Drive Home

David walks me to my car and open my door for me.

Key love I know you will not let us down and I know everything will fall into place for us, some time I just worry about you and praying that you safe.

I know David and I don't want you stressed out we will get this together.

Okay love and they give each other a hug and kiss and Key gets into her car and watch David walks to his.

They wave good bye and go their separate ways.

Now on her ride home Key is thinking I don't know what to do Jonny is changing but how long will that change last. Plus like David said Johnny has done so much to me and what he did to David sister there really ain't no words for it, but he also helped me get away from my mom and her abusive boyfriend before I was in the street. Johnny has never hurt me physically but sexual I'm his slave and it never been about me only his needs, but last night and this morning was different everything was about me and reaching my peak and I don't know how to feel about that. These six years has been long only good thing was him funding my business and letting David be part of it and dealing with mother and all her ways has been hell. But now my baby is on the way and I'm about to be a mother so much is changing. David going have to understand it will get done but not when it want it done to much is at stake now.