Talking it over

So Key I understand that you having this baby and now you have a lot of emotions going on with you but you have to understand that you still dealing with Johnny and everything that he have done to us.

I no David I'm not dumb I know who we dealing with and I know everything he has put us through and what he still put me through so please don't think I don't want to do what we been talking about, I'm just saying that now a baby is in the mix we have to figure things out to where we are safe and will never have to worry about income again. Plus with the baby now we have to figure out what to do with mother.

Yes I was thinking that too because now with the baby she will still have a say so in your life.

That is right David so that is why we have to figure it out because we have to do it right with no mistake at all.

I understand Key I'm not trying to stress you so we will get it right.

Thank you David I appreciate it but you do know in the midst of all this we have to get the new building open so nobody want start getting suspicious about all our meeting.

Yes I know I have been looking at a few building and I'll have the realtor call you to set up a walk through for us.

Okay well let's eat and we will figure everything out I promise.