
As I'm sitting on our deck enjoying the air Johnny comes out with our drinks and sit down. Johnny do you remember in our old home when we use to sit outside?

Yes I do remember you came up with your shop idea on the old deck.

Key was in shock that I did husband, but truthfully I had already came up with the idea I just didn't know to talk to you about it.

I can understand that I'm not that easier person to talk too.

No you not Johnny but that night you heard me out just like you doing tonight.

I no Key I haven't been the best husband in the world and I have my flaws but I really hope you know that I try. I saw that you had a dream and you was very passionate about it and had thought everything through and was ready to pursue it with or without me and why would I not back my wife on her dream?

Because sometimes Johnny you don't make me feel like your wife so that was why I didn't think you were going to back me or fund me. Plus I also thought you wasn't going to like who I wanted to help me run my business.

Look I understand you and David go way back and trust he good at what he do so I understood why you would want him to help you with your business. My mom always told me business has nothing to do with personal life even when you working with family and friends it's always business until work hours are done then you deal with personal.

Yea I never told you Johnny but she came to me when she found out I getting ready to open the shop and she told me no matter what if you decide to go down this route with your friend always know when it's business and when it's personal. But always remember why you doing what you doing and the goals you want to reach.

Wow I didn't know mother talked to you.

Yes she did and she also was so helpful to me when it came down to the grand opening and she came with her important friends I really felt like she was supporting me. I know Johnny that I was not your mother pick for a wife I'm from the other side of the track but the fact that I look good on your arms and know how to stay in my place was why she accept me.

Key I know that our marriage has not been beautiful and we have had our rough patch for awhile but you have been a good wife to me and I know that I haven't shown it and I do apologize for it.

Johnny did you just apologize to me?

Yes I did and it was something I should of done long time ago but we are about to be parents and I don't want our child to come into life with hurt and hate.

I never hate you Johnny I just never understood why you hated me.