Do as I say

Well mother thank you for a wonderful dinner and thank you for this dessert I'm bringing home.

Of course luv I told you that you have to eat and stay healthy and I will make sure I help you with that. So I will be over in a few days to make sure the house is clean and safe for you and to make sure that you have the right food and all your vitamins.

Yes mother can't wait to see you soon.

Jonny and Key gets in the car and mother watch them until they get to the gate.

That dinner went very well Key you behave very lovely to mother.

Jonny I understand this is her first grandchild and whatever issue that me and her may have I will not block her from this.

I'm glad to know this because I thought you was going to be difficult with everything.

Why Jonny because you tricked me into a pregnancy?

Yes and he looks at her with a smile.

What I did was necessary and you need to know that and as my wife you should understand that.

If you do what I tell you to do then these things wouldn't have to happen.

Well mother said not to stress me

Oh I want but you will do as told just like I told you at the doctor office it will happen whenever and wherever I please and they pulled up to their home.