One day you going figure out key I know enough people to have my way.

What are you talking about?

You don't worry about that you just be a good wife and pleasure your husband. She lays back on the bed and Jonny makes love to her right there. Now that you're pregnant I don't have to pretend to use condoms anymore and I don't have to worry about your period either any time Key any time and he kiss her.