Reality Hit

Key I lay out a bathing suit for you and I'm about to go heat up the pool.

Umm we doing a swim tonight?

That we are so get and me down there in 20 min

Yes Jonny I'll be there.

Kiara walks into the bedroom and saw the bathing suit her husband laid out for her it wasn't much of a bathing suit at all.

As Key putting the suit on she already knows where it's all leading up to so she start getting herself prepare mentally.

As she was walking past the mirror for the first time she saw her stomach and the form it was becoming.

Wow it really a baby growing in there and she smiled for the first time reality just hit her.

As she got to the pool Jonny was already in it smiling and sipping on him a very strong Long island ice tea, he also had a small glass of red wine for Kiara.

I was told that a small amount of red wine is good for the pregnancy.

Well I hope so and she grabbed the wine and made her way into the pool.

That bathing suit looks beautiful on u

Thank you Jonny I didn't know you went and got me a new one

Well I figure you needed a new one since we haven't been in the pool for awhile.

So is this going to be a regular thing?

It just might be I'll read that babies like the motion of the water.

Well maybe I'll do water exercise during the pregnancy make it more relaxing for me.

That would be a good thing.

Key stepped back and put Jonny hand on her stomach.

Do u feel and see this it's our baby.