Dinner is done

So Key are you ready for me to bother you every day?

Why mother you never bother me, and I understand this is your first grandchild so I know that you excited so I'm going be okay with you.

That's sweet because I'm coming to the house at least three times a week to make sure you eating right and that you resting and that you doing everything that the doctor tells you to do. So how long will it be before we know the sex?

Well mother the doctor said hopefully the next visit we can find out.

Jonny you know that you have to be extra kind to Key and you can't stress her out and you have to keep her happy.

Yes mother I know all that.

Good because I will be checking on you to sir to make sure. This is my first grandchild and he or she is coming into this world with love do y'all two understand that?

Yes mother we do.

Good now Kiara eat up you eating for two now and you have to keep your strength up.

Jonny I need to speak to you in private please.

Okay mother and they both walks away from the table.

Once they goes into the library Key calls David.

Hey David I have to talk fast I'm at mother house but we need to meet for lunch tomorrow too talk over new option because it's still going to happen you understand.

Yes Key and I'm glad I thought you was having a change of heart because of your situation.

We will talk about that tomorrow love you bye.

Now in the library mother is talking to Jonny.

Look Jonny I don't know how you got her to have this baby but now you have to do right until she have it do you understand?

Yes mother I understand

Good because you know how important this baby is to our family.

That I do.

Nice now let's go back and finish our family dinner.