Lunch Date

As I got into the car I called David but he didn't answer so I left a voicemail letting him know that I was on the way and to order me a hot tea. Once I pulled up I saw David car and once I got inside the restaurant I see he had got out normal sit.

Hello ma'am his already sitting I'll walk you to y'all table.

Thank you Sean. David saw them coming towards the table and stood up to pull her sit out.

Thank you Sean I got it from here.

Yes sir y'all have a wonderful day.

They give each other a hug and kiss and sit down.

Is everything okay Key you was running a little behind?

Yes everything fine David just had a little rough morning with the sickness.

Wow well at least now we know why you been getting light headed and not feeling that good these past few months.

That is true we thought it was the stress from what we been talking about and get this new house in order and us looking at new building for our next shop.

Yes you have been doing a lot Key and now a baby are you sure about all that.

Well David you know I'm not getting rid of my baby.

Key I know that no matter what your situation maybe I always knew you wanted to be a mother.

Yes I never thought it would be in this way but he or she has been made and I will be a mom in a next few months.

Yes for him to trick you was disgusting but coming from Johnny it's the normal.

Sad but true and now I will have to deal with mother even more so pray for me.

Good afternoon ma'am here is your hot tea and sir your beer. Would y'all like to order now?

Yes I would like a honey turkey BLT with lite mayonnaise on a honey wheat bun with chips please.

Okay and for you sir.

I would like a bacon swiss cheese burger well done with tomato, onions, pickles and ketchup and mustard with french fries please.

Okay thank you we will be back with y'all order.

Once the waitress walked away David looked over to Key, so are we still going through with our plans?

Key hesitated and looked at David I don't know we have things we have to figure out now that a child is involved I want to make sure my baby and I are going to be safe and set for life.